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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I just checked the manufactures website and this board does not support hex core CPU. Currently, there are no bios update that will enable you to use x6 cores cpu. Besides, this board has some appealing features such as a maximum of 16gigs of ram. USB3 and 6 gigabit SATA support and a HDMI port. BIOS Update Details Link http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3516#bios
  2. It hasn't even aired yet and you people are already judging how crap its gonna be. Honestly, it hasn't started yet, so we should hold our horses and wait until it has been released.
  3. Hi, Has anyone here in the forums, ever owned an AlienWare laptop? I am going to be buying one in the near future and wanted to know if anyone has ever had any issues or problems. Thank you
  4. I knew you guys were gonna like it, but they missed out a few ones too. I love you and Bug Bear
  5. Creeper: Creeper was possibly the very first computer virus, although this is contested. It was invented back in 1971 by Bob Thomas, using the Tenex operating system, and used the precursor of the internet, ARPANET, to spread between DEC PDP 10 systems. Creeper did nothing more than display the message "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!" It was an example of a simpler age. (Indeed, Creeper's creator also released a cleaning program called "Reaper" that removed the Creeper code. This was the first anti-virus virus program.) Brain: Brain was the first virus written for Microsoft's DOS operating system, back in the mid 1980s. It was originally developed to stop the copying of a medical software program developed by two Pakistani brothers, Basit and Amjad Farooq Alvi. Brain spread by floppy disc and copied itself into the boot sector of the media. It displayed the names of the creators and suggested the infected recipients got in contact to get disinfected. It spread quickly and the two brothers were inundated with calls from people around the world demanding that their machines were disinfected. Such was the volume of calls that the two eventually had their phone lines cut off. Elk Cloner was written by a 15 year old high school student called Rich Skrenta as a practical joke. Unfortunately for him the joke turned bad very quickly. The virus was developed for the Apple II system and was a boot sector virus that spread via floppy discs (mostly through pirated games). Skrenta devised a way to alter discs automatically and the Elk Cloner virus was invented. It had little in the way of a payload. Every fiftieth time a person booted an infected disc the software ran a little program on the computer screen, and that was it. Nevertheless it was a serious annoyance and was a harbinger of things to come. Klez: The late 90s-early 2000s were not only the golden age of the internet, they also seemed to be the golden age for malware. Over that time period, few viruses were able to match the reign of Klez. Like many other viruses of its time, Klez spread through email. Users were duped into opening infected files and, once the malware was installed, the victim's address book was opened and copies of the attack were sent to contacts. Klez, however, took this a step further. Not only did the virus send itself to people in your address book, it also pretended to be from other people. Later, the worm wreaked further havoc by pretending to be its own removal tool. Klez is a cunning little devil, and variants are still doing the rounds today. ExploreZip: ExploreZip was written over a decade ago but can still be found in the wild today. ExploreZip, like most viruses of the time, targeted Windows systems and was spread via email. The recipient got an email reading “I have received your email and I shall send you a reply ASAP. Till then take a look at the attached zipped docs.” Clicking on the attachment booted the virus onto the user's computer and it immediately spammed itself out to all of the contacts in Outlook. More worryingly it also overwrote Word documents with lines of zeros and did some damage to the operating systems itself. As destructive worms go it wasn't too bad, but in the pre-Millennium days of 1999 it certainly caused a panic. http://i.haymarket.net.au/Galleries/20110221044425_Melissa-virus-strip.jpg Melissa: When a New Jersey hacker wrote a small bit of code he named after a stripper he met in Florida, he had no idea the chaos that would ensue. The virus spread like wildfire throughout the net, and an unintended effect of the worm led to a glut of email traffic that overflowed servers and caused tons of damage and lost work time to corporate IT systems. The real damage of Melissa was not in the code itself, but in its spamming capabilities. Current computer malware writers have taken note of code like Melissa and now fly much lower under the wire to attract less attention. The hacker himself was later caught and sentenced to a year and half in prison. Next time he wants to impress a girl, hopefully he'll stick to chocolates and jewelery. Nimda: A week after the September 11th atrocities a new virus hit the internet in a big way. Nimda was one of the fastest propagating viruses in history, going from nowhere to become the most common virus online in 22 minutes according to some reports. The reason for this speed was that Nimda used every trick in the book to spread itself. It used email, open network shares, used IIS vulnerabilities and even used web sites to spread. It hit pretty much every version of Windows available and appeared all over the place. Nimda struck at a time when everyone was on edge and all types of threats were given plenty of media coverage. This, in part, helps to explain why the Nimda worm got the attention it did. MyDoom: MyDoom was interesting because it was one of the first to use peer to peer as a transmission device. The worm not only spread itself through email address books but also through the shared folder of users who ran the Kazaa file sharing application. In other words, it took full advantage of people downloading files onto their computers from an untrusted source. While definitely skilled programmers, MyDoom's creators also seemed to be fans of good old-fashioned vigilante justice. One of the early tasks performed by infected users was to take part in a denial of service attack against SCO, the infamous software vendor that once tried to lay claim to the patents for Linux. http://i.haymarket.net.au/Galleries/20110221023108_storm.jpg Storm: Before Conficker came around and got everyone worked into a lather, Storm was the big bad botnet on the block. First appearing in early 2007 as a fake news video on European flooding, the Storm malware menaced users for more than a year. The malware disguised itself as everything from video files to greeting cards, and attacks were continuously refreshed to coincide with holidays and current news event stories. At a time when many were seriously concerned about the health and safety of friends and family the last thing anyone needed was an infection. While Storm has since been eclipsed by newer botnets, the name still brings to mind one of the most menacing attacks seen in recent years. Conficker: The third form of the Conficker attack provided nice theatrics, but little in the way of actual damage. The premise was simple: Conficker.C would spread to as many machines as possible throughout March 2009. Each infected machine was given a huge list of domains, one of which would be contacted by 1 April. The deadline made all the difference. Now, Conficker wasn't just a simple malware infection, it was a "Ticking Time Bomb". The botnet remains intact and still poses a threat, but nothing near the cyber-carnage that many spoke of. The media panic over Conficker has shown that people are still scared of viruses. It had a funny sounding name, was mysterious and was set to do something on a 'magic' date : in other words, it hit all the right buttons.
  6. Just finished reading some of the reviews on the Netgear Readynas Duo and I just don't to understand how Pcauthority, Cnet and PcWorld can rate this product so highly, when frankly every end user are complaining about the slow speeds performance. I personally like Qnap NASes, they are expensive but they do perform a lot better than most brands if not.
  7. In this case, AMD's ATI will definitely beat Intel's Sandy Bridge. Integrated graphics are OK for average gaming, film watching. But performance will come from add on graphics card. That is if you are into heavy gaming!!
  8. Its part of hacking/breaking into a system so to speak. That's why as a hacker you have to keep your mind opened, always seeking out other possibilities to break into a system. So if you get an "Access denied" or "Invalid Password" error message, don't just give up on the spot, think of ways around it. That's what makes a true hacker an unstoppable hacker.
  9. Would be nice if you had a spare room in the house, where you could fit that rack server in. And wouldn't have to worry about anyone opening the door and letting all the cooled air out.
  10. That sounds really cool, can't wait till the 6th of April.
  11. where did you buy that display from? I want to do a project with one of these displays.
  12. Agree, GUIs are a great but they are not as effective and flexible as CLI. And from a security point of view, they can also make the system less secure.
  13. Are you allowed to install software your VPN server at all? I also have a feeling that the Amazon MP3 downloader, is doing a lookup on your ip address to determine its geographical location. Secondly, is there any proxy settings in the Amazon MP3 downloader that you can set manually. Edit: Another thing you could do, is without using your VPS head over to ipchicken.com and write down your IP address. Once you have done that, connect to your VPS Server and head over to ipchicken.com again, to determine if the IP address is still the same. If the ip address is still the same then, there could be something wrong with the way you configured things.
  14. I had a quick look at the pictures, and running a water cooling system would be a bit tricky to do. I know some server racks have the ability to have fans installed to keep the equipments inside cooled. Don't know if your rack allows it. But you will definitely need an air-conditioner installed in the room, in order to keep your server from overheating.
  15. Go with VMware EXSI, it does not depend on an OS to run and can run on its own. The advantage is that the VMs have direct access to the hardware, whereas if you run VirtualBox it must shares resources between itself and the VMs. It performs better however it requires a compatible hardware, in addition ProxMox will run in almost any hardware and in a way it works the same way as VMware EXSI, it does not rely on an OS already installed.
  16. 1) Is there any air-conditioner in the garage? 2) You could look into water cooling as well? 3) Are you able to provide some pictures, so we can suggest some solutions for your heating problem.
  17. I would say the bottleneck in your network are the hard drives. Hard drives will play a major role when transferring large files over the network. If your hard drives have very low RPM the I/O will not be very effective.
  18. Right now my reputation is really down by -17. What's really strange is that, some users reputation has remained in the green for a very long time and the value hasn't changed. I think there is something very fishy going on out there.
  19. I've never used VirtualBox or Promox before, but I know that VmWare workstation supports 8 processors and 8 cores per processor. I sometimes run 3 Vms at the same, since my CPU its a quad core and my system has 8 gigs of RAM only. When running each virtual machines, I allocate two cores and 1.5 to 2 gigs of ram per VMs. The only factor limiting performance is the hard drive. Which is a WD 1TB 7.200 I can tell that when I do a lot of multi-tasking on the VMs simultaneously, it takes them quite sometime to process a task and I can see the hard drive struggling. That's why I'm buying a QNAP NAS to help improve performance.
  20. I liked the demonstration, you could've however used a different exploit for a different vulnerability and that would've resulted in a successful root. Anyway just my thought.
  21. Helmets don't cost much and plus you could buy one of those relatively inexpensive small portable cameras, that Darren used once to film his motorbike trip around America.
  22. For the moment I happy with IPv4 and I am not really eager to migrate to IPv6. Most consumer network products are still IPv4 based, so will wait until they have matured enough.
  23. What raid configuration are you using at the moment? Raid 1, 5 or 6 Furthermore, Smallnetbuilder has an excellent article on how to measure/benchmark your NAS/network performance. http://www.smallnetbuilder.com/nas/nas-howto/31249-how-we-test-networked-storage-devices-revision-4 This should help you out.
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