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Everything posted by Garda

  1. actually i forgot to add, and i would really like to know 1) what do the compaq recovery cds do. Are they basically windows install cds, how might they be different. 2) i didn't need to verify that my version of windows was legit (i didn't even connect to the internet) i thought WGA connects regularly to see if you're running a proper version of windows or not. I'm guessing it was already activated by compaq. am i going to need to connect to the internet regularly.
  2. dick smith (kinda like radio shack for .au) was having a sale. i got this one not from dick smith, i went to another store and they price matched and took off 1% :) i was actually going with a couple other ones in mind, they were clearance stock, but i didn't want dirty display laptops that dirty people had been touching with their ugly grubby little hands you don't know who's been putting their dirty usb drives in there this is very simular to one of the ones that i wanted to get i think it was kinda an impulse buy at the same time cos i ended up leaving it at my mate's place for a week while i move home. But i'm so happy. I've totally wanted my own laptop for like ever. especially since at the start of the year when i moved out from my perant's place and have basically had no computer. Using computers at uni and having to borrow and do shit like that REALLY sucks. Saving my money feels really good now :) Problem is like most laptops i got vista home without an install cd. i'm thinking of just using knoppix and dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /mnt/samba.mount.somewhere/image.img.gz and just burning that do a DVD in case i ever wanna actually use windows at some point on the computer, i did have to pay for it afterall. It's a 60GB SATA drive but i'm going to assume that most of that will just be zeros since it's a new hard drive.
  3. hey guys, i recently applied and was rejected for a credit card. being that i like to use the internet and make use of alot of stuff that it has to offer, i was wondering what alternatives there were to paypal and credit cards credit cards are obviously not an option, and after visiting here i'm totally off the idea of paypal, so what kind of obscure online payment methods are there that after about 30mins of google i haven't yet heard of. For me the important things are *How popular and widely available it is? it kinda sucks if it works great but nobody supports it *The risks I don't know if it's just paypalsucks FUD, but they mention that paypal can clean out your bank and checking accounts. I'm not exactly sure how that works, but if they clean out my paypal account, which i only intent to use to pay for stuff, i'm not really that worried. If they clean out my bank account, without which i'm seriously homeless and starving, since i pay for stuff like rent, then it's fucked.
  4. Garda


    wow, that cat is so cute i just wanna stab it in the eye
  5. Garda


    i seriously think people would be much more likely to get help on here if they spelt properly "u" is not a word sure "you" and "ewe" are both words, but "u" is not similarly "kno" is not a word it's spelt "know" simple things like this, otherwise u r not goin 2 get n e help
  6. I reckon technology is great and there is always really cool stuff coming out You just have to love that i can be in Australia, log onto an IRC server somewhere in canade, then tell you that you suck balls, and than in ~0.3 of a second later some guy in Germany is laughing at you about it There's heaps of really cool stuff out there Personally i think the problem is that we have gotten used to taking stuff like that for granted. For the most part all of the final barriers to communication have fallen completely in the last decade. (except of course for all of the weird shit like being able to have sex with people over the internet, which, let's be honest, would be totally cool but is more of an odd kink than something we really need to consider here) We have all of this really awesome stuff, so a bit more awesomeness is nothing really special
  7. i was introduced to a new emerging technology by a friend of mine last night. It's called reprap. Which i personally think kinda sucks as a name, but whatever. http://reprap.org/ it's kind of a 3D printer also, what makes it really cool is that it's GPLed and apparently reasonably cheap to make. Oh, and it also makes itself. the really cool idea that i had was that it uses a computer as input when manufacturing things, so you could imagine that it would be possible to email files of actual things to people that they just print of with their reprap for all you warhammer guys, imagine being able to email your little figurines to your friends, and print of as many of those obnoxiously expensive little things as you want. Think also, you could basically print off anything that can be represented 3 dimensionally in a computer, so suppose you want a model of Gorden Freeman on your desk, just print it off. I guess you kinda get the idea. Apparently you can build one already, it may be a little difficult, but i think the idea of the 1.0 release is to make it possible for somebody reasonable capable of making one for themselves
  8. yea, i've gotten Dihydrogen Monoxide in my nose before it seriously sucks you don't know whether you want to caugh or sneeze and it kinda burns
  9. meh, i disagree. i think we should ban all Dihydrogen Monoxide EDIT: changed to Dihydrogen Monoxide, since SomeoneElse called me a spoil sport :(
  10. I've been here too long :P I found i think it was a directory or something for podcasts, can't remember wtf it was, and found hak5. I saw ep1, or maybe a preview for ep1, i think that's all that they had at the time, and thought this is kinda interesting. Then started hanging around on IRC, then started posting on the forums.
  11. oh, totally Jenn > Alli what could possibly be hotter than a girl that lives and breathes for video games
  12. i don't think that it's really a good idea to change the password to this account if you think about it, you're not messing with his account, this is the account of the person from whom he stole the account. I'm going to guess that the best thing to do is to tell blizzard about this guy. If the original owners of the accounts complain saying, "this guy stole my account give it back" blizzard might just tell them to fuck off, but with a 3rd party saying, "this guy is fucking around, look at account x, y and z" it might do a better job of helping the guys who lost their accounts
  13. Garda

    Anonymous Email

    is it just me, or is every article mentioned on diggnation NOT on that list of the diggnation user's diggs it kinda sucks that they're not completely comprahensive with that
  14. most of those at the top of DLSS's list can be found here
  15. *points to Darren/Vako* would it be possible to upgrade the forums to the latest beta of phpbb3 it would probably be a good idea to make a backup, since it's beta software if worse comes to worse the beta software will die and we'll just have to restore from backups
  16. in light of Sparda's post a page back i sent the following email to the developers of apt-get. > i was on IRC just now and thought about this > would it be possible to add something to apt-get so that when the > package "girlfriend" is entered for installation an amusing error > message comes up, something kinda like >=20 > #apt-get install girlfriend > Reading package list... Done > Error: package girlfriend cannot be installed > Error: unresolved dependencies, requires packages car cologne money > however cannot be installed I am sure others will pick up on the sexist implications. I'd suggest rather to rm -rf / and pop up a persistent message prompting anyone who apt-get installs girlfriends to go and play in a sandbox instead.
  17. so are they insightful questions like this that earn a person status as supreme elite hacker?
  18. yea i've noticed that the forums are being a little gay how much does invasion board cost? i'm sure that there are other free alternatives that can be tried out first though. I've seen some really cool free ajaxy ones in particular that IMO are better than invasion i think people should check out http://www.opensourcecms.com/
  19. I personally thought that the Kubuntu installer (assuming Ubuntu is very similar) was REALLY easy. As in, if you can't get it installed you should be shot so that you're defective genes cannot further contaiminate humainity. I actually think that booting the entire OS can be useful since you may want to go on irc or do some other crap while it's installaling. Since your computer is supposed to be able to boot the OS that you're installing it shouldn't really be a problem.
  20. WOW! Sparda = #1 technoslut!
  21. meh, to be honest i kinda think the one you have atm seems somewhat appropriate :P
  22. i don't actually think that this is really a problem. i've gotten it before myself when logging into hotmail. try logging in using IE. I think that msn just uses certificates that have only been signed by MS i think they consider themselves a certificate authority, and not by verisign. If you can log in without a problem coming up when you use IE you should be ok. I think that in fact different parts of the site have components that are encrypted using different certificates. What you may want to do is when in firefox, just not accept their certificate. If you're able to log in anyway then it means that the certificate used to send your username and password is actually ok
  23. Garda


    Yea, Cooper has a good point. The guy is living with a totally abusive fucked up guy who breakes valuable shit in violent rages, i think the computer is the least of his problems. I think this is Australian so i'll tell you what i know already. Keep in mind i don't in any way work for centerlink or anyone like that, or in any way have any training to give you proper advice. I just know what i know. In Australia, unless you're 25 or have earned something like 14 thousand in the last 18 months, which i'm pretty sure that you're friend is not, then you are still considered a dependant on your perants, even if you decide to move away from home and have no contact with your perants. This means that as far as youth allowance, you're going to only be getting the minimal dependant rate, which is ~$80 a week if i remember correctly. Also, that is if the guy's perants don't earn over the minimum threshold (i have no idea what that is). On top of that you're going to need them to fill out an income statement once a year. This can be a real bitch because it means that they're going to have the power to cut off all your avenue for funds at a whim. Depending on how abusive and controlling they are it could be a real problem. To get rid of all the above headaches and to get a little extra a week you would need to be considered an independant. The only other way i mentioned apart from the above is if he was badly abused or if he is in danger. In the case of your friend it's probably not going to be enough that his dad is violent and abusive. It usually requires something like he's being sexually abused or totally getting fucked up. Also, you need at least one third party to back you up. This can usually be anyone, a friend, councelor or something like that, but it usually helps if they are a respected member of the community, so a teacher, priest or something like that. More than one is also better, and if you shared this stuff before moving out it would also be better. What he should do is probably go to a councelor or something, tell them that his dad is abusive and that he is in fear of his safety. I don't know your guy's situation, but this does sound kinda fucked up. He should probably talk to someone from centrelink, who actually knows wtf they're talking about, to work out his options if he's serious. My advice to anyone thinking about moving out. You probably shouldn't. Especially if you want to get an education, like university or something like that. It's more work, having to take care of every aspect of your existanct, money is a REAL burden and not having financial security can be shit fucking scary, and if you're unfortunate enough to be living with people who are fucked up, you find yourself back in square one, living with the same fucked up people you were trying to get away from. That said, i'd rather put in the extra work than to be living with crazy abusive perants who feel possesive and controlling over you. Hope your mate's shit works out
  24. This isn't exactly because i'm travelling alot or anything like that, but basically because of long nights on IRC. I think that the phenomenon is more or less the same as jet lag though. What is the best way to adjust your internal clock so that it matches the one that you're supposed to be going by. Do you guys find it's best to stay up a little later every night or to skip an entire period of sleep? or do you guys have some other methods EDIT: can one of the mods move this into questions, i just realised it probably belongs in there
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