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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. @MRGRIM, You just gave me another idea, the op could make a database system for a video store, where a client goes in hires some DVDs of their choice. But before they can hire any DVD, they must first become a member at the store. And with the database system, the staff can keep track of what dvds have been hired, what clients hired what and what movies are due back.
  2. Ohh Boy, yeah I did misunderstood you. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  3. There is no way I'm gonna get that, and plus not enough time to complete the questions.
  4. If i were you I would change the password for the email account, run a full virus scan on my system just to make sure, the system is not infected and lastly update the machine with the latest patches.
  5. How about an online pizza ordering system? That's what i had to do for my Java Programming class at my university.
  6. How much do I have to score to prove I have a good tech Knowledge?
  7. Hey buddy, Who said you are being disrespectful, but you misunderstood my point. I never said OpenVPN was part of Windows itself. What I was trying to say, was since RDP alone is not secure, I use OpenVPN to make the connection secure, when I want to remote into my PCs from the internet. Furthermore OpenVPN is a separate installation and will never come bundled with Windows.
  8. That's why she should cover it up, so other people can't watch her for free.
  9. RDP by design is not very secure and that's why I use OpenVPN to remotely connect into my home PC. A lot secure and safer that way, and no need to install a third party software like TeamViewer.
  10. Yes, you can connect your computer directly to the smoothwall server, usually a basic smoothwall setup will have two NICS, one for connecting to the modem and the second for connecting to the LAN. You can use that LAN port or install an additional NIC if you want to have a pc directly connected to it.
  11. I can't remember when was the last I used IPtables, but I would very much prefer Linux Firewall distributions, such Untangle or Smoothwall. I myself can write iptable tables but I rather use GUI as some mentioned, it makes life a lot easier and takes less time to get it set up and running.
  12. That link I sent you should get you started and plus you don't have to buy a router just need to read up on the article.
  13. This article should help you out http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch14_:_Linux_Firewalls_Using_iptables
  14. The most popular brands for raid controllers are Adaptec, Highpoint and 3ware. Usually they can cost quite a lot, depending on the features set and functionalities. Now if you want to by something cheap, you could find something for as low as $100 dollars in Ebay. http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=raid+controller&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  15. How much are you willing to spend on a Raid Card?
  16. Where did you read that information from? In addition, to avoid data corruption and compatibility issues you should always check the QVL (quality vendor list). The reason to that is that they have done extensive testing with a majority of hardwares against their hardware to ensure there are no compatibility problems. So If you want to build a raid system, make sure the motherboard and hard drives are compatible with the RAID controller. In case you are already giving up, you can always buy a RAID NAS (network attached storage) like Qnap or Thecus. That's what I am planning in doing. Its easier and saves a lot of time, but can be expensive also.
  17. How many files are you planning on downloading to your Ipod at once?
  18. CBT Nuggets make very good training videos and in fact I am currently studying for my 70-290 server exam while watching the videos. I definitely recommend it and don't forget to check out Testout and Lynda.com
  19. As most employers/organizations all use Windows platforms, I think you should focus on Microsoft Certifications first and then move on to other certifications like CCNA and security.
  20. I don't want to be disrespectful but what you are trying to do is illegal and can get you canned. Now if you refine your search you will most likely find the answer to your question.
  21. ^^^ Agree and nearly half of the rear wheel hub cap is missing as well.
  22. I own a HP Mini 110, its a great netbook for surfing the net and reading emails, but tends to perform poorly if used for hardcore tasks. Furthermore the keyboard keys are very small and takes a while to get used to the size. Screen size is OK but a bit small, but you can get away with it. In addition you might want to check out those Asus EEPC netbooks, they have a 3 to 4 hours battery life and runs quite smoothly as well.
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