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Whats a good free distribution of Linux to dualboot with windows

ubuntu studio

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such as...?

the ones ive heard about most are red hat, cent os, fedora, and arch. and mint

i dual booted ubuntu studio at first. now my vista is screwed up and im not even attempting to fix it lol. the partition works just fine for storage so i just throw my files there. i dont bother with windows anymore.

i like ubuntu studio because im into image and audio editing/production. and since ubuntu studio does have video editing software im probably going to get into video production too. there are different flavors of ubuntu and its generally considered the easiest to install. if you want to see what ubuntu is like just burn a copy of the standard ubuntu to a cd. it will let you use it as a live cd before installing. ubuntu studio on the other hand requires a dvd and does not function as a live distro before installation.

i will say this. if you want to keep your windows install then be careful while partitioning your drive. i screwed that up accidentally(no errors or anything during the partitioning. theres just some things you shouldnt do) and now i cant boot into windows. all the files are still safe though and the partition functions as a nice place to store unused data such as a hak5 video archive

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i will say this. if you want to keep your windows install then be careful while partitioning your drive. i screwed that up accidentally(no errors or anything during the partitioning. theres just some things you shouldnt do) and now i cant boot into windows. all the files are still safe though and the partition functions as a nice place to store unused data such as a hak5 video archive

Have you googled how to add shit to grub? Im pretty sure that if you edit some of the boot options it will work again

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Have you googled how to add shit to grub? Im pretty sure that if you edit some of the boot options it will work again

to be honest ive heard that the vista disc has tools to repair bad partitioning. thing is i havent tried it yet. im very content with vista and what little i need windows ill use xp. which i have only used for music so far.

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You could just get the audio codecs you require and be done with Windows for good?

I'd recommend you don't use Ubuntu.

It's a script kiddie OS.

But if you only want it for useful-ness and don't want to learn much about Linux then go ahead,

I'd recommend CentOS (Without any GUI)

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You could just get the audio codecs you require and be done with Windows for good?

I'd recommend you don't use Ubuntu.

It's a script kiddie OS.

But if you only want it for useful-ness and don't want to learn much about Linux then go ahead,

I'd recommend CentOS (Without any GUI)

as a windows replacement im using ubuntu. but im a gamer. windows is pretty much a necessity at this point

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Well there's always Wine,

I've used it before and got most of my applications to work.

Or you could always purchase CrossOver.

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Well there's always Wine,

I've used it before and got most of my applications to work.

Or you could always purchase CrossOver.

we are getting way off topic.

i use wine but it doesnt have full compatibility.. im fine with how things are now.

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Free as in freedom? Or free as in doesn't cost?

gNewSense is an awesome completely free distrobution, which doesn't use ANY proprietary software. It uses the GNU version of the Linux kernel, which has all proprietary firmware taken out. So, it's 100% free as in freedom :D. You can also check out the other distro's listed at GNU's website. As there are about 5 other distro's in which are free as in freedom as well.

Hope that helps...

And yeah, Ubuntu is an awesome distribution, especially if your new to the GNU/Linux scene.

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I decided to go with Fedora because i am fairly new to the Linux scene and i want to learn about how it works.

I used UNetBootin to boot from my USB. I tired to install it to my hard drive but apparently i dont have enough memory.

this will work for now.

Thanks for all the help

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wine is a fail

fedora is awsome distro and CentOS is nice to (CentOS is fedora based)

actually fedora is based on redhat and CentOS is also derived from redhat source.

also just a note... ubuntu and mint linux have a few things that make it an easier transition for the noobs... for example better driver support and some proprietary things that dont really come bundled with other distro's which makes it good for a workstation. If you want to run a server you should go with something more stable such as CentOS just because video and wireless drivers arnt as much of an issue when working with server hardware...

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I prefer a stable machine & not having to update every 6 months,

And CentOS unlike Ubuntu doesn't bring out "bleeding edge" updates which I'll refer to as compulsory public alphas.

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If you're going to use Ubuntu stick with Windows,

You already have a legit license for Windows (Don't lye!)

Go get some balls and download a real Linux-GNU distro.

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