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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Seconding VaKo's words there and as an owner of an E2180 I'll vouch for its power for the price, they're dirt cheap but they're still Core2Duos (despite the naming scheme), I'd also recommend a cheap dedicated graphics card too just for a little bit more video decoding grunt should you wish to play a lot of heavy HD. Considering a CPU upgrade I think you could survive without a separate graphics card but depending on the video output options you'll get with that 3100 you might want to go for one anyway, just to allow more output options. That said, I'll also agree with WhollyMindless in that sure, DIY has its advantages, but often with DIY alternatives to commercial (warrantied, certified products with a manual and support) products, you'll end up spending more time tweaking and fixing than you will actually using it. Of course it's possible to come up with a setup that works flawlessly, but if you start getting kernel panics or BSoDs every time you hit record, you're going to wish you never started. I'd think carefully about the OS too, each media-centric OS or distro has its pros and cons, for example Vista's Media Center can have trouble with 3rd party codecs but XBMC can't record, I've not played with MythTV personally so I can't say either way but I've no doubt that it will have as many frustrations and niggles as the others. All have their nice little features and functions too though so if you're going to do it, read up, look around, see what people are saying and look for things that might make your experience sub-par so you can avoid the headaches later.
  2. Most OSs will install just fine from a USB DVD drive, in fact it's the only way to install on some machines (small form factor machines and netbooks). Windows XP or Vista should be no problem and the same should apply to pretty much any Linux distro, I've yet to come across anything that doesn't like being on a USB DVD drive.
  3. That's because the server is noob.hak5.org ;)
  4. According to the picture the OP posted on IRC, the drive is a standard 2.5" SATA drive with some form of (removable) SATA-to-motherboard right-angle adapter.
  5. Fail. Server 2003 identifies as 5.2, regardless of whether it's 32 or 64bit. This is due to the fact that XP64 is essentially a client version of Server 2003.
  6. moonlit

    Hi boys

    I resent being referred to as a boy.
  7. sub7 and netbus and bo, oh my!
  8. moonlit

    Some advice

    Fucking fanboys...
  9. Even Cool Edit used to be able to do this stuff, it's an interesting idea and it creates interesting audio effects, but does it work? Who knows. I've yet to see conclusive proof that it does, and while it's possible that it can have some sort of effect (regardless of whether that effect matches the intended effect) I remain skeptical.
  10. There's no difference between black hat and white hat other than how you apply the knowledge you obtain. Will you use it to patch and secure systems? Will you sell it? Will you become a hired hitman? Will you become a security researcher who has close ties with major security firms? All this [colour]hat stuff is actually quite irritating, it's superfluous and just adds another layer of pointless labels. We didn't need them before, why do we now? Both have the same knowledge and tools at their disposal, it's just the way they're used that makes a difference.
  11. Sounds like your video overlay's settings are wrecked. In Windows, you'd normally use your video card's control panel to fix that. Linux? Who knows...
  12. Your favourite... what...? Seriously...? I give up.
  13. Well I guess you won't forget your Office/Photoshop keys again any time soon...
  14. As any student of media knows, birthing new media can be a tremendously fun, engaging and rewarding endeavor, but it’s also rarely a straight shot to success. 15 years ago we were posting magazine articles to the web; fast forward to today and it has morphed into blogs, Twitter and Facebook. You’ve got to try a lot of different things to figure out what works. And the metrics for success also shift as the medium evolves. What’s right in the beginning often isn’t the best long-term solution. We’ve had a number of great successes here at Revision3, including Diggnation, Tekzilla and The Totally Rad Show. But not everything pans out. Just as in the past, when we ended shows that just weren’t building audiences or driving revenue, we had to make changes. As you may have heard, today we had to make some tough staffing decisions as we ended the run of a few of our shows. For our long-running Photoshop show Pixel Perfect, it’s the end of a show that’s done over a hundred episodes, and delivered essentially a graduate level course in graphic design and technique. For PopSiren and Internet Superstar, it’s the end of 2 shows that had great promise, but never really found their audience. For two of the shows, we’re simply stopping our distribution agreement, but the shows will live on. You’ll still be able to watch Epic Fu, and Wine Library, both at their own sites, and through new and existing distribution partnerships. Epic Fu will be available on Revision3 through mid December, Wine Library ends its Revision3 run today. We remain huge fans of these two shows, even though they don’t fit our long-term plans at Revision3. All past episodes of these shows, as well as all other shows no longer in production, will still be available for download from Revision3.com in our show archives. Even though we’re sad to see these shows end on Revision3, in today’s economic climate it’s essential for us to focus on what we do best, and where the best opportunity for success lie. We’re continuing to develop and invest in new properties. We launched seven new shows last month, for instance, on Revision3 Beta, and we’ve got high hopes for an expanded lineup there – and seeing some of that first crop graduate to Revision3. We’ll be talking more about 2008 and plans for 2009 over the coming weeks. Until then, join me in thanking these show teams for bringing their insight and entertainment to Revision3, and wishing them well in their new efforts. Source: Revision3 Blog Some staff associated with these shows have been canned too, including Sarah Lane and Martin Sergent.
  15. That's because they don't need to. To a lesser extent in the case of Linux, but all are fairly specific niche tools and you would only know about them or need to know about them if you're in that niche. Why would Joe Shmoe need to know about a Linux distro specifically tailored to penetration testing and security? Does everyone know how to pick a lock? Does everyone know how to bruteforce a device that accepts IR based input? Does everyone know how to hotwire a car?
  16. ...and then one day your parents come home early or the task scheduler fails to kick in for some reason. Instafucked. Might I recommend a more discrete device than a PC, preferably one that you personally own?
  17. Not a stupid question. If you have an infection there's a bunch of ways it could spread to other machines including open file shares, exploiting vulnerabilities in network services on those other machines, or I suppose even something like a MITM attack where images in the webpages people requested were replaced with infected images. Three different methods but all very real and possible threats. The end result, however, is a coffee shop full of infected machines (which could quite possibly infect other machines given that the user may visit more either the same or other coffee shops with other users).
  18. Dupe. http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10396.
  19. Jesus motherfucking christ. No, seriously. Is this what we're left with? Monthly wallpapers and how to hack your school? Grow the fuck up and come back in 5 years time when you've got it all out of your system. I cannot stress any more than I already have that this is a bad idea, that we don't (didn't?) support it, and I personally approve of it about as much as I approve of burning seniors at the stake because they look like witches. God fucking damnit. I've said it once, I've said it a million fucking times, I can't say it any more clearly than I have and obviously the message isn't getting through. This is a losing battle so here, take this place, do as you will with it, I'm sick of herding kids. Fuck it, fuck it all.
  20. moonlit

    Wtf Screen

    Either something crashed or your graphics driver's stoned.
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