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Everything posted by Pwnd2Pwnr

  1. I was just thinking it was a pineapple because of how many packets were being sent to me. I am what you would call moderately to severely broke :( ... wish I could say yes. But, I digress, I figured the "attackers" AP was connected to me... but it wasn't.
  2. WPATubez with a Z... OK... got it... checked out a thread that says something about Geeksquad... hmmm... sounds like a proxy tunnel to India that assists Best Buy Geek Squad remotely... Google WPATubez Essid... that will get something going for ya!
  3. LOLs.... love it... you guys may want to try this... but be cautious; I could be playing with fire. The vic may or may not be l337, that is my overall goal... this honey AP is soooo sweet. No pun intended :) I will post pics of my servers when I get the chance... :P Aircrack =/> the rest... is it aireplay-ng -0 100 -b 00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX -e Vic SSID -w output mon0 ? I have been messing with the crack suite for a while (the 100 option is a little ridiculous, you may want to change the attack option before tacking 100 - just to be clear)
  4. Wow... he gets really close to his fingers with that thing... wonder if he has burnt the nerves out of his fingers? My board would have been 60 % solder/40 % board lol
  5. Digip: The funny part of the story is that I got my WEP 2WIRE out and wanted to see if anyone took notice ;)... this guy took my bait... he is running a WPA2/PSK. I monitored the traffic a bit more and noticed that he was not active last night; this morning, however, his traffic is spiked all over my WEP. I have a huge log of back-packets (get it? :) ) and am checking to see if there are multiple MACs just to be certain his n00b sauce is spread on, nice and thick (I am certain he has no clue I have streamed his traffic since the beginning of this thread). However, I would like to test a list I made, but it was corrupted during its' burning process to disc. A little pissed, given it was a very nice list to work with here locally. I had a 68-70 % success rate with in a small package... damn it to hell. I made it on Win 7 through WinRTgen... I don't know where to start on this here Linux box. Man, here goes; what is your guys' opinion for the best tool so I can regenerate a numerical list from BT5? Sorryz... thought I would ask :P Murder: At -93... they are distant... but that may be an encrypted tunnel, perhaps a PPTP encrypted network. I don't know though; I only come to this conclusion because of the odd characters... hmmm... interesting to say the least. I went to a local Holiday Inn a couple days back with my PC because it was packed with cars; no idea what was going on in there... but over 50 laptops were in use... lol...
  6. Thanks for the knowledge, everyone! I "blacklisted" the MAC... I started several APs with spoofed macs to see if it is just a monitor mode. It would seem it was only me who was being attacked; I ran a netstat -ano and saw nothing unusual... I think I was successful in deauthing his MAC. FREEHUGS is in Hex... I reread the post and deemed I was far from concise... but the hugs shows up a bit... sorry for misleading :X As for the dingbat sending me all that data... I hope he likes honey! :P
  7. I was checking around my area and found that this router is blasting me with packets... A SHIT LOAD... it sends more data than my router to my Alfa... lol... bet he likes my MAC... FR:EE:HU:GS:4Y:OU... in hexdecimal I do believe...
  8. Good evening, everyone. I have been monitoring my traffic and found something rather peculiar... all of the APs; besides one; has minimum to no packets being sent to me... but this one... airodump-ng mon0 I have checked my logs and found no intrusion... I routinely check my areas APs... but that is outrageous... I think I have met a YES MAN... Ja... Any ideas why this AP is going postal on me? It isn't causing me problems... yet... so I was thinking about some MDK... but I want to make sure I am being attacked before I make any hasty decisions.
  9. Soon they will sell women and children (thick Russian accent)... ha ha ha ha.... jk... :)
  10. Amazon is Amazonazing... errrp... something like that! Yeah... I like being prime... "free" movies... shipping... yeah... Prime iz l33t... So you get the games a day after they come out? Or Thursday?
  11. Very nice... I will go ahead and ctrl+c that... thank you!
  12. Damn you guys are good... I r no match... (bowing head) lol
  13. Yeah... I stopped around level 29; it gets old really quick... but that is the great thing about games... get bored... don't play em... hack a while... make some money... stress out over bills... pay bills after donating limb... back to Borderlands 2! JK... :) You haz Prime?
  14. VirtualBox was a power hog, too. It lacked so much functionality; I couldn't press ctrl+c or anything... it was ridiculous... but the VMware... I love it... so many options that are on the fly... minus the overly heavy VB Settings GUI. Digip: Spot on, as always :) . I can bring up my chipset without any affect on connectivity. When I lend the Alfa to BT, my WiiMax automatically takes over on Ubuntu = win win! Only one conflict with my network and that is my awus036h now bypasses my internal NIC... so every 5 minutes or so it requests for me to enter the WiiMax 6250 Centrino wireless key in Ubuntu... so I disabled the internal NIC (I think) from the network manager. No problems yet. Cheers! Mr-Protocol: The VB has a "fix" for the issue. It is an extension that you download from their site. I did that, followed the yellow brick road, and led me back to the forum and ask you guys... What is the deal with patches or fixes that don't patch or fix anything? Entirely different topic... But, alas, one more issue... how can I uninstall VirtualBox in command line without the initial downloaded file? I think the person whom writes Oracles' help items may be trolling his own work; it seems their directions are of no use. I want that POS out of my box. It is wasting semi-valuable space Nevermind... I pulled up my big boy pants and did it apt-get remove virtualbox* (the asterisk made all of the difference) --purge Hold the applause... jk
  15. Here we go... showing off the noob tan... I am not sure what kind of attention this will grab; for there is a lot of "tutorials" and "how to's" for BT... in fact... too much. I was looking for my answer for a few days now... and still not sure what I am doing wrong. Problem: Ubuntu detects my awus036h; awus036h won't get detected through Oracle VB BT5. I added a so called "USB 2.0 extension" for the damned thing; nothing. VirtualBox won't even detect that my awus is up from the main screen. I've iwconfig'd, ifconfig'd, ifdmyself in the face. Every tutorial shows instantaneous connection with the thing... ay caramba... I have done my homework and teacher sent it home to "try again"... keep in mind I am new to Linux and probably am just missing a huge step... probably. UPDATE: Just downloaded VMware and it works right off rip. How do I uninstall VirtualBox VIA command line?
  16. The iPhone is not safe... nor is any phone, in that matter (epecially Android). Just stay away from paying bills on your phone and try not to type any of your proprietary information. I know that cell phone platforms are one of the easiest to infect because of advertising practices and SMS crafting.
  17. Pwnd2Pwnr

    Wpa Handshake

    Classic Threads still teaching... love it....
  18. Ecstatic doesn't explain that face... lol
  19. Borderlands 2 = amazing... Halo 4 = RP
  20. You know, while on the topic of electronica; Prodigy "The Fat of the Land" is still my favorite album of the genre... it is a lot like Alice in Chains and Filter... both classic albums... and they still play "Hey man, nice shot" on movies today... goes to show... good music lasts a generation... great music will last forever... or something like that :) "Turn my pitch up, smack my b*tch up"... classic music video, too. Hoobastank "Running Away"


  23. They are also dropping other companies for violating TOS; now I have to find a different e-service for my clients worthless verifones now... ay ay ay Has anyone heard of BitCoin... from the way I see it, there is no real way to track what is being purchased with a BitCoin. You buy BitCoins You redeem your BitCoins to the merchant You get your product. BitCoin pays the merchant the value of the BitCoins (minus a percentage, for sure). https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/How_to_accept_Bitcoin,_for_small_businesses
  24. I haven't heard of them (YTCracker); I will peruse them at my enjoyment.... sorry digip, I searched for it "Hacking Music", but no results :(... I no try duplicate.
  25. Knowing how processes work is just as important as how programming is implemented. Google "A+ certification"...
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