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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-add-or-remove-startup-apps-in-windows-10/
  2. Figures my local Barns & Noble stopped carrying the MagPi magazine last month. The Dec issue comes with one stuck to the cover! It's the first computing magazine that gives you a free computer.
  3. I was one awhile back that copies all usb drive info to another location, that might do it, not sure.
  4. It's just showing the automatic backup of the iPhone on the laptop, not from the phone.
  5. Yea, they put out a weekly progress report to the backers. They've got it 90% to their liking, just have to redesign the camera module for the bottom. The decided to go with the gopro as the standard camera they will all come with, so the original housing is too small. After that they're going to ship a half dozen to some beta testers to shake out any bugs that haven't been found yet.
  6. Hahahahahaha!! Gimble, that's funny.... No, it was an UAir(failed kickstarter drone) with a Motorola Atrix hanging off the bottom by some velcro straps! The phone is in a Ballistic HC case. I'm currently backing this one. Hopefully they don't flake out like the last one I backed did. I don't think they will though. Most of the parts are off the shelf components, so it should be alright.
  7. Looking at my video, I was higher than 20 feet. Thought it was lower. Pretty much all the damage was the prop. I don't think it even bent any of the frame! Skip to 4:20, for some reason the forum software won't take the time offset in the link.
  8. I had a prop shell out once, that suuuuuuked! Was about 20 feet in the air when it happened.
  9. If your router has a dmz function, enable it. Then use the dmz network for the computers you work on. Keep them off the home network.
  10. Also, are you running kali live or installed, or in a vm?
  11. barry99705


    Edit the /etc/config/system file. Damn, Seb is faster than me.
  12. barry99705


  13. barry99705


    Hmm, I've never tried to virtualize a suspended machine. I don't think you can. I suppose you could clone the drive and try to boot it into a vm with the same(mostly) hardware as the target.
  14. barry99705


    You can do a physical to virtual conversion, but it won't capture the memory or what's running. I've actually done this over a vpn to a different state. Had a CFO that upper management suspected of shady things. Luckily the laptop in question was left running on his desk, so I did a vmware p2v to their local file server first, then transfered it to our local server.
  15. It can listen to anything from 10mhz up to 6ghz. That covers most radio communications frenquencies. It can't officially read some of the lower frequency rfid chips, but I thing Mike has done it. Not sure about the sniffing part. I don't see why it couldn't see more than one freq at a time.
  16. How many places are you going to post this?
  17. The wiki has a tutorial on how to do this. Also your friend needs a swift kick in the balls.
  18. Putting tmp on a sd card is a really good way to fry the sd card pretty quick.
  19. Might be in here somewhere. https://infocon.org/cons/DEF%20CON/DEF%20CON%2023/
  20. Even a good quality access point will transmit pretty far if it's in a good location. My phone will connect to home when I turn the corner a little over 900 feet from my house. The ap is on the second floor, and there's very little in the way, an old walnut tree and an open field. Max transmit power at 2.4ghz is 30dBm.
  21. If it got that hot, the car should have been on fire. Just because the components aren't centered doesn't mean anybody messed with the board. Just means the board wasn't centered in the fixture when the robot placed them.
  22. If only there was a subsection of the forums to ask about the ducky in....
  23. That's going to be your biggest problem. You need to get above them.
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