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For those grammar/spelling/word usage Nazis:

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Which word misusage or spelling error bothers you the most?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • their/they're/there
    • definately
    • then/than
    • its/it's
    • loose/lose
    • were/where
    • (other)

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Its obvious stuff that pisses me off, when people don't even try to error check or read threw what they've typed. FF2 has a spell checker now, and you can just use Google as a spell checker if your stuck, so there is no excuse. Total lack of punctuation is another one that gets me, in fact it makes me want to delete the post and PM the user asking them to try again.

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Actually, I thought that was the correct spelling for 'definately'?

As for spelling errors in this thread, top to bottom:

Lake - Lack

threw - through

your - you're

gets me, in fact it - gets me. In fact, it

I hate posts that have no form of punctuation. It's like the poster is one of those hyper ADHD sufferers who just spews alphabet soup over you and expects you to read the letters as they flow.

No, I'm more annoyed by people acting like complete and utter jackasses. But I've got moderator privs to deal with that. :twisted:

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I believe it's "definitely"...

I do dislike blatant and frequent spelling and grammar errors though and I'd agree with Cooper's comment on punctuation (or the lack of it).

I won't try to say I can spell perfectly but I'll at least try... if I don't know a word I'll look it up to verify I have the correct spelling and/or meaning and I don't really think it's beyond reasonable to expect people to do the same when the time comes that they don't know how to spell a word.

With browser spell checkers and even with Word's spell checking functions it's not hard to take an extra 15 seconds to ensure everything is corrently spelt, punctuated and worded.

I also agree with Cooper's 'jackass' comment; I really despise forum posts that are non-sensical, idiotic and barely even conform to the English language. I might expect errors from someone whos primary language is not English but it's English-speaking people who tend to be the worst.

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ur(your/you're) r(are) y(why) Or other things you find in text messages and myspace.

pass me A apple

My wife sent me a text message one day and it had ur in it. I immediately called her and let her know that I would divorce her if that ever happened again. Does that make me a grammar nazi?

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who the FUCK cares about spelling and punctuation on a forum ffs. This is teh 1337 hax4r forum not some English club forum, as long as you can understand teh noob then its ok, if you cant build a fucken bridge and get ova it.



But since your only 13, I can understand your lack of basic grammar and spelling.

You probably still think "everyone" is a plural noun,

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lol someone else i was mucking around lol ow and by the way "act lick an n00b youl gate flammedzordv" since you ppl are all so called english experts look at that pfffft and i get flammed,

at least you can understand what i write lol

cheers some1 else

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who the FUCK cares about spelling and punctuation on a forum ffs. This is teh 1337 hax4r forum not some English club forum, as long as you can understand teh noob then its ok, if you cant build a fucken bridge and get ova it.


I do, and I have a ban hammer. And 1337 hax4r forum??? Have you been going to the hidden forums?

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lol someone else i was mucking around lol ow and by the way "act lick an n00b youl gate flammedzordv" since you ppl are all so called english experts look at that pfffft and i get flammed,

at least you can understand what i write lol

cheers some1 else

You're an idiot. You piss me off. I can request that someone shuts you up.

Stop being an idiot. Stop pissing me off. I won't ask that you be removed from the forums.

Your first post in this thread was pathetically immature, it proved a point and further revealed you to be little more than a kid who doesn't show any signs of emotional or mental maturity within the foreseeable future.

In fact you even demonstrated why people don't reply to your threads or reply to them with useful information; you cannot type in english. If you were to type in english it would make you appear less of an idiot (regardless of whether you believe you are or not) and people might at least read your posts and possibly even reply to them. People don't care if you don't know certain things but the do care if you can't actually communicate.

Oh, and those hidden boards? I'm right there... ;)

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The only time that incorrect spelling and grammar piss me off, is when it is done intentionally. If the English language is not your first language, then some leniency is given. However, if some inbred retard posts something ridiculous such as, "h3lp me lern 2 hak :) :) :)," then of course there is nothing excusable about that.

I don't expect everyone to have perfect grammar and spelling, as the English language is the most difficult language in the world to learn, but make it look as though you tried.

Whenever I post, I look through what I am about to post for mistakes, and I do not think it is too much to ask that others do the same. Even if a mistake slips my notice, there is an edit button at my disposal.

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I don't expect everyone to have perfect grammar and spelling, as the English language is the most difficult language in the world to learn, but make it look as though you tried.

Whenever I post, I look through what I am about to post for mistakes, and I do not think it is too much to ask that others do the same. Even if a mistake slips my notice, there is an edit button at my disposal.

Agreed. Definitely. I also follow that when posting, check, check, post, check, edit, check. :D

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