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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Hey all, As they title says, what are your favorite open source network management and monitoring tools?
  2. If the attacker has physical or ubertooth access to the phone than its game over. Besides I just read an article on the ComputerWorld website stating, this type of attack vector could be emerging any time soon. And its something that organizations and companies should take into account and be prepared for.
  3. Hey guys, There is a quite interesting read, on whether you should migrate to IPv6 or still use it on the NetworkWorld website. Would recommend it, for anyone wanting to know more about IPv6. http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/72738
  4. Nice piece of technology. http://www.lucidlogix.com/videos.html
  5. Yes that will definitely give me so clues, I should also deploy some honeypots to study his behavior, and see how/what he does to break in.
  6. To me it sounds like dns issue. Do you know if the DNS server that hosts his Domain DNS entries, has a MX or mail record? Also is he able to send an email from his account to your Yahoo account?
  7. I don't think no one will be able to eat that many bananas. And glow in the dark, I doubt that.
  8. I could do that, but if he is behind some kind of proxy than it would be a bit hard I guess.
  9. Umm, say if I was to download a file from one of his virtual machines, would that file be fragmented across the subscriber lines or will it only travel down one subscriber line and then to my computer? I am just trying to figure out if a load balancer would work in this scenario. Thank you again.
  10. Hi All, I've been wanting to ask this question, on the very first day the Hak5 Challenge started. And even sent Darren an email and till now have not received a response. Perhaps someone here in the forums may have the answer. Anyway, I know that for the Hak5 Challenge Darren bought x2 Asus mini-atx motherboard and installed Proxmox-VE as the virtualization platform. Now for the network side of things, did Darren use any kind of load balancer or an industrial modem to provide quick upload speeds, throughout the Hak5 challenge. The reason I ask, is I myself run several virtual servers and I get an average of 100 to 150 KBps of upload speeds. So how did Darren overcome this problem. I am assuming he must have a very fast upload line. Not sure what I can do, to improve my upload speeds? I am open for any suggestion or options. Thank you very much.
  11. Did you actually write it up or got it from somewhere? It looks good tough!
  12. Those netgear wireless router, don't have a very good antenna. You should get good signals from a high gain antenna. I think that's what you should do. Also look into buying a wireless router with external antennas, that should also improve the signals around your house.
  13. Don't fall for that, that the excuse they make up, so they can steal money from you.
  14. No need to relocate the modem, it can stay where it is now. If you can add another wireless router to the dead spots of your house, that should help improve signal strength. The only issue is that you will have to run wires across the house or you can set up one of the wireless routers as a repeater, also make sure they are not too far apart. Also when setting up a wireless as a repeater speed will slightly degrade, because of the configuration.
  15. I just found out what the tool Darren used to dump the contents of the RAM is called. Ram2USB And here is a link to it, http://www.mcgrewsecurity.com/tools/msramdmp/
  16. I'm still in the process of organizing what contents should be made available on my website. Once I've got that part sorted, will need to come up with a layout and design for my website. I want to try to attract as much people as possible, which will be the hard part of course. Anyway, I still have a long way to go. Thank you for your input by the way, much appreciated.
  17. @Buffy, Not from that book, but as a matter of fact I know that the Nigerians are behind some of these scams. I saw lots of reports on the TV of groups being arrested for scamming people. Was quite surprised when I saw the amount of money innocent people lose every year because of scams. Chinese and a few others too are known today for most of their cyber attacks and I would not be surprised if they are behind these scams too.
  18. As a test, try to find out how far can you move away from the access point, with the high gain antenna attached to the laptop. You may or may not be able to get good signal strength, if there are a lot of walls in between you and the access point. I know this is not what you want, but if else fails try upgrading your wireless router to a detachable antenna one, that will definitely improve signal strength and performance in general. Edit: Or buy an additional wireless AP, to be placed on the dead spots of your house, to improve signal and coverage in general.
  19. That's exactly what I had in mind, a NAT like protocol to translate both IP versions versa and versa.
  20. Is there usually any fees for subscribing or using the service? Since I've never used Google Adsense before, I am just a little curious how the whole Google AdSense works? Thank you again and your responses are much appreciated.
  21. I understand your concern and appreciate it very much, will take it into account on my next post. Thank you for that.
  22. Taking credit not really, I just found the article interesting and other people may also find it interesting. That's why I posted it in here in the first place. And to refrain from plagiarizing, I posted the article URL right at the bottom of this article, so anyone know where I got it from.
  23. I can do that too, its not trouble at all for me. Thank you for the feedback tough.
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