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Everything posted by 555

  1. This is what I use.. has anyone tried putting tin around it like this, does it really double the signal? I currently have a 8dbi antenna on it instead of the factory that wok antenna looks pretty awesome too, i would like to get the most range that I can get for cheap
  2. Yes Mad Pierre that is the one, thank you! newer ones you will prob find on piratebay, also the milworm videos are good that is ALOT of video watching though, I have yet to view all the videos and just use them as reference for certain topics i am trying to learn better that is of course if Hak5 team has not allready made a video for the topic yet
  3. I have them from the last hope, there was a site which had every defcon video and hacking conference ever videos but i forget the link, i found the videos via torrent, check TPB, you you still cant find them PM me and i will give you a link to them
  4. I defintely agree with you about starting your own business, even if it is only fixing one computer a day for 50$ a pc, that is still the same amount of money alot of these low level jobs will pay.. the GameStop by my house pays minimum wage (I tried to get a job there), so 7$/hr x 8 hours a day = 56$ then after taxes you will be making the same for working more hours. I just built a site for a local business owner for 1500$ took a month to build.. then now he likes it so much he has another buddy that owns a business that wants one.. best thing is it is all under the table money, so if you dont get regular work you also still get government help $ :) As for college, I think it will help and it is also free because I am poor, so they have grants and stuff set up as long as you maintain a C average in school.. I plan on also getting certs
  5. I think my dell LCD monitor on the left is higher def then my vizio lcd tv on the right via hdmi so it makes it looks funky.. i also have to keep unplugging it and plugging it in for the sound and/or video to work sometimes after i power off both devices and then power them back on
  6. Yeah, same thing over here in FL we have a average unemployment rate of 10.5%, and in my county it is probuly 12 to 15%, and that is not even including all the unemployed people of working age who did not qualify for unemployment. So the REAL unemployment rate is probuly like 25% or so.. you will be lucky to find a job at a fast food place, or any type of full time work.. My whole department at work was laid off, and I was fortunate enough to qualify for unemployment (the first time in my life i have ever end applied for it) I had to move back with my parents because I could not afford my apartment anymore, and just said fu*k it!.. im going back to college.. i just pray that they do that 13 week extention soon, that they passed on 9/22/09, because i need to get a tooth removed and some fillings, I cant wait for some kind of public health or dental to be available in the states. .. Just remember when things get tough, the tough keep going.. I am sure that you can find some under the table pay jobs, like building a website for a local small business or repairing pcs, ect.. I think things will change for the better within the next couple of years, and in 2 years from now then I should have my 4 year degree in Computer science and get an awesome job. Another good idea my old roommate did not to loose his condo since he also lost his job was he rented it out to someone. So he moved in with his grandmother but still owns the condo and has the payments being made but the person renting it.
  7. Excellent idea.. next box i get i am defintely taking the cpu out and putting it back in to see how the new ones are done while i still have the 30 day no questions asked warranty lol cant beleive i did not think of this before hehe i have done this with walmart so many times allready and holy shit at the mobo.. 128 GB of RAM? how is that even possible that motherboard looks too small.. do they make 64gb ram chips now or what? Drop; that must be for the newer motherboards, the one i tried was very old
  8. I think the part i messed up on in the process was there is suppose to be some kind of silicone stuff or something you put in between the cpu chip and the socket that it fits into under the fan of it correct? I grounded my self to the metal frame of the pc box when taking it out and their was like some white pasty stuff inbetween the cpu and the cpu fan.. my first and only attempt was on a old box so if i messed up i did not lose out too much money wise, and im glad i tried it on a old box first because i f*cked it up
  9. 555

    How to DDoS attack

    Does Backtrack 3 or 4 have a ddos feature? I have used it a little to play with and try to crack my own wifi but not to try a ddos yet. What is the best technique to ddos? I have heard about the ping of death is that cmd (ping -l 65550 VICTIM?), and 300 character strings being sent to certain ports, ect.. or does it all depend on what is installed on their system to exploit some kind of remote command repetitive times until all their bandwidth is used up or their pc cant handle all the info comeing in?
  10. That sucks.. guess it is time for a new bare bones kit.. I have tried to replace a CPU and ended up ruining it. So I have been going with mobos with a cpu allready installed and box, everything from there i can install except for of course a water cooling system. Maybe if i can get my hands on another old box then i will try to replace the cpu again, dont really want to ruin my current one by mistake
  11. Man.. forget about water cooling , use liquid nitrogen if you truely want the fast processing power lol [/code] but no really, now i am getting interested if that pc has water cooling (prob not) but I will have to visit my parents this weekend now and open it up :)
  12. speaking of SATA ports, is there some kind of splicer or something that I can run 2 SATA drives from one cable? My motherboard only has 2 places it looks like for a SATA drive, one is being used by my CD/DVD-drive, the other is being used by my hard drive.. but i have another SATA hard drive i would like to use as as slave drive..
  13. 555

    How to DDoS attack

    How many PC's or bandwidth would it take to effectively down a site or persons IP? I have heard of alot of European internet providers which have limited bandwidth, so someone with unlimited bandwidth could knock them off the net for a month until they got their next allowed amount of bandwidth?
  14. How about war driving on a motorcycle, that would be pretty bad ass anyways, nice video quality, also if your going to ride a bike I would recommend a Harley. Looks like you had fun which is the important part. lol @ getting an energy boost from the arrows on the road, but yeah i think if you installed somekind of wifi scanner on your bike that would be awesome
  15. I know the Denial of Service attack is frowned on and considered for script kiddys and lamers but I would like to know how it is performed.. is it "the ping of death" on a repeat loop with a .bat program? can it be done anonymously, and is there allready a program for that or is it something you need to self code? I am not planning some kind of DDoS attack, but am going to college for computer science and am interested about learning more about it.. and yes I have googled "DDoS attack" allready but the results did not really tell me how it is performed or what programs people use for it, or in-depth knowledge about them.. thanks
  16. I have heard of and know what SAM files are but never really knew its location on the drive, so i googled it and here is what i got, just incase some other people dont know where it is.. c:\windows\system32\config\sam (windows dir may vary) c:\windows\repair\sam (possible backups in subfolders) i am guessing for windows 7 and ultimate it is different.. does anyone know? and is the file name just SAM. with no extention?
  17. lol thanks, I am kind of Jewish when it comes to buying stuff and always try to research the best value for my money. My mom is happy with it, so I am happy with it. She has a better PC then me :) btw; the pc you listed does not also include a LCD monitor and 3 and 1 printer (pretty much same box though), which i also received in the 899$ package, I originally got her one of those mini dell boxes from Woot.com for like 500$ but it died within one week and everyone was complaining about it, so I decided to goto the local Mall and buy another Dell and return that to woot which is crazy, because woot does not have a phone number to call.. ( I DID copy the vista serial # off the box for the inconvience though), woot.com = worst return policy ever, no one to talk too over the phone, all done via email,, and they DID try to screw me and say it was never recieved, but eventually it was all worked out. It just sucks when a MAJOR company does not have actual people to call and its all email.
  18. I am thinking the more you know about this stuff = lesser amount of damage points taken. I dont see why someone would log into their router and purposely use WEP instead of some kind of WPA method, when all you have to do ussually is click it from the same drop down menu. Yes, you can make it so your SSID does not appear when the area is scanned in your WIFI radius, it all depends i guess on what kind of network you are trying to build, and I am no where near to being a network genius.
  19. I have not yet ever seen a laptop nor desktop which has a soldered CMOS battery to the motherboard. Maybe that has something to do with what country you are in? but I have not yet seen a soldered CMOS battery and have fixed over 100 different computers atleast, both laptops and desktops.. more desktops then laptops though.
  20. take that little battery called the CMOS battery out for like 2 minutes then re-plug it back in, then the BIOS PW will be gone. It is a circular battery which resembles almost a wrist watch battery.
  21. We dont have that here.. unfortunatley, unless you bought it threw paypal, and that only offers up to i think like 1000$ refund on bad shipping. here if you get f*cked then your stuck pretty much, unless you are dealing with someone that has a heart and will return your money
  22. I think we need to outsource our collections & telemarketing calls then instead of tech support, people want to work in a field that relates to what they are studying. Tech support jobs are good work experience / entry jobs for noobs to get into a deeper field. Collections and Tele-Markting is nothing but getting yelled at all day. Ghandi would be a perfect telemarketer.. if we get overflows of jobs where we have too much work and not enough employees to be employed then I totally agree with out-sourceing. But that is not the case unemployment in the US is at a all-time high rate, prob same or worse then the great depression, but they dont want you to know that. When a state says the unemployment rate is 10% that is not counting all the people who are not-eligiable for unemployment.. so really it is probuly like 20 to 30% of the people unemployed. Plus do you think people are going to work for minimum wage? ( 7$/hr) it is impossible to live on that amount of money, and has been prooven in scientific studys which I can provide. The minimum wage should be 10$ an hour and healthcare included, until the big companys start working with the employees the overall structure will suffer because I know for damn sure I am not spending 30,000$ on college for 2 years to make 12$ an hour in a tech support position, big biz in America is screwing alot of Americans over right now
  23. I beleive so.. so when I have my router uplinked the data is incremented to it and should always be incremented throughout the network? but by plugging it into a regular ethernet plug that makes it just a switch on the network?
  24. Is there a major difference between the ethernet uplink plug in and the other ones? If so, what is it
  25. I have used orphcrack, not too much with vista but with the 120GB of full data hak5 rainbow tables on torrent i should be able to crack any of them right? will LM also crack MD5 and SHA1 as well? Does Hak5 offer rainbow tables for md5 and sha-1? I did not know orphcrack only bruted up to 4 chars that is good to know, do LM tables even work with vista and 7?
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