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USB Switchblade Development

Darren Kitchen

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Scar is a RuneScape cheating engine. The guy who created it has left the internet, his site was Kaitnieks.com.

Scar is used mostly for RS cheating.

i fund ith threw runscape auttoing , but its a solled system whatch uses java, and slr (i have downloaded a striptedown 4.7 with out the runescape aniban)


autto tipe

silint mouse


reconizez coller

sam functons of normal java

not used that mitch as a program lanqwige , so not many anti viruses scan .scar files

haz codpeaces(its like semantick if facle skip,{it gos 2 nortan} if true contenue if faclse skip{aol}...)

its eazy 2 lurn , and opens up a lot of thot locked dors, like forenctance

pusodo code

go 2 my computer


program files

smantick if true contunue if falce skip

if true

disable *****.exe


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Well, aside from the whole school hacking thing being a really bad idea, using something like scar - which is Java-dependent - is very unreliable. You can't guarantee that the target computer will have Java enabled or that the program will run properly...

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Well, aside from the whole school hacking thing being a really bad idea, using something like scar - which is Java-dependent - is very unreliable. You can't guarantee that the target computer will have Java enabled or that the program will run properly...

Plus, think of how a antivirus works. Its going to scan anything and everything into memory. Then its going to look for know signatures, evidence of packing, etc etc. Any app you make will be tagged soon enough.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This ooples guy can't be serious.

I could spell much, MUCH better than that, without spell check, when I was fucking 10. TEN.

You're wondering why you're getting bad grades at school? Gee whiz, how about learning how to spell basic words.

Oh, and you want to use hacking for malicious purposes, while you're at it? When I can see you spell the word "continue," "false," or "learn." Seriously, once you "lurn" how to spell "learn" for us, and then we can explain in detail why you're such an idiot. Right now I'm just assuming this is all going over your little dumb brain.

I can't imagine that dyslexia would cause you to spell "learn" as "lurn." Maybe "urlean" or "leanr" or something, but "lurn"?

Replacing S's with Z's is not a symptom of dyslexia.

"Sam"? You can't even spell "SAME"? Jesus Christ.

Even if you really have dyslexia, you are also either a lazy fuck who won't bother to take an extra millisecond to spell words how they should be spelled, even how a dyslexic brain sees them, or you're also just really stupid, or have otherwise dropped out of school before or during middle school.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How can i test if my USB Switchblade is working ?

Btw i Don't Wanna infect my computer with this shit

first off you probably shouldn't be doing anything if you don't know what it does.

secondly, the switchblade doesn't infect your computer per se it gathers information from it. The hacksaw part of the bundle technically does 'infect' but you can disable it and if you want. But if you are learning, i say go ahead and run the whole package on yourself.

a word to the wise. Don't run anything on your computer that you don't know what it does....cause that's just stupid. Unless your doing it on purpose to study the way things work.

third, if you don't know how to see if the its working then its really of little use to you. Logic dictates that if you have a use for this package then you'll know how to read the log file.

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How can i test if my USB Switchblade is working ?

Btw i Don't Wanna infect my computer with this shit

Well if you are putting it in machines and it's not creating any logs, then it's not working. And as X3N was saying, you should really understand what these tools do before you start playing with them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey does anyone no a command I can add to my SB script to replace your victim's background with a pick that you want in my case it is a GIF pic of pc with a pirate flag and it says pwned all over it when it runs switchblade. I used this pick when I airpwn on my wireless! And then I was also wandering how to get it to replace the background only when hacksaw is used. Thanks in advance!


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Assuming its in autoit


;;It work only for *.bmp;;


$wallpaper = FileOpenDialog("", "::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}", "Bitmap(*.bmp)", 1)


Func _WallpaperChange($image)

;Desktop Position: Stretch

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop", "WallpaperStyle", "REG_SZ", 2)

RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop", "TileWallpaper", "REG_SZ", 0)


$spi_setdeskwallpaper = 20

$spif_updateinifile = 1

$spif_sendchange = 2

DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SystemParametersInfo", _

"int", $spi_setdeskwallpaper, _

"int", 0, _

"str", $image, _

"int", BitOR($spif_updateinifile, $spif_sendchange))

EndFunc ;==>_WallpaperChange

I didn't write this.

or if its command prompt


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  • 3 weeks later...

Im kind of a n00b, in fact i am very much a n00b i just joined 2day! I didnt read all the threads so someone might have already asked this but is it possible for there to be a metasploit module in switchblade? like, it could get the system info analyze it and come up with a list of possible exploits. Then u could exploit that computer when u get home. pls reply if this would be possible. Im not much of a programmer. I hardly know C++ so i might not be of much help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,

I'm a French new guy on this forum.

I have a problem with create my USB switchable usb key...

I've try to build a "USB Switchblade" on my SanDisk cruzer micro 1.0 GB, with the "Max Damage Technique".

I can't pass the first step...

When I try to replace the existing U3 software on the U3 with LPInstaller.exe and the cruzer-autorun.iso (I put this two files on my office, in a specific directory)... the LPInstaller ask me each time to connect me on internet... otherwise it don't work... and of course, when the LPInstaller update the USB key, it didn't do it with my specific payload... and download the new iso on the SanDisk server.

Can you tell me how bypass this first problem ?

Thank you for your help,

Best regards,

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  • 1 month later...

The switchblade is out of development,if you looked for even half a second and not just posted asking for all the links you would have seen, right below this thread on the list, the pocket knife thread. This is the most current one, it is in development by the users here. DMilton mostly and and me. In closing...


If you don't you made a decision to waste everyones time, which is valuable might I add. Sorry if this is harsh but there are alot of posts like yours, lazy skiddies wanting to be "hackers".

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The switchblade is out of development,if you looked for even half a second and not just posted asking for all the links you would have seen, right below this thread on the list, the pocket knife thread. This is the most current one, it is in development by the users here. DMilton mostly and and me. In closing...


If you don't you made a decision to waste everyones time, which is valuable might I add. Sorry if this is harsh but there are alot of posts like yours, lazy skiddies wanting to be "hackers".

Thanks mate

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  • 1 month later...
Amish's technique does not require a U3 drive. I've tested it and had it work just fine. I'm too exhausted right now to check.

Amish: could you take a look and maybe explain your technique here?



Can you tell me how to do it. In like some sort of guide? Thanks...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

OK I have read 90% of the 29 pages of this thread and I still have to ask, so there is a way to encrypt/repack/recode the payloads but that only keeps it from being detected on the disk and when it is run the AV will see it in the in memory scan and kill it then. Correct?

If that is the case then you would need to code a new "clone" so to speak for the payload that has a different signature to go undetected?

If this is way off and sounds like total flub I'm sorry I'm a noobish skiddie but my tivo started downloading Hak5 a month or so ago and I love it. In fact I did something I never do and thats spend money( bought a fon should be here in about 2weeks and 4 days woot! can't wait to lose that skiddie cherry, you think the yes man can do it for me;) ) 30 buck in stickers will be the next big buy(I didn't even spend that much on my last pair of shoes)

P.S. I hope this gets the thread back on topic--- no offense to any one and mad props to EVERY ONE that supports hak5 I hope to contribute in any way I can so if there are any skiddie compatible tasks please let me know.

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  • 3 months later...

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