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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Yes it is possible, but you will need to set up different ports for SSH and enable port forwarding as well. On a side note, I don't think it would be possible to run two of the same services (SSH) on the same port, it has to point to a different port.
  2. That is a very good observation and does deserve some credit. In reality any kind of electronic device, does emit radiation but not enough to cause any serious harm to us. However limiting the contact with electronic devices can help. http://healthmad.com/health/nine-effective-tips-to-prevent-computer-radiation/
  3. The only time I ever shut it down was for hardware maintenance.
  4. Hi, I want to carry out some pen-testing on my IDS/IPS systems and determine how effective they are at detecting and blocking attacks. What applications would you recommend that can generate attacks or asset the effectiveness of these systems? I am open for any suggestion or opinions. Thank you very much
  5. I found these articles quite interesting and i think you should read it if you want to understand more about the security issues involving IPv6. http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/networking/ipv6-security-concerns/688 http://www.networkworld.com/news/2009/071309-ipv6-network-threat.html Edit: The idea is you want a firewall that is capable of filtering IPv6. Most firewalls at the moment, their are either capable of filtering or have not been configured properly, which is where the security issue lies.
  6. My last PC did 1.5 years straight. It may now sleep in eternal peace.
  7. I can sort of see where you went wrong. Your script needs to compare two different values and at the moment its not doing it. In order to make it work, you need to tell your script, to write your current ip address to a text file and then after 30 minutes compare it again with the "checkip.dyndns.org". If the ip address from the text file does not match to the current one "checkip.dyndns.org" it will need to update the text file to reflect with the new ip address. Edit: That's how dydndns.org does it. In order to keep track of your ADSL IP changes. But instead of text files they use database systems, like Mysql or Oracle.
  8. Search for files that ends with the extension .json This is the format Firefox uses so save them. bookmarks-2011-03-23.json
  9. I can't be certain, but I think it was one of these episodes. http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-620 http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-619 http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-601
  10. Here is a problem with virus infections, depending on the virus it may/may not be possible to completely remove it. If you try removing it, could cause serious damage to the operating system even resulting it in no boot at all. The only way to fully remove an infection, is through a full system reinstall, as Sparda stated. Or what you could do is create an image of the system and only use in case of emergency.
  11. @RogueHart, This Ubuntu command line tutorial should get you started. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandlineHowto
  12. I guess with the whole customization, upgrades its what makes them more expensive. But generally they are cheap averaging between $1500.00 to $2900.00 per laptop.
  13. Why not dude, it would be a good promotion for Hak5 show and also a good reputation for them.
  14. I like this quote “For very cheap, you can have the network attack the phone for you.” Very interesting article, thanks for sharing that up dude.
  15. That is really some awesome news, but the next party should be hosted in Australia.
  16. Nice tutorial, but you could've made the resolution a bit larger, some parts of the video was a bit hard to see. Just some suggestions to improve on the next video, but loved it great work dude.
  17. It can be quite hard sometimes to exploit a XP or Vista machine. It all depends on how well the target machine is patched up. There are ways to make it vulnerable. Like uninstalling the patches, making sure there are no security essentials enabled (eg Firewall, Antivirus) And a few other things, that I can't remember from the top of my head. But these are very basic steps you can take to make a host vulnerable.
  18. That's very true, the information on the internet can be overwhelming and hard to find sometimes. That's why forums can be so helpful at times.
  19. Yes they are very expensive in deed and I am willing to fork out money on that beast. I've also wanted to own an AlienWare. A quick question, has your friends ever reported any faults with their laptops?
  20. It could be, but will wait and see.
  21. Was only some suggestions, on how he could use Metasploit from outside his LAN.
  22. So far your approach is correct, 1) You will need to know the remote computer IP address or hostname 2) You will need to find out what services are running in the remote host. 3) You could use Nmap to scan for any open ports on the remote host. 4) Once you find what services and ports are opened. 5) Use Metasploit to exploit the host service. 6) Now to make the machine visible to the internet, there are two ways you can go about. 1) Open forwarding ports on the remote router. 2) Or place the remote host in a DMZ, this option is not recommended, because it will completely expose the host to the internet, however once this option is enabled, forwarding ports will no longer be required. If you want to go down this path, make sure the host does not have any confidential information or any important data on it. Hope this helps.
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