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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. That's where I am getting mine from. And its a lot cheaper too.
  2. Infiltrator


    Check out this Cnet review. There are a lot of good comments both from users and reviewer http://download.cnet.com/Prevx/3000-2239_4-10914524.html
  3. What about airodump-ng, doesn't it search for non-broadcast SSIDs as well.
  4. I'd say they've been a while with revision 3
  5. What VPN service are you using, the windows built in or a thirty party software?
  6. Yeahhhh the brother is in town.
  7. What if the building catches on fire and destroy all the hardware. Good luck in retrieve the information back. I still rather use backup tapes, and plus you can keep them off site and secured in case the worse happens.
  8. Nevermind people I have found the answer I was looking for. Thanks for all the help.
  9. You should definitely go with a HIGH Gain antenna, as it will offer a better signal strength over the laptops built in wireless. Furthermore if you stand at a distance that is far away from where the AP is based you will gain a huge improvement from using a high gain antenna compared to a lower gain antenna. Secondly I am not sure whether the Edimax wireless cards do packet injection or not, but the ALFA AWUS036H will definitely do. Hope this helps.
  10. Ok I will try this on a VM, just in case.
  11. Hi Community, Does any one know if there is any CEH certification course or training offered in Australia. Thank you all in advance.
  12. Will try it at home, cause my work is blocking it.
  13. I've been for a long time looking for a synchronizing utilily that works as advertized. And I am really happy with what DropBox does. I just installed on my home computer and as well as in my office computer to synchronize the data in between and it hasn't let down since then.
  14. I think you will need to create accounts firt off, if you haven't done so. Secondly, is there any info txt file that came with the openvpn package. It may have a default password written somewhere. If not have you tried using your own root password to see if that works.
  15. It doesn't necessary need to be registered, you can set it up as TLD and have it operating as a local domain. I've done that in the past. Nothing wrong happened to it. Just like Digip said its common sense.
  16. Yes that could be possible. Since you have flushed your router, and it is still not giving out an ip address. If you set a static ip address to your computer, are you able to ping the router at all? Or surf the net through the wired connection.
  17. Just like the Swiss Knife.
  18. All you have to do is change your current DNS settings with the settings provided by OpenDNS. That is as simple as it is, no software installation required.
  19. I am curious myself too, that's why I am asking. I am planning in upgrading my current phone to a N97. But heard from some friends of mine that, I should get an Iphone. I've always been a big fan of Nokia, so now I am just a little unsure.
  20. In most scenarios like this an outlook profile rebuild would fix the problem.
  21. Some users would set up their DNS server, as "thor.some top level domain" like .net, .com but what you did is the best practice and the correct way. Any one who understands how DNS server works would agree to that.
  22. Infiltrator


    Never heard of this game before, I think I will try to play it and have some fun with it.
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