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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. If you sent an email, you'll get a reply once Sara gets to it. Still, this type of mix up should not happen.. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. I'd suggest using wlan1 instead, as wlan0 might not be handled correctly if hostapd is still running. Best regards, Sebkinne
  3. Feed it more carrots. I hear it likes that. But seriously, I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish. You want to speed up that bunny? You want him to stay on your page longer? If you are having issues with some tiles only showing the bunny, it is most likely with infusions installed to the SD card. My guess is you are not using a class 10 SD card (we ship class 4) and that can slow the loading of infusions down. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. You have plenty of associations, if they don't stick, they are probably moving or choose to use a different network. Point is, I see plenty of connections having happened..
  5. Just a quick note, if anyone is using other antennas than the ones we shipped with the MKV (ie yagis, panel antennas, MKIV antennas), you will need an adapter. While it seems to fit, we use SMA connectors now and not RP-SMA connectors. Apart from that, THCMinister, sounds like your realtek chip is defective.. contact shop@hak5.org. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  6. Please do not do this, It will fry your CPU! Best Regards, Sebkinne
  7. I just took another look at this topic. It has come to my attention that some of you have a virus / rogue browser plugin which is failing to load some files and therefore breaks the Pineapple UI. More information about this issue can be found here. What lead me to that is this post inside this thread. The output clearly states that it cannot get a file and is causing an error. This error will break browsing behavior. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. JackChitt, Actually reviewing your post, please take a look at what I wrote here: https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/31883-first-boot-web-gui-showing-nothing/?hl=virus#entry238905 You have that same issue it seems. It's not the Pineapple's fault! Saying that, the above has nothing to do with this thread. It has everything to do with the browser used and / or caching issues with it. As it worked flawlessly in Firefox, I consider this thread answered and closed :) I'm going to lock it, just to make sure that people with the same issue don't get confused between two different issues. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. The Pineapple Juice needs to be switched ON to charge. It also requires the use of the original charger that was shipped with it. You should not use the WiFi Pineapple MKV charger. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. I think something else must have happened. I suggest you update your browsers.. It's clear it isn't the firmware though if it runs on other devices. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  11. The POE/LAN port is the port you should use to connect to the Pineapple MKIV. The other port (WAN port) is used to plug it directly into a router and make the Pineapple receive a DHCP address. If you want to do this, you'll need to configure the pineapple to use the wan port as it's default route though. You'll also need to perform a bit of iptables magic. Search the forums here for WAN port and you'll find a how-to. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. First of all, never try IE. We don't support it at all and it will just not work well. Secondly, this sounds like a very odd issue. As the UI loads over wireless, I cannot see how it can be a firmware issue (the pineapple doesn't care if you connect wired or wireless). We have had similar issues with people's addons / extensions causing issues. Do you have access to another machine that has ethernet? Could you try with that? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. Because I know the size of our batches, I know that people that bought the pineapple that have had this issue bought it sometimes weeks apart and I know there are under a handful of people that have actually had this issue because of a hardware fault. They are outliers that happened to report the issue at the same time. Also, as I know all these facts, I also know that if it were a bad batch, we would have more reports. Our instructions say to use the ethernet port to set up and boot your pineapple for the first time. If this didn't work, our inbox would be overflowing. As I said in a different thread, please contact shop@hak5.org for a replacement. As it is a hardware failure, it will be replaces without a charge. Anyway, this is not really on topic. I'm going to lock it as it has greatly deviated from the original title. Anyone wanting to add anything, please create a new thread or PM me. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. Did you flash over wifi?Either way, it seems to have been a connectivity issue. Those flashing lights you mentioned mean it flashed successful and had re-booted after the flash. Glad it worked out so well! Best regards, Sebkinne
  15. It's unlikely to be a bad batch, we'd get many more reports. About the email, please email shop@hak5.org and quote this thread + what Darren said. Best regards, Sebkinne
  16. You purchased a device and it's hardware is defective. The first thing you should do on a hardware defect is contact shop@hak5.org for a replacement. We will want your device back to investigate. You'll be shipped a pre-payed box so that you can send it back to us. Most likely you'll receive a replacement unit at the same time. Also, who said that you may not ask others? If you meant Mr-Protocol merging your threads, I agree, there is no need to make multiple posts on the same subject. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  17. Blinking blue is what you want, that's the first boot. Best regards, Sebkinne
  18. Yeah, that'll fry it. There isn't really an way to fix this either, as the CPU will be toast.. You can contact shop@hak5.org, but this is user error, so I'm not sure you'll get it replaced. Make sure to tell them exactly what happened and how :) Best regards, Sebkinne
  19. Hey everyone, When we released firmware version 1.0.4 we aimed more for stability than including new features. I think we achieved this pretty well and ended up with a very stable base for future development. Now, after almost three months, we are releasing version 1.1.0 of the WiFi Pineapple MKV firmware - and it packs a bunch of features! Because this is mainly a feature release, let's get right to the new changes: Webinterface overhaul.The interface's backend has been sped up. Infusions (tiles) can be minimized into a bottom bar. This greatly improves loading speeds by minimizing any infusions you don't currently require. Installing, updating and removing infusions is now much more convenient and not as painstaking. Some components started using the WiFi Pineapple CLI. WiFi Pineapple CLI (See this picture).Introducing command line infusions! More on that here. Karma controlPersistent black/white lists. Allows viewing of black/white lists. Lots and lots of new things to come in the future! Force Atheros drivers to accept user's regdomain settings (read: you can change your country reg code now and therefore country specific settings). Fixed issues with setting / changing the password. Default date and time set to 2014-01-01 00:00:00 to prevent issues with OpenSSH and password expiry. Netcat has been upgraded to the original netcat (from the limited busybox implementation). Python openssl libraries have been included for module developers. Further decrease chances of bricking. Various other miscellaneous fixes. Download: Over the air through the web-interface. (alternatively at https://wifipineapple.com?downloads) MD5: d03d3768d1cb3a4130b3eda5ce75ec0c Note: To flash this over the web-interface, please make sure your info tile is at it's latest version. As usual, please leave any feedback in this thread. Bugs, suggestions can also (and should be) be left here. We hope you enjoy this release! -The WiFi Pineapple Team
  20. In the future, please do not make two topics about the same thing. Especially if they are EXACTLY the same posts.
  21. Yes it can run nginx and it can run php. We use uhttpd with PHP by default though. It's not hard to switch though. Best regards, Sebkinne
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