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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Since I'm buying a new house this year, I'll probably skip defcon. Will try to make Derby though. I can drive there.
  2. Unless you're transmitting over spec, the other side still might not hear you.
  3. Just because you can see it doesn't mean you can connect or talk reliably. Wifi is a two way street. If they don't have a big honking antenna pointed at you it probably won't work.
  4. The lease drops because the client is no longer connected. Shouldn't have anything to do with the server's lease time. A shorter time is preferred in a target rich environment. If the lease time is too long you'll have ip addresses being held by clients no longer on the network.
  5. USB only supplies 500 miliamps of power on the pineapple. You're trying to draw too much. Use a powered hub, or a smaller thumb drive.
  6. They make a linux cert??!!
  7. He's pissed off a lot of people. I wouldn't touch that crap for anything. That and the dude is creepy.
  8. Pretty sure no one has gotten the internal sd card in 3g modems to work.
  9. The problem has happened to several of us. Not sure what happens, but the drive goes into read only mode permanently.
  10. I guess I need to pick up a usb ethernet adapter... The only working mac in the house at the moment is my wife's macbook air. I'll grab one this weekend and figure it out.
  11. I had one of those in my pineapple until it became locked. Picked it up at staples for about the same price.
  12. I'm not saying it's illegal, or should be illegal to run an exit node, I think tor is a cool idea. The problem lies with the fact that someone can, and most likely will do something stupid with your exit node. I'm sure eventually the police will return your stuff, it's just a matter of them going through all of it with a fine toothed comb looking for the crap that was spewing from your external ip address.
  13. How would you encrypt the drive without giving the pineapple the password? You can't.
  14. Holy shit! That brings back memories! They show up on fleabay every now and then. Dragorn has pcap capture for android now, he's getting closer to kismet for our phones. Now if I could just get my usb otg cable modded so I can inject power both ways.
  15. Those my friends are the Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200 and SL-C3100. They run linux natively, and these two guys were running debian. I had kismet running on both, but only had one cf wifi card... I also compiled Dragorn's spectools to work with the wi-spy spectrum analyzer. Believe it or not but I actually got the 3200 to successfully crack a wep network with cowpatty! Took it two days, and I had to leave it plugged in. I also had the SL-6000W which had built in wifi.
  16. Personally I wouldn't use the pineapple for this at all. Kismet is what you want to use. It's in Backtrack if you don't want to install linux on a laptop. I used to use these little guys when I worked for the school district in AK.
  17. Did you partition the drive? Is the swap partition the correct partition number?
  18. Wow! Chicks actually keep nude photos of themselves in dropbox!
  19. Wait until you guys start deploying Server 2012! What a piece of shit that's turning out to be....
  20. Nero will do it. 48X on my pc failed though. I wasn't expecting it to actually work at that speed, I just wanted to see. Most folks say burn at 4x or even 2x for it to work with multiple disks at once. My pc is an i5 at 2.6Ghz with 6Gb of ram running 64bit Windows 8.
  21. Anybody find anything similar to driftnet for android?
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