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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Where did you sniff that data stream from?
  2. I am still to try Blackbuntu but have to say its close to backtrack, in terms of features and so on.
  3. There are tools like ArpWatch or ArpON that can alert you if you gateway ip address changes. if it changes, chances are someone is arp poisoning the network.
  4. Since you like terminal, you could install the SSH client on your Ipod touch and then SSH into your Ubuntu box.
  5. Good point, I hope a moderator or someone can help clarify that.
  6. I may be wrong but I think they rate us based on the content we post.
  7. very nice work dude, what did Apple say about your Mod?
  8. Sorry, I don't have a FaceBook account. Is there another way that you could make the pictures available? Thank you.
  9. Video: Hacking Microsoft Kinect and a Roomba By NICK BILTON As soon as the Microsoft Kinect came out last year, programmers and hackers pounced on it in the hope of using it for anything but its intended use as a wireless addition for the Microsoft Xbox that uses a person’s movement as a game controller. My colleague Jenna Wortham chronicled a number of these “hacks” last year, and since then new integrations pop up online on a regular basis. The sport of hacking the Kinect has become so popular that there are Web sites dedicated to chronicling new use cases. On Wednesday, I came across this video, in which a Japanese programmer who goes by the name Ogutti online, integrated the Kinect and a Roomba vacuum cleaner to create the “future vacuum.” For this hack, the vacuum can be pointed in any particular direction with just a slight movement of the hand, rather than having to use a remote control. Is it the vacuum cleaner of the future? What do you think? Source: http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/02/16/video-hacking-microsoft-kinect-and-a-roomba/?ref=technology
  10. Toward a Gigabit Wi-Fi Nirvana: 802.11ac and 802.11ad This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter's approach. Today's existing state-of-the art wireless LAN can achieve 300 Mbps using 802.11n with two spatial streams. Future developments will deliver three- and four-stream speeds of up to 600 Mbps. But the 802.11 working group has set its sights on a more ambitious milestone: 1 Gbps throughput. After considering several approaches for getting to gigabit speeds, the 802.11 WG settled on two related approaches, and formed two task groups to produce future gigabit standards: 802.11ac and 802.11ad. While both groups share the same goal, the approaches taken are different because the groups have fundamentally different purposes. Fundamentally, all wireless LAN standards depend on access to radio spectrum. 802.11ac will be designed for use at frequencies under 6 GHz, which in practice refers to the existing radio spectrum available today in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands used by 802.11a/b/g/n. Therefore, an important component of the work in Task Group AC will be to design backward-compatibility mechanisms to peacefully coexist with existing networks. Higher data rates in 802.11ac are supported by a set of familiar techniques. Once again, the speed will be supported by well-understood OFDM techniques, another bump up in the size of radio channels, and MIMO. Advances in both chip manufacturing technology and processing power have also made it possible to use more sensitive coding techniques that depend on finer distinctions in the received signal as well as more aggressive error correction codes that use fewer check bits for the same amount of data. Wider radio channels support higher speeds. Just as 802.11n provided a leap in speed by doubling channel width from 20 MHz to 40 MHz, 802.11ac provides a bump in throughput with still-wider 80 MHz channels. At 80 MHz, channel layout once again becomes a challenge, even in the relatively expansive 5 GHz spectrum. Manufacturers will need to adapt automatic radio tuning capabilities to offer higher-bandwidth channels only where necessary to conserve spectrum. Increasing data rates through efficiency is an important goal of every new 802.11 standard. One common measure of efficiency is the number of megabits transmitted per megahertz of spectrum (Mbps/MHz). 802.11 began life at 0.1 Mbps/MHz, and current 802.11n standards have pushed that figure to 7.5 Mbps/MHz. Several efficiency enhancements are on the drawing board for 802.11ac, and the most interesting of these is multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO). MU-MIMO builds on the beamforming capabilities of 802.11n and enables the simultaneous transmission of different data frames to different clients. Correctly using MU-MIMO requires that vendors develop spatial awareness of clients and sophisticated queuing systems that can take advantage of opportunities to transmit to multiple clients when conditions are right. 802.11ad has the same gigabit goal, but is intended for use with new spectrum around 60 GHz to use. Range will be shorter, but the spectrum is "cleaner" because many fewer devices use it today. The open spectral band is large enough that the current 802.11ad draft supports nearly 7 Gbps throughput. The higher data rates of 802.11ac and 802.11ad will have far-reaching influences into other areas of the protocol. CCMP, the existing encryption protocol first standardized in 802.11i, requires two AES encryption operations for every 16 bytes of data. To encrypt a 1,500-byte frame requires roughly 200 AES encryption operations. To make matters worse, CCMP is based on a "chained" mode of operation that requires in-order processing of the 16-byte chunks because chained cryptographic modes require the output of one stage to be used as the input to the next. Many engineers within the 802.11 working group expect that the high data rates of 802.11ac and 802.11ad will be too high for CCMP. Fortunately, a solution is readily available in the form of the Galois/Counter Mode Protocol (GCMP), which has been incorporated into the 802.11ad draft. GCMP uses the same AES cryptographic engine, but embeds it into a more efficient framework. Compared with CCMP, GCMP requires only half the number of encryption operations, and, more importantly, is not chained so that GCMP cryptographic acceleration can be applied to an entire transmitted frame in parallel. The downside of the adoption of GCMP is that it is a new protocol and will only become available in new radio chips that support it, and an entire generation of centralized cryptographic equipment, such as the security processors in WLAN controllers, will become obsolete. As with every jump in speed that has occurred in Wi-Fi, 802.11ac and 802.11ad present challenges for the network administrator. The move to gigabit Wi-Fi is needed to keep up with demand for Wi-Fi network capacity and enable Wi-Fi to remain the technology of choice at the edge. Source: http://www.networkworld.com/news/tech/2011/021411-gigabit-wifi.html
  11. Wouldn't call you an ass but would definitely agree that the majority of the spams comes from those countries you listed above. As a matter of fact, the other day I was reading some spam statistics on countries that produce the most spams and I think China or Russia was rated the top country.
  12. If you asked me what would be the best hacking movie, I would say Hackers and Die 4.0
  13. All I can say is that we didn't get as much spammed as before.
  14. It could've been done better, that top picture on the right if you look at the car's front door its all fuzzy and out of focus. But it was a nice try or shall I say Hack.
  15. I am pretty sure it was but it was either never used or enabled properly.
  16. Studying for my MCSE server exam...

  17. Ati graphics card are generally cheaper than the Nvidia ones but they also offer very good performance and value for the money. Nvidia cards have the performance but too expense unless you have deep pockets.

  18. Yeah I just checked my reputation status and its now a lot better than it was before, I was just asking since that caught me off guard and was wondering why.
  19. Is there something wrong with the reputation system on these forums? Or am I really that bad?
  20. When you used the Elcomsoft how many computers did you have?
  21. Generally speaking packet sniffing can occur anywhere, if you are using your own home network chances would be very slim for someone to sniff your LAN traffic, simply because the attacker needs to be connected physically to your LAN in order to see the traffic in your lan. In addition, hostile networks such as internet cafe and airport hotspot are always a target, so avoid using it for transmitting confidential or personal information, if you have to use VPN or SSH, this methods are a lot more secure and safer to use. Now on the internet side, its possible but very difficult for someone to sniff your internet traffic, again the attacker will need to be physically connected to your ISP network which rarely happens. If you are concerned about being sniffed, use SSH or VPN to encrypt your messages and traffic, beware that only the traffic between you and the server will be encrypted, any traffic that leaves the server side will be unencrypted and the message/data potentially exposed to attacks. One way to protect the message/data itself would be to encrypt it. But that's paranoia if you ask me. And things like that doesn't happen very often.
  22. You can still use VMware and its not the VMware that makes the VMs secure its just the OS itself that needs to be made vulnerable, which is the challenging part.
  23. The question is how secure is your email system, does it offer a secure link between you and the server? I mean does it use HTTPS to encrypt the traffic between you and the mail server. If it does then it would be a bit hard for someone to sniff your traffic and capture the secure link. Now if you are concerned about being hacked, you could limit the time window by 1 or 2 hour(s). Or alternatively use SSH or VPN.
  24. Yeah I am not sure how updated that PDF document is, however I've been doing a bit of research on your query and based on the research, the only way to convert a VM to a physical machine is through imaging as Mr-Protocol stated above. You could use tools such as Norton Ghost or CloneZila to image the VMs virtual drive and then use the image to apply on a physical computer. Also be aware that you may run into some driver issues, or other compatibility issues so be prepared for that.
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