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found on digg :)

i have better ones...but they are of my and my lady so im not gonna post them

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I knew a few girls back in high school who were considered 'not date material' because they were geekish and liked the sciences. Now they're being hounded by guys all the time at university. Sooner or later guys realize that looks are not everything (not saying that you're not good looking, you are) and will see girls for why they really are, not just their face and bust size.

But when will girls look at guys that way :cry: :x :D

Keep on dreaming.

Not necessarly. It depends on what type of girl you're trying to attract. If you're going for the head cheerleader then you may as well shoot yourself in the foot, that's probably the only way she'll notice you - roaming campus with your foot in a cast.

However, it's the girls who take the sidelines at parties and other social gatherings that are the ones who would probably be flattered if you took the time to talk with them (this is usually how it is at the college level, high school is a whole different and sadly, cruel world).

Odds are that if you went for the popular girl and got a date, she'll bore the hell out of you because you'll want to talk about your new install of Fedora Core and she'll blab about how her best-friends', girlfriends' sister broke up with her weekly boyfriend.

Save yourself the time and go for the girls who are down to Earth and interested in learning something from you (and you are from them). They can be rare but take the time and spend the effort, sooner or later you'll find someone who likes you for who you are and finds that lastest beta-version of Fedora Core you installed, "sexy".

Lol. I don't do fedora :P. However the major point here is that girls like that are extremely extremely rare. Most girls don't pride themselves on intellect, which is where the divide ends up. They, as you said, would rather talk about mundane pointless stuff whereas people like us prefer to find theories that accurately describe the workings of the universe from the ground up, or create some grand expression of creativity, or do something involving efficiency in coding and a new computer. The more profound you are, the more specific your crowd becomes. Eventually once you hit the level of 'innovator' you're pretty much alone.

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Lol. I don't do fedora :P. However the major point here is that girls like that are extremely extremely rare. Most girls don't pride themselves on intellect, which is where the divide ends up. They, as you said, would rather talk about mundane pointless stuff whereas people like us prefer to find theories that accurately describe the workings of the universe from the ground up, or create some grand expression of creativity, or do something involving efficiency in coding and a new computer. The more profound you are, the more specific your crowd becomes. Eventually once you hit the level of 'innovator' you're pretty much alone.

I can see your point but I believe you're greatly under estimating the female portion of the race. Yes, finding these women is difficult but who said that anything in life would be easy? There are women out there (and many of them) who love brains over brawn, would rather discuss mathmatical theory than this week's people magazine. Life is not some hollywood produced movie where two strangers meet at a train station on the way to work, fall in love and live happly ever-after. Everything in life takes endurance to overcome; It's the willingness of an individual that determines their course in life.

That is of course, if you believe in controlled destiny, which I'm sure most, if not all, of you do.

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hehe, he is a picture of LonleyLoser91, he's not around much mostly due to lack of internet Connection, we're installing linux on a computer currently and we're formatting the partitions, he got bored and decided to play computer docter and dressed up, sorta


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