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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Thanks Digip for the response, will give your suggestions a try. Plus have you used any of the Cyberlink or Pinnacle editing software at all?
  2. I knew this day was gonna come, it was only a matter of time and finally it happened. The first piece of RAT Trojan written for Macs.
  3. By Robert McMillan February 25, 2011 09:30 PM ET IDG News Service - In a sign that hackers, like everyone else, are taking an interest in everything Apple, researchers at Sophos say they've spotted a new Trojan horse program written for the Mac. It's called the BlackHole RAT (the RAT part is for "remote access Trojan") and it's pretty easy to find online in hacking forums, according to Chet Wisniewski a researcher with antivirus vendor Sophos. There's even a YouTube video demonstration of the program that shows you what it can do. Sophos hasn't seen the Trojan used in any online attacks -- it's more a bare-bones, proof-of-concept beta program right now -- but the software is pretty easy to use, and if a criminal could find a way to get a Mac user to install it, or write attack code that would silently install it on the Mac, it would give him remote control of the hacked machine. BlackHole is a variant of a Windows Trojan called darkComet, but it appears to have been written by a different developer. The darkComet source code is freely available, so it looks like BlackHole's author simply took that code and tweaked it so it would run on the Mac, Wisniewski said. Mac OS X has been gaining market share on Windows lately, and that's starting to make it a more interesting platform for criminals. Wisniewski said that while Mac malware is still very rare, he has seen another Trojan, called HellRTS, circulating on file-sharing sites for pirated Mac software. Source: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9211659/Hacker_writes_easy_to_use_Mac_Trojan
  4. Hi All, I am going to buy a Kodak HP Pocket Camera for shooting some HD video and was wondering, what type of video editing software do you guys use for producing HI Def contents? Thank you in advance.
  5. Will you be kind and show us when you done?
  6. I just remember that the other at work, every staff member had to sign off an internet usage agreement with the company. And the reason to that was due to staff members spending too much time surfing websites that was not work related like FaceBook or Youtube. Besides signing this agreement off they've also blocked access to the above websites. I mean if you really want your staff to do the right thing, you have to take the correct action and rectify this situation. Block the website and if someones tries to bypass it, give them a warning and if they don't want to listen terminate the employment.
  7. Why don't you buy a Linksys WAG320N, its made by Cisco by the way. And that's what I am getting, since my current modem keeps playing up on me.
  8. Good luck dude and soon I will be MCSE (Microsoft Certified Server Engineer) too.

  9. Unless there is a way to bypass it, and make it look like its legit.
  10. I think what you should do is, implement a proxy server in your network to monitor what websites which user access and how often those websites are accessed. In addition you should write an internet usage police as well, stating reasons how the internet should be used during work hours. And if for any reason anyone fails to comply, you could give them a warning or block access to the website.
  11. Just install windows as your main OS, then install Vmware and lastly Ubuntu as a VM. Its a lot quicker and easier that way. You can always switch between the OSes without much trouble. That's what I do when I am working on my computer. And if you have dual screen set up, you can have Windows running on the first screen and Ubuntu running on the second screen.
  12. I wouldn't pay $35 or $50 for a CD, just use torrents its a lot cheaper and everyone does it.
  13. Hiring a professional pen-tester would be the best option, and plus I wouldn't trust a random person to do this kind of job, first you never know what that person intentions might be apart from performing pen-testing on your server, and secondly how you go about find that person's whereabouts if he really did something illegal. Its just something to think about.
  14. 1) If you use metasploit in backtrack to exploit a vulnerability in a xp box, then yes you can dump the hashes in backtrack and save them to an USB. I mean that's one way for dumping the hashes. 2) For the server specs I would go with the IBM x346, since it supports dual 3.2 xeon's cpu, and it has more power than the Dell poweredge.
  15. To confirm Digip uncertainty, none of HashCat current tools support WPA algorithm. however you can use http://www.elcomsoft.com/edpr.html to build your own distributed WPA cracking system and it also supports CUDA.
  16. It doesn't take much to know how a windows machine receives updates. What you need to have is wireshark running between the computer receiving the updates and the gateway. I am pretty certain, when a machine connects to a Microsoft server to check for updates, it uses a URL and a port. With wireshark you can find out that answer and the fake your own update server.
  17. Have you checked the settings on the printer itself? Is there like a menu button on it? Edit: Try resetting the printer settings back to default, if you haven't tried it out yet.
  18. You could use C++ to write an app that will scan the screen for certain colors.
  19. 1) you can use the live CD of ophcrack to save the hashes to an USB and then import them into a password cracking program. 2) or use pwddump to dump the hashes out sams, but you will need to have an admin account and be logged onto the system, plus you will need to turn off any security essential software.
  20. We could purchase it from places where they sell aircraft parts. Or use Digip concept which should cost a lot less to implement and buy.
  21. In aviation aircrafts use what its call HF (high frequency) when flying over the ocean Atlantic. Now HF is very prone to static and sometimes there can be a lot of interference making very difficult for the traffic controller or the aircraft crew to read each others messages. In addition if you have several planes trying to talk with the ATC (air traffic controller) at the same time, the whole communication would break down, and no body would understand a word. So therefore aircraft crews use what is called SELCAL. Selcal is like a messaging system, that uses HF to broadcast messages between the ATC and the aircraft crew. Since it uses HF to broadcast the message, the two parties can only exchange messages one at the time. Now we could use such system for communicating across the ocean. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SELCAL
  22. That's a damn good question, and in fact I read an article on Computerworld.com, on what to do in such event. It was suggested to use a dial-up internet service, in case mobile phone carriers went down. But that left me wondering, what if the whole system world wide went down, like satellites and other vital technology. We would be completely without communication and no way of communicating across the globe. That's in deed a damn good question, and that has cross my mind several times.
  23. For the moment I have no projects going on, but I plan on building a solar battery system, for running all my electronic equipments.
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