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Vista Downgrade On The Cheap?


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why spend money on something that is soon going away? spend money on a new proc and more mem or even better yet a new machine. then you can run vista! although i would upgrade to ultimate and x64. runs great on my quad Q with 8 gig of ram, a mobo that runs stock at 1066 FSB and dual ATI cards runnig in crossfire. ok so really if you want cheap run linux its FREE!!!

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ive used vista and cant stand it so i dont blame you for wanting to switch. my suggestion is to run a good linux distro and download some kind of windows emulation so you can run windows programs

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Its a new laptop.... its a bit more stable than my acer (bad motherboard after a year :/) but this one has a gig more of ram so I'm guessing thats why.... Anyway until I pay this off no upgrades lol.

I know that xp would run real smooth on 2gigs of ram, I've never honestly used a pc with that much ram until I got my laptop and never seen that much on xp. I know xp to run well on just 512mb so 2gb would be nice...

I've thought of linux although I worry about hardware/software issues. I like reactos but its no where near stable enough to run day to day. I know I can always buy xp but cant afford it atm, i've got a good year worth a payments left on this laptop.

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I'm not sure what the Law is regarding "downgrading" i.e. is it just open to OEM System Builders?

Having spoken with Microsoft (having done downgrades for customers) they have told me to use ANY XP CoA :blink:

Personally I am finding Vista ok, most of the problems I had have settled down. At home I am running Vista Ultimate x64 on 4GB of RAM and at work I am running Vista Business again on 4GB of RAM, previously I was running Vista Business on 2GB of RAM and it was quite sluggish and I can see why it has had a lot of bad press... given the choice of downgrading OS or upgrading RAM I would take the RAM option :lol:

I am always tickled by people who rush out and install the "latest" software and then moan about problems they have with bugs etc ;) I think the "I hate Vista" bandwagon is a little unjustified now.

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i have a laptop that has vista and after i tweaked it a little to make it more usable it works fine as a laptop.... Plus there is the learning factor involved... vista will one day surpass xp as time goes on. Its just a matter of time. Like holding onto windows 2000... Best to just get used to vista.

Tweak your system to not use the visual effects and it will run alot faster...

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I know that sp2 or so and we'll be doing real good, I think my laptop only supports 3gb of ram but I have to double check that, But Its not all that bad with the 2gb it has, my last had only 1gb and that was hell! (no sp at that point tho either)

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I know that sp2 or so and we'll be doing real good, I think my laptop only supports 3gb of ram but I have to double check that, But Its not all that bad with the 2gb it has, my last had only 1gb and that was hell! (no sp at that point tho either)

The max a 32bit OS can use is 3.3GB of RAM, unless you've gone 64Bit your not missing out on much.

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