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Everything posted by Pwnd2Pwnr

  1. oops... lol... take it over if you would like. I am not all that familiar with Facebook; honestly, I do not have time to keep with it... OPEN SOURCE... BABY! Just make sure there are some shouts to Digip; he came up with it...
  2. So, assuming it is NOT a usb power up; then I would say it could be faulty leads on the circuit board. This is not completely unheard of. I do not own a pineapple; but I do know a little "something something" about circuitry... BTW... Mr Kitchen is on cnet... lolz! http://news.cnet.com/2300-31921_3-10011612-5.html
  3. Pwnd2Pwnr


    Thanks, Digip... Must be a typo. She is aware of c-tpat... as she deals with moneygram constantly... I LOVE THE VIDEO... THIS IS BAD ASS!
  4. Pwnd2Pwnr

    Game Night!

    mmmm... quake... my laptop can handle quake...
  5. As much as I would like to tell you "do this and this"... I am kind of weary on the circumstances. I am pissed at my landlord right now. I think you may just want to have your buddy go ahead and create a new account or just have him tell all of his friends that someone is forging a second "troll" account under his name. Sorry for not really helping ya out, but you have an ethical conundrum; help your friend on FB and face federal time in prison; or follow my advice and have em create a second account... make it his gamertag or something if he has one. Then, no drama, no issues, and the troll will get bored or forge a second account. That would show that it is someone you know. I was too slow... Digip... :)
  6. Pwnd2Pwnr


    My girlfriend is applying to MS in Redmond, WA. She is a Sr. Customer Service Rep and Manager of a local business. When reading the job description, it asks about CPAT-NA business metrics... I saw that CPAT is actually The Candidate Physical Ability Test. It asks about CPAT-NA and I only find wanted ads pertaining to CPAT-NA business metrics. What is CPAT-NA??????? Thanks ahead of time if ya guys know... I am at a loss.
  7. I would say I am a "Deep Packet Inspector"...that's what she said joke here...
  8. OK... just started Facehook... spelt Fiace Hook... go ahead and sign up... I will give the password up to anyone whom wants to help! One million likes for insecurity!
  9. That is cool. Here is a nifty idea so you can REALLY get the basics... I use it as a reference guide sometimes. See if your parents will shell out the "dough". A+ is a standard of understanding the computing process in almost its entirety. If there are words or things you may not understand; I am sure the folks here (including myself) will help ya out... as long as you put in your fair share of effort in trying to wrap your brain around it. Your front cerebral cortex is far more pliable than mine. Google "A+ books" or go to your local bookstore. PS... Be careful about whom you talk to about what you discover; your teacher may assume you have done something wrong if another student were to "hack" the labs after you told him/her that you joined an online forum called "Hak5". Trust me... you do not want to have police officers escorting you out of school in hand cuffs. Also, your friends can get freaked out and report you. ALWAYS USE DISCRETION!
  10. I could not have you send one for my birthday coming up? Lol... jk... I will PM you if/when I get the money on my paypal...
  11. Agreed if I didn't before... Spiceworks has saved muh ass several times...
  12. I think if everyone quit clicking "like"... it might start a downward trend...
  13. So, statistically speaking, how many people change their initial Username and Password from any provider? A bottle of Utopia (pic only :) to the one who can come up with an answer... http://www.uie.com/brainsparks/2011/09/14/do-users-change-their-settings/
  14. Pwnd2Pwnr

    Game Night!

    My laptop is the only working PC I have at the moment. A hilarious overclocking killed my PC... if anyone you know owns Halo 4... I am in...
  15. I was watching MSN and came across a business video on my xbox that was doing an expose about FB buying Instagram. While I watched the corporate snakes boast their normal rhetoric; a phrase was spoken on behalf of the "New Business and Contract Administrator" (some guy in a suit that makes business arrangements). He stated, QUOTE "People should continue to trust us..."! My mind froze, I felt a large lump assume itself deep inside my stomach. "Did he just insinuate they are trust worthy?". As I nearly started heaving; I thought to myself... I am probably alone on my feelings about my security; but how many people do trust Facebook? Yes or No, do you trust Facebook? I can't find the same video... but this about sums up the trust as far as I am concerned. http://money.msn.com...68-cfe80fd066ac EDIT: What is next? FB buys LexisNexis?
  16. It is how people use it and abuse it. Child Porn is a very serious and dangerous culture. It is actually considered a black market... sick shit and a sick society... On the other hand; TOR is fantastic if you don't like having all of your info stolen and distributed across servers world wide. I like my privacy for the most part and FB relies on my "likes" to conduct its' big business practices... like it or not, FB is seriously pwnd by TOR... I push teh like button on that...
  17. I do not own a pineapple and I just squeeled like a pig! REEEEEE!
  18. I can't change my password... lol... jk... :)
  19. LOL... I think you are better off not saying what you are thinking... scary enough, I think I may have uttered some politically incorrect jabber when watching the preview my first time... good restrain!
  20. Hey, I hope you did not take my comment the wrong way! Dude, you are young! Meaning, your brain can comprehend MORE than what my brain can. Studying is gratifying. The sooner you figure that out, the sooner you can do anything!
  21. RJ45 FTW! :) . More speed, more security, 'nuff said!
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