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Everything posted by Pwnd2Pwnr

  1. ... surprising? I don't think so. The way the Government throws money around and pays for conventions in Vegas; all it takes is one good salesman and one person with too much money. Oh, the American way... spend first... spend again... then again... then tax hike.

  2. So, reversing (r = 255; r > 0; r-=2) { those parameters to r = 0; r < 255; r+=2) { .... got ya :) . Thank you. That is what the doctor ordered.I have been tinkering for a while now and I am still learning it. I now owe you a beer ;)
  3. Well, I am not sure about you guys; but this combination is crazy nostalgic for me. Spending so much money at the arcades to play street fighter and at home on my NES playing Mega Man... http://www.capcom-unity.com/mega_man
  4. I took the comment out of the code; but it goes too quickly. Is there an in between? Perhaps duplicate the code: } // fade from teal to blue for (g = 255; g > 0; g--) { analogWrite(GREENPIN, g); //delay(FADESPEED); } // fade from teal to blue for (g = 255; g > 0; g--) { analogWrite(GREENPIN, g); //delay(FADESPEED); }
  5. Hey-row, Hak5. I have a rather simple question. If I want to make my Arduino RGB LED strip to fade quicker; can I directly program the speed or do I need a potentiometer instead? For instance, the fadeSpeed is too fast at 1, but is too slow at 3. I would like something in between. Here is the base code: // color swirl! connect an RGB LED to the PWM pins as indicated // in the #defines // public domain, enjoy! #define REDPIN 5 #define GREENPIN 6 #define BLUEPIN 3 #define FADESPEED 5 // make this higher to slow down void setup() { pinMode(REDPIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(GREENPIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(BLUEPIN, OUTPUT); } void loop() { int r, g, b; // fade from blue to violet for (r = 0; r < 256; r++) { analogWrite(REDPIN, r); delay(FADESPEED); } // fade from violet to red for (b = 255; b > 0; b--) { analogWrite(BLUEPIN, B); delay(FADESPEED); } // fade from red to yellow for (g = 0; g < 256; g++) { analogWrite(GREENPIN, g); delay(FADESPEED); } // fade from yellow to green for (r = 255; r > 0; r--) { analogWrite(REDPIN, r); delay(FADESPEED); } // fade from green to teal for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) { analogWrite(BLUEPIN, B); delay(FADESPEED); } // fade from teal to blue for (g = 255; g > 0; g--) { analogWrite(GREENPIN, g); delay(FADESPEED); } } This is the de-spaghetti-fied code from ladyada.com. I want to change that damned FADESPEED. In the video; this is just one part of my strip (excuse the mess, my brother has too many kids :) ). I have done vast research (or not looking in the right places), but most of the people whom post their "cool led videos" usually never show their breadboard, not to mention what type of modifications that were made to the code to create those effects. I understand it is their programming... and I do not want a hand out, but I am at my wits end on finding the solution. So, should I get the potentiometer; or can this be done by adding a library to Arduino? Thanks in advance; and Happy New Years!
  6. Wow, Telot. That is the cheapest hub switch I have ever seen. Good find.
  7. I agree, Airman. This looks great as a concept; but whether or not it will really improve battery life is kind of up in the air. I think battery packs themselves need an overhaul. My Moto Triumph battery dies insanely quick. I remember the cell phone of the late-80's - early-90's... those batteries were almost the size of a car battery and still seemed to have the same amount of time to talk on as todays' "smart phones". Then again; if you don't remember a time before widely used cell phones; it is probably time you did a google search on them... you may be surprised.
  8. Getting a pat on my back from myself is far better than a FED patting me on my back.
  9. The fix is not going to leave a good taste in a lot of our policy makers mouths; but an entire overhaul of our Government and the ways it receives money. Maybe, all of Congress should receive the Median income level. Kind of like "Trading Spaces"... except there is no Eddie Murphy; but Charlie Wrangle. I always wondered who was in your pic...
  10. Too cool, Moriarty. I will definitely donate to ya. A+
  11. I was trying to play some Borderlands 2 and I tried to access my cloud and BOOM... it was inaccessible. Went to XBL homepage and read this. Hmmm... maybe it was an update that went awry or.... Home > Support > Xbox LIVE Service Status Service Status Xbox LIVE Status XBOX LIVE Service Users may experience difficulties with the following services: Accessing saved games and data in cloud storage Affecting the following LIVE Platforms: Xbox 360 Console Xbox.com 12/29/2012 1:45:00 AM PST: Xbox LIVE experienced a service issue today affecting some users of our Cloud Saved Games feature. Our engineering teams are working aggressively to resolve the issue in order to restore storage access back to full performance. We will continue to report updates on the Dash. We take an issue like this very seriously and are taking extra steps as we resolve it to help protect the integrity of our members’ game save data. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  12. What was the link to? Is this calculated spam?
  13. That is why Hak5 is the best! :D ! Anywhoo, your time with Linux will introduce you to an entire world of command line terminals. That said, I have been a Windows user since DOS was the "best of the best". I was using Punters through AIM (essentially DoS). Until recently, I had no reason for Linux (I thought). But, seeing this finely tuned OS, that is FREE, made me realize that Open Source is where it's at. The community at Hak5 has been more then helpful with me making my transition into the rabbit hole. I know how to chmod, tar xvzf, ls | grep, and a bunch more I can't think of... yet there is a bunch more I do not know. It won't be a quick transition and Google will become your University. Eventually, you will probably just let Windoze collect dust on your hard drive. Good Luck!
  14. The internment camps on US soil and the massive data centers are a bit unnerving. Razor wire fences and playground equipment. Next it will be dogs and cats living together; total anarchy (jk). But, in all seriousness, Democracy killed itself when we started printing our own money. Digip, do you think that if JFK passed the law that every dollar printed in the US should be backed up by an equal amount of precious metal, we would still be headed off the "fiscal cliff"?
  15. I have a hard time giving money to them. I feel that there is never a guarantee in any pentest... so it seemed kind of like a hustle, ya know?
  16. Reminds me of the guy whom stole my WEP... I forwarded traffic to xnxx.com... :) ... FTW
  17. Are you running Windows? I think there is a compatibility issue with coWPAtty and Win... but I could be wrong...
  18. Make the learning enjoyable and awarding for yourself... it will get easier everyday. I have been busting my hump on Linux for a little over a year and have learned so much more by trying to maintain a 'command line' only approach. Good luck on your endeavors...
  19. Been a bit since I have checked the status of this project. Wow... that is some talent you got there. Not to trouble the project, but can you make the font colors and background configurable? I am not saying I disagree with the color scheme, but more customization options never hurts a WUI... ;) ... not complaining... the interface looks slick and easy.
  20. Nice... who the hell says you don't learn something everyday?
  21. Hypothetically, on the lower levels, it would seem you would need to implement some kind of auto-delete system that runs through the EEPROM. I would fear that it would be dangerous because how do you propose writing anything new to the duckey? If you implement hidden folders that auto.ini, then I think that would be better. Make a folder for the victim; but make everything else stay hidden... But hell... I am hung over from too much Balvene 21 year old Scotch from Christmas; so I may just be incoherently explaining things... :D ... inebriated = this guy
  22. LOL.. I wish I could write code like that; but it would look like shredded cheese with no flavor. I have a list of obsufication commands and "how to's"... but it is, humbly put, way over my head.. :D
  23. Not to step on toes; but reaver is such a small package; you can put it on almost any Linux Distro... Just sayin! coWPAtty </ Reaver
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