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Project Hackers411


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Me, Brainkill, the spy and revolations where having a discussion about something that we would like to develop.

Basically we are calling out to all coders, whoever wants to help with something that we are about to do.

Basically the Idea is that we want to create a website that is devoted to all aspects of Hacking and Technology. Not only that but the information of the website would be fully governed by the user. I dont mean like a wiki. Basically the website would be a place where someone with an idea, hack, podcast, vidcast, someone with information, whatever could come to the site and get that hosted for free. In turms of general information that would be handled by us. But lets say a podcast/vidcast wanted to get hosted by us. There would be a group of representatives that would basically go into the community and would represent the wishes of the community to us.

So if something happened to the server it would be fully communities decision. Basically we would not charge to host and maintain information. Instead we would make money of like small advertisements. It would be one stop for hackers. If someone wants some information on something hack,tech related they have to go to multiple websites. What we want to do is eliminate that. One website for everything youre media youre information. But on a massive scale. Like we could host whatever the community wants. So if anyone wants to give us some ideas or wants to become involved with the project please post even if its negative I want to hear it.

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I must say, I was a bit skeptical. I think that this could be a good resource for people to learn various homebrew mods and hacks. I just hope that the true meaning doesn't get lost in translation so-to-speak. You have my blessing. Go for it. I'll post some of my knowledge.

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After sitting and talking to the group behind the Project Hackers 411, I fully agree with them on all means/levels/plans of the idea.

I might not know a lot about computers, but I sure like building them. Plus I am always up for learning if I need to, even if it takes me a long time. I will try to help with the project, even if it is just information gathering.

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thankyou so much for your support in this endeavor this is why I like the Hak.5 community. What I need is people to send me information of what they would like to see on this site. You can send it to my email, ajpcinc@gmail.com. Also if you have a dedicated server for the site that would be awesome as well. Again I greatly appreciate all of this.

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Okay, maybe it's hidden in the first post and I can't distill it from there because I'm a complete idiot (hey, what else is new), so could someone just fill me in on 2 small details here:

1. Just what, SPECIFICALLY, is this group going to do? It doesn't really matter to me how it does this, just what the actual long-term goal is.

2. What, SPECIFICALLY, is it you're looking for? What should we bring to come play?

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This group is looking to basically, well let me explain my thought process to you. These days we go to many different sites to get information. So I want this site to basically serve hackers the culture whatever you want to call it. Basically it will have many purposes. As a phonebook like directory of hacker sites as they get found. It will server as a place where we can host media and podcasts and eventually I want it to just have like a searchable database of information. Lets say you want to know, well how to recover passwords. It would pull up our article on recovering passwords along with other sites that have the information. But I want the site to have its own governing. IE the community would control the information, the community would decide who can get hosted, and the community would decide what info gets posted.

It doesn't have to have a point. Its an internet start up!

Lol I have function guilt basically I want it to be what everyone else wants it to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

you might want to make your own "wiki" type software inorder for it to meet your needs specifically, I am willing to help with this, I have a large amount of space with Dreamhost as well as a shit load of transfer. I am also very educated with PHP, CSS, HTML, etc. and have basic AJAX behind me. Just send me a PM and I can give you my MSN.

Edit: I could also write up some tutorials for the site too.

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