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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Same way you would if it was a wired network.
  2. Breaking the rules on the forum won't get you banned from IRC, and IRC rules do not apply on the forum.
  3. You could add it as a service (as kickarse said) or use another method (startup folder, registry) to make it start with the machine. As for the SATA, It would probably check those drives too, but much like an antivirus it would 1) only deal with files that are known to be malicious (that is, the files you've told it are malicious) and 2) would deal with any "infection" your SATA drive(s) may have on it. Exceptions were a feature I had planned, though I didn't get around to implementing it before I lost the source, so I'm just keeping this up as a demo really.
  4. AntiUSB / Mirror This was written as a demonstration of potential methods to prevent USB attacks without rendering the USB capability of a machine entirely useless.. It is not demonstrative of the quality of the full product, should one eventually be made available. Source code was, at one point, available, but due to an unfortunate lack of backups and a failing Samsung HDD, it's now not.
  5. Yes, thank you Kryten, why don't you go back to scraping the millenia of scum from Listie's underwear?
  6. It was on the end of this week's Systm too.
  7. Quite agree, I see no reason to change the way things have been working, there have been few heated arguments and considering our general lack of intervention (and with that, promotion of debate) is taken into account. I like it this way and judging by the distinct lack of complaints it would appear that most others do too.
  8. I was going to wait for a reason why the post was deleted to decide whether I should post this, but considering the replies from VaKo and Famicoman, here it is: Actually, y'know what? This is an appropriate thread so I'll say what I'm thinking. Last night on IRC there was a meeting in which members of the community expressed some concerns and the crew took those concerns on board. That's great for all involved, it made the community feel wanted and I should hope that it made the crew feel like we weren't just bitching for the sake of bitching. Now, that said, one of the issues raised was that new cast members have joined the fun. That's just dandy, I've got no problem with that at all and I don't see why anyone else would either. The problem, however, is that we (the community) have been doing our thing, keeping the community chugging along, and suddenly someone who's pretty much just arrived in the scheme of things comes in and jumps right into the action with no warning or consultation. We don't make a habit of deleting posts because we personally disagree with them, that's not how this forum works, at least as far as I've ever known it. I have nothing specific against Snubs but during recent conversations with her, she's seemed particularly defensive or brash, which is exactly the opposite to what I'd expect considering our attempts to settle the differences some of us may have diplomatically. Most of the cast are, to give them credit, really trying to work with us and I for one appreciate that. My post was no more or less offensive than many of my others and the basic point of it was that I have no problem with either gender when it comes to interacting with them online, I treat everyone equally and if I have something to say then it's not because of your anatomy or the chemical makeup of your body, it's simply because I have something to say.
  9. Yeah, I already checked that, and the post number checks out too. Didn't think it was really necessary to say who it was, I just wanted to know why.
  10. I could've sworn I posted another message in this thread, it seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Anyone shed some light? Edit: It was in between Snubs and RogueHart, just up there, at least as far as I can tell. Seems it was deleted. With that mystery solved, I now have a new one - why?
  11. That... sort of defeats the point somewhat, hmm?
  12. Well you see, I'm not actually as excited about the subject as it may appear, and I'm far from being a fanboy for any particular flag or mascot, I just cannot fathom why people feel the need to 1) bash other peoples' choices like tomorrow was the end of the world and 2) constantly hound after one particular alternative. So my rants were not pro-Windows per se, nor were they intended to be specifically anti-Linux, my point was that I'm really quite sick of seeing the same tired lies and thin propaganda being spewed from every orifice at every possible opportunity. It'd be a bit like me appearing whenever you went to drive your car (for example, a Ford) and yelling "FORD ARE SHIT, GET A HONDA!!! FORD ARE SHIT, GET A HONDA!!!"... it'd get old quick, right?
  13. Well then, you don't really have the right to call Vista an "infection", do you? I think you have to actually use an OS before you can say it's shit.
  14. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna bitch about the fact that people use Linux, I've used it myself, and it can be quite useful in the right environment. What I do object to, however, is the mindless Windows-bashing, along with the implication that I'm a moron for choosing the operating system I did to do my daily computing in. I'm also well aware that the "religious wars" have been raging for many, many years and will continue to do so for many, many more, but the blatant (and militant) zealotism is really beginning to grate, it's like living in a room with an endless tape playing over a PA system telling me that my choice is wrong. It's the people I object to, not the OS (or OSs based on the kernel, even). As a side note though, when you step back and look at things, you realise that some of the more vocal fans of the main OSs are much like the originators of the OSs... Allow me to explain: Just as Apple's adverts are brash and unreasonable, Apple fans tend to be the same way. Name-calling and insults alongside baseless "facts" tend to be spewed at any available moment. A belief that Apple's products are the top of the pile and that Apple has more of an interest in pleasing the fans than making money from suckers is often found within the opinions of Mac fans, however many times this is proven not to be the case. Linux tends to put across an elitist aura, an intolerant cacophony of propaganda and scare tactics accompanied by a scorning dislike of anything vaguely capitalist (or anything that isn't explicitly linked to their way of thinking, in fact) and so do its fans. Much as with the fans of Apple, a blind support for something which may not be the best tool for the job is present. It should be noted that Linux was originally an OS built to learn from in the absence of a real Unix. Perhaps it should've stayed that way? Microsoft, like many of its fans, tends to stay fairly quiet. It doesn't react to the Apple ads, it doesn't acknowledge Linux unless it's going to gain from doing so, and it doesn't make any noise unless it feels it has a reason to. Sometimes it says stupid stuff, and sometimes it messes up, but it usually admits when it does. I'll freely admit that not all fans of the 3 main desktop OSs are like I've described, but I think some of the more vocal ones do tend to comply with some of the traits I've mentioned. I just thought it was an interesting observation.
  15. All off-the-shelf machines take half a year to boot, they're full of crapware. Stop with the Linux propaganda, it's getting old. I use Vista on a super-budget machine and it works just fine. Sure, it's not perfect, but nor was XP, nor is OSX, nor is Linux. Quit bashing shit just because you think Linux is better. I'm sick of all this. In fact, let's talk about Linux, shall we? It's incompatible with oh-so-much hardware, it may or may not even boot on any given system, hell, people even have to reboot to use half the stuff they want to use in too many cases for me to give it any credibility. Everyone's pulling in different directions, manufacturers won't give it the time of day so drivers are home-grown and may or may not work with your kernel. Oh, you want me to compile my own? Sure, tell that to the old woman down the street. No viruses? Sure, because no-one who isn't a nerd who's happy to fuck about for a month to make things work (and even then it's not guaranteed) uses Linux, and if they did, there'd be more malware written for it. Oh, you know what else? Linux wouldn't seem quite so secure any more, because a good portion of the reason infections happen at such a rate are due to user error and ignorance. Think that'd change if they all moved to Linux? Not a chance, it'd just be even harder to educate them. BSoDs? How about kernel panics. Yeah, we don't talk about those, do we? The appalling fonts? The clunky desktop managers? Windows has cryptic error messages? Tried getting a layman to understand what Linux is trying to tell you? No? Right. Something went wrong? Where'd X go? Isn't this like that DOS thing? Why's my sound not working? I'll just go download a driver... oh wait, I can't. I finally found a game that works in Linux! Yay! Except I can't use it, because this graphics driver doesn't work. Oh well, I can still connect to my wifi... actually, I can't, my distro doesn't support WPA... or my wireless card. I can use ndiswrapper? Great, so I'm using a driver from an OS that everyone says is crap. That can't be a good sign. So I just got my graphics and sound working, 2 weeks later. Shame I can't play DRM'd media. Sure, it's DRM'd, but at least on Windows I can watch it, better that than nothing. But compiz is better than Aero, right? Sure, if you want to play with springy windows rather than actually doing anything. Which you couldn't do anyway, because Linux doesn't run the stuff people want to run. Sure, there are alternatives on Linux, but so many of them are clunky, crashy and incompatible with their alternatively-platformed cousins. Yeah, and Windows Vista is shit. Fuck Linux, Fuck the fanboys, Fuck the zealots, Fuck all-software-must-be-free-and/or-open-source. Fuck you all, I'm going to continue using my OS that actually works.
  16. Depends on the card in the laptop, some come with software for (or can support) a SoftAP mode, which does exactly what you want.
  17. http://netsecurity.about.com/od/quicktips/qt/qt_run_as.htm
  18. I don't use any WiMo phones but I could see that in theory doing what you're asking should be quite simple, you'd just need someone to have written an app to do it already. All the stuff in a phone is stored in some form of solid state media, whether it be ROMs or flash memory, so taking a copy of that data shouldn't be a problem. That said, I don't happen to know of an app that does this. Scratch that, try http://www.spritesoftware.com/?page_id=281
  19. Unlikely unless the display has some form of input (like composite or VGA). You could just replace the display with an LCD designed to take computer input like a Lilliput or similar.
  20. A simple Samba share will do the trick, using either Samba on a *nix box or a shared folder/drive on a Windows box. Files can then be accessed remotely. If you need to actually play the audio on that box, try WinAmp Remote.
  21. If there's no links to a particular subdomain you probably won't find it. Brute force/dictionary attacks are the only other way. Otherwise try an offline browser. Oh, and stop with the "please reply!" and "please don't hesitate to give me all the answers!" because it's starting to fucking grate.
  22. Oh god, here we go again... ...each to their own. Asking people if [OS] is good is an invitation to everyone to all bullshit you into using their OS of choice using whatever lies and propaganda they have to hand. Try it, if you like it, keep it. If you don't like it, try something else or stick to what you know. Personally, however, I do like Vista. Sure, it has its peculiarities but so does every other OS. It works just fine, it's fast enough on a half decent system (which is to be expected) and it's not nearly as crap as so many people, whether they've used it or not, like to claim. Edit: Fuck it, if anyone else suggests or hints at the suggestion of Linux, I'm deleting their post. He asked if Windows was any good, not whether he should use something else. I'm sick of all this "LAWL U UZE M$ WHINEDOZE" bollocks, it's pathetic, give it a rest, fanboys.
  23. Rubber keyboards are hell to type quickly on, I'd want a big, heavy, solid chunk of keyboard, something that sounds like an entire typing pool and weighs about the same too.
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