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Rare language challenge


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Users must try to learn a language that is not commonly used today (fortran, ada  etc.. no brainfuck please).

Just create a basic application to show you learned the principles of the language.

Bonus points for it being something no one has ever heard of.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Whitespace code is also lawls if that is what your going for.


I'm really lazy so if someone else wants to throw some down go ahead. It's not hard to learn just time consuming to write. 

...dude that would take forever to debug...pass...

That language is lame, as I cant even create "hello world" without errors.

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Whitespace code is also lawls if that is what your going for.


I'm really lazy so if someone else wants to throw some down go ahead. It's not hard to learn just time consuming to write. 

...dude that would take forever to debug...pass...

That language is lame, as I cant even create "hello world" without errors.

Well then you fail, lol.

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  • 1 month later...

For those who dont know what 'brainfuck' is;

>>> BrainFuck <<<

Hello World App, in BrainFuck


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  • 1 month later...

so many languages to try so little time lol.

umm as far as the topic goes blitz basic isn't unheard of but its not used often since the compiler is way overpriced but heres some code lol

Graphics 640, 480; graphics are set up for fullscreen.

;Begin Main Game Loop
While Not KeyDown(1)

;variable defaults------
weapon$ = "nothing"
ammo = 0
;end variable defaults--

Print "Welcome to RogueHart's game 'Final Combat!' In this game you are a" 
Print "soldier. You have proven yourself to be very good at working alone"
Print "so you have been given a mission. The final mission of the war."
Print "If you complete this mission then the human race will finally win"
Print "and peace will be restored. But you must kill the unusual monsters"
Print "that have taken over the planet and begun the genocide of the "
Print "human race"
Print "do not use capitals during gameplay because it will not work"
accept$ = Input$("do you accept this responsibility Y or N? ")
If accept$ = "y" Or "Y" Then
    Goto begingame
ElseIf accept$ = "n" Or "N" Then 
    Goto chicken
Else Print "Im sorry but you have to type y or n and nothing else "
    Goto acceptq
Print "MISSION BREIFING_________________________________________________"
Print "Your mission is to infiltrate the enemies base and kill the"
Print "person who is creating these monsters, Dr.Leon Hart."
Print "You will be on this mission alone. No backup will come ever."
Print "You have your choice of equipment in a moment but first a"
Print "brief description of a few common enemies you will encounter."
Print ""
Print "The most common enemy you will come across is the 'Blancha'"
Print "     He is a tall creature and very strong. If you dont kill"
Print "     him first then he will kill you."
Print "The second type of enemy is the much more deadly 'Gyle'"
Print "     He is very agile and very hard to hit. If you miss"
Print "     that first shot then your dead. Everything depends"
Print "     on the accuracy of your weapon.
Print "The Last type of common enemy is the strange 'Reyu'"
Print "     He is slow but very very powerful. He can take"
Print "     a hit so weather or not u kill him depends on"
Print "     the power of your chosen weapon"
Print "There are probably more enemies but we dont know any of them."    
noob$ = Input$("If you want instructions type y. If you dont type n: ")
If noob$ = "y" Then 
    Gosub instructions
ElseIf noob$ = "n"
    Goto weaponselect
;choose weapon---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print "You have a choice of 3 weapons. A 'shotgun'. a 'sniper', and a "
Print "'luger'.
weapon$ = Input$("Well, which do you choose? ")

;first room--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print "Time for your story to begin."
Print "You are outside the last human fortress. The gate is locked"
Print "and ahead of you is a field full of dead bodies."
Print ""
Print "You can move N, E, or W"
Gosub monsteryn
whichway1$ = Input$("What do you want to do? ")
If whichway1$ = "n" Then;north 1
    Goto n1
ElseIf whichway1$ = "e" Then; east 1
    Goto e1
ElseIf whichway1$ = "w" Then; west 1
    Goto w1
Else Print "What the hell are you doing? Do things right" Goto notnoob
EndIf;end room 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;north 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print "You are in a field. Surrounded by the bodies of your "
If ammo = 0 Then
    Print "fellow soldiers. You gather ammo. Enough for the rest"
    Print "of the mission. You will avenge their deaths."
    ammo = 1
Else Print "fellow soldiers. You will avenge their deaths."
Print "You can go N. S, E, or W."
Gosub monsteryn
n1ww$ = Input$("")
If n1ww$ = "fire" Then
    Gosub shoot
ElseIf n1ww$ = "n" Then;north 2
    Goto n2
ElseIf n1ww$ = "s" Then; firstroom
    Gosub clearscreen
    Goto Firstroom
ElseIf n1ww$ = "e" Then; north 1 east 1
    Goto ne1
ElseIf n1ww$ = "w" Then; north 1 west 1
    Goto nw1
;end north 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;east 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print "You are in front of a wall. Bodies of your fallen"
If ammo = 0 Then
    Print "bretheren lay around. You gather enough ammo"
    Print "for the rest of the mission."
    ammo = 1
ElseIf ammo &lt;&gt; 0 Then
    Print "bretheren lay around. You fill with rage."
Print "You can go N, S, E, or W."
Gosub monsteryn
e1ww$ = Input$("")

ammo = 1


;End Main Game Loop

;Game Functions and Sub-Routines
hit = Rnd(10)
If monster = 1 And weapon$ &lt;&gt; "nothing" Then
    Print "You fire your weapon. The bullet rips through the Blancha's flesh."
    Print "Blood splatters everywhere. The Blancha is dead."
    monster = 0

ElseIf monster = 2 Then
    If weapon$ &lt;&gt; "sniper" Then
        If hit = 2 Or 3 Or 4 Or 6 Or 8 Or 10 Then
            Print "Your gun is strong and your aim is true. You have killed the Gyle"
        Else Print "Your bullet missed its target. The Gyle doesn't waste time killing you"
            Print "It just begins devouring your flesh."
            Goto chicken
    ElseIf weapon$ = "sniper" Then
        Print "Your choice of weapon was perfect. Your bullet shreds through the Gyle."
        monster = 0
ElseIf monster = 3 Then
    If weapon$ &lt;&gt; "shotgun" Then
        If hit = 1 Or 5 Or 7 Or 9 Or 10 Then
            monster = 0
            Print "Your aim was perfect. Your shot hit him in the head causing death."
        Else Print "Your weapon did nothing to the beast. He devours you in 1 bite."
        Goto chicken
    Else Print "Your choice of weapon was perfect. Your shot blows the Reyu away."
Else Print "What the hell are u shooting at?"

monster = Rnd(10)
If monster = 1 Or 4 Then 
    Print "There is a Blancha here. Fire your weapon."
    forn$ =  Input$("")
        If forn$ &lt;&gt; "fire" Then
            Goto ran
        ElseIf forn$ = "fire" Then
            Gosub shoot
ElseIf monster = 2 
    Print "There is a Gyle here. Fire your weapon."
    forn$ =  Input$("")
        If forn$ &lt;&gt; "fire" Then
            Goto ran
        ElseIf forn$ = "fire" Then
            Gosub shoot
ElseIf monster = 3
    Print "There is a Reyu here. Fire your weapon."
    forn$ =  Input$("")
        If forn$ &lt;&gt; "fire" Then
            Goto ran
        ElseIf forn$ = "fire" Then
            Gosub shoot

Print "Lets get the basics first. To move you either type e w s"
Print "or n for ,east ,west ,south, and north respectively."
Print "To attack type 'fire' and you will fire your weapon."
Print "You have had so much training that when you shoot you "
Print "always aim at the enemy without trying. so when you "
Print "shoot, just type 'fire'"
Print "To activate a switch type 'press switch' or 'pull lever'"
Print "ect, ect."
doneinst$ = Input$("When you have finished reading type 1 then hit enter. ")
If doneinst$ = "1" Then
Else Print "I said just hit enter."


;Quitters End
Print "Running is useless. The creature devours you quickly."
run = 1

If run = 1 Then
    run = 0
    Print "You have disgraced the human race. Not that it matters since"
    Print "youve caused the end of it. I hope your happy"
    Delay 5000
ElseIf run &lt;&gt; 1 Then
    Gosub clearscreen
    Print "You have disgraced the human race. Not that it matters since"
    Print "youve caused the end of it. I hope your happy"
    Delay 5000

actually... this is just an abandoned txt adventure i gave up on finishing a long time ago. anyone who uses the language or can translate feel free to have at it lol.

it may not be a rare language but i think ill win for longest code :P

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