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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I know some routers will provide a very basic DNS resolution. My current router that I use at home is a NetComm NB6 and it comes with a very basic dns service, which allows me to enter the hostname and its ip address. Thus resolving the ip address into a hostname or vice and versa. I guess you could try to look into a router that has this capability. Like I said its very basic and you don't have to set up a DNS server like bind or whatever.
  2. Infiltrator

    Kon Boot

    What if you generated your own rainbow tables, and altered the charset. I know it would take a very long time to generate those tables, but wouldn't it be possible. Edit: Forgot to mention, if the password length is greater than 14 characters it would be useless.
  3. Is this idea of yours gonna be on sales.
  4. Did you notice any drop in performance on your internet connection when using OpenDNS servers.
  5. Say that the ISP is shaping his traffic, is there a software that can be used to bypass the ISP shaping technique?
  6. Infiltrator

    Kon Boot

    Sorry you are right, I forgot to remember that ophcrack is very limmited on the size of hashes it can crack under vista. But if the op was using XP, it would be a different story.
  7. What level did you set for the opendns content filtering. If you set it to too high and it still not blocking what you want, you could consider setting up a transparent proxy with (squid) and specify in a blocked-list what sites should not be accessed. http://www.squid-cache.org/
  8. That's why I use surgemail at home it never let me down. Great piece of software I must admit.
  9. One of the best podcast shows ever produced. Keep up the great work, you guys are amazing.
  10. I am afraid to say this, but its gone. Buy an ipod touch, they are so much fun.
  11. You can use USB, that should work well.
  12. Infiltrator

    Kon Boot

    KonBoot will work with certain machines, but if you want to find out what your password is, you could also use OPHcrack, it won't let you down unless your password is over 14 characters long.
  13. Thats why I got it Vmware workstation in the first place? For the sake of managment tools and controls, snapshots, etc.
  14. Infiltrator

    Wpa And Wpa-psk

    If I am not mistaken WPA-Enterprise also allows you to set up not just encryption but a radius server as well.
  15. Exploits, viruses, trojan horse anything is possible.
  16. Darren that's exactly what I was looking for "Box Of Crap #1" But I won't be able to buy it, as I am not in US.
  17. Great stuff, just some of the tools I was looking for.
  18. I think this links might help u http://wiki.debian.org/HowTo/dnsmasq http://www.mythicalbeast.co.uk/linux/dnsmasq_howto.html http://www.iceflatline.com/2010/02/how-to-...figure-dnsmasq/
  19. I think what he might be referring to is, how to connect to a wireless AP using commands instead GUI.
  20. You could use multiple proxy servers, to mascarade your IP address to possibly have a successful bruce force attack, I know it may no sound possible but its feasible.
  21. Totally agree. Image having to manage a large domain with over 500+ computers. Not feasible
  22. Infiltrator

    Kon Boot

    I found this hack5 forum thread on KonBoot, I think its worth checking it out. http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showt...&hl=KonBoot
  23. Are they using Nvidia Cuda or a different technology.
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