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help with school restrictions


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My school has a new internet filter that covers almost all proxies, and they have restricted installing any programs. it is a mac network and i dont have much experience with macs, does anyone know of anyways to get around this? the filter is, "8e6 R3000 Enterprise Filter" its a pretty tight system, anyone up for the challenge?

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My school has a new internet filter that covers almost all proxies, and they have restricted installing any programs. it is a mac network and i dont have much experience with macs, does anyone know of anyways to get around this? the filter is, "8e6 R3000 Enterprise Filter" its a pretty tight system, anyone up for the challenge?

I used to work at Websense, and we used to set up port forwarding on our home routers, then we would Remote into a home computer and surf from there. It was the easiest thing to do.

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Either use your home computer as an HTTP proxy or just use remote desktop connection to your home computer and all protections are bypassed (except maybe blocking of Flash or JS because you can't change the settings in the browser).

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Why do you need to bypass the filtering? Just wait until you get home and do any surfing you need there.

The only thing your going to do by trying to bypass the filtering is get yourself into trouble, and depending on how much of a strict IT admin you have at the school you could ruin the whole of your education by getting into some serious trouble and having it put on your permanent record.

Your not being cool or clever by doing this.

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Your not being cool or clever by doing this.

I always love it when people tell other people off, and especially when they insult the intelligence, but fail at spelling when doing so.

Go for it. If you try, and succeed, what's the worst that can happen? You're going to get detention? A letter to your mum & dad? Have fun, that's the only thing I'll say. If you manage to get through it, and the IT guy notices, good for him, but he should've created a better network, if they really want a "secure internet" (which doesn't exist, btw).

Oh, and btw, port 22 (SSH) will probably be blocked. Try putting the SSH server on port 80, maybe it'll manage to go through there. The HTTP-Proxy-over-SSH is what I would consider too. I've been using it for a few years at school/work/unknown wifi networks, and never had a problem with it. Just install apache, with mod_proxy, on a home server, make mod_proxy only accept request from on the server, and make sure port 22 is accessible from the outside.

When connecting, use the command "ssh user@server.foobar.org -L 8080:localhost:80"

This will create a new connection, and forward port 8080 on the machine you are sitting at, to port 80 on your server. Beautiful.

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Your not being cool or clever by doing this.

I have to disagree with that. These filtering system block things for the stupidest of reasons. Like in my school, sites like FlickR are banned as "Social Content", when we have used FlickR before for pictures in out projects.

I would go with the SSH Tunnel, its secure and fairly simple.

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Why do you need to bypass the filtering? Just wait until you get home and do any surfing you need there.

I used t go to boarding school so didn't have this option. Like people have said remoting into a home server is the best method. or set up a cgi proxy with a pass over it.

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Set up a website with daily bible verses on the main page and a login area to where you have your proxy hidden from the rest of the world. Then, if they block your page, tell them they are blocking your freedom of religion and sue them for blocking you from visiting a page to get your daily bible verses.

.This was a joke by the way! SSh Tunnel or wait until you get home...


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Some school filters are really bad, Ours is bad. When I was trying to do research on the Holocaust 99% of the sites where blocked for "Violence" No kidding eh? We had to do out work at home. But isn't the point of school to do work there?

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Some school filters are really bad, Ours is bad. When I was trying to do research on the Holocaust 99% of the sites where blocked for "Violence" No kidding eh? We had to do out work at home. But isn't the point of school to do work there?

No.. Thats why there is "homework".. And theres this thing, that full of paper.. and all the paper has words on it, i think you read them... BOOKS, go to the fucking libary to do research... I know google is "da bomb" but seriously books are so much better. Thats why they get published, anyone can put a website up telling you that hitler isnt real but i doubt a publisher will publish a book that says that

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Moonlit, I don't think that tunneling a firewall to access restricted contents is considered as "hacking" a school.

Once our class had to research some informations, namely caricatures about some political leaders. Someone found a really nice site, which was classified as pornography, of course it was ridicolous, there was none.

I accessed this site over my server and got the informations.

As long as it stays in that frame, which means no remote tunneling I think it's not "hacking" a school.

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Thanks to all of you with helpful advice, I havn't desided yet which way ill go. And to you that are getting your panties in a bunch why dont you take a look at where you are, this is a hacking forum. The last couple episodes showed how to intercept peoples connections to get information. so please save your lectures for a place where people to listen. I dont mean to be harsh but I mean come on, the name is HAK5!

and again thanks to the helpful constructive posts I appreciate the help.

Btw the filter is blocking most of the sites i need to use and i have a job and sports so i kinda need the time in school to get my homework done.

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No.. Thats why there is "homework".. And theres this thing, that full of paper.. and all the paper has words on it, i think you read them... BOOKS, go to the fucking libary to do research... I know google is "da bomb" but seriously books are so much better. Thats why they get published, anyone can put a website up telling you that hitler isnt real but i doubt a publisher will publish a book that says that

Don't tell me you're really that naïve...

I mean, for crying out loud... Read "Mein Kampf", read Nietsche, don't tell people to read books when you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. There are more published books out there talking about negationnism (that's holocaust denial for you) than you could fucking imagine.

And what's the first thing you're gonna do before answering? Google. That's right, no open a book. Google.

Don't beat to death the horse you're riding.

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I would say dont do it dont get caught.

if you still want to do it like this....

Run an apache server with php and setup a simple proxy (hotscripts.com has free ones) then setup .htaccess with a user and pass only you know. If you want to make it public disuse it like Google and then the so called searches will pull up real websites. or use javascript to pull up a fake site like Google or something overtop of the real thing.

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Don't tell me you're really that naïve...

I mean, for crying out loud... Read "Mein Kampf", read Nietsche, don't tell people to read books when you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about. There are more published books out there talking about negationnism (that's holocaust denial for you) than you could fucking imagine.

And what's the first thing you're gonna do before answering? Google. That's right, no open a book. Google.

Don't beat to death the horse you're riding.

Well im glad you're a slave to the Internet. When you actually go to college, or at least a good one, many of your instructors are not going to let you cite Internet sources. Sure there are some bogus books. But in a libary, they are ordered in fiction. So get you facts straight.

Any one can fucking google and look like a genius, but it takes more brains to be able to sit down and read a fucking book. So shut up and sit down.. Maybe troll a little more before you start trying to flame people

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Maybe troll a little more before you start trying to flame people

Thank you, again, for this superb sentence that doesn't make any sense ;)

University: Been there, done that.

And please, for a second, re-read my post, I didn't say "omg the interwebz are all u need", I just said, that books can contain as much as crap as websites, but they have an added danger, that people (just like you I might add) do not doubt their contents.

Books are extremely dangerous, when written by, or placed into, the wrong hands.

But considering how easily you misinterpret a simple forum post, I doubt you've come across that many books, have you? ;)

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Thank you, again, for this superb sentence that doesn't make any sense ;)

University: Been there, done that.

And please, for a second, re-read my post, I didn't say "omg the interwebz are all u need", I just said, that books can contain as much as crap as websites, but they have an added danger, that people (just like you I might add) do not doubt their contents.

Books are extremely dangerous, when written by, or placed into, the wrong hands.

But considering how easily you misinterpret a simple forum post, I doubt you've come across that many books, have you? ;)

All right guy, im not going to argue with you.. I believe everything i read and my grammar is horrible.. Hope your epenis is a little bigger now.

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Wow I didn't want to start a argument. I just want to say some things at DingleBerries. Not all schools are lucky to have libraries with thousands of books, And school is for doing work not siting at the computer doing nothing because some soccer moms on the school board don't want high school students seeing violence, And you are wrong on what publishers will publish, maybe you should go to a library your self :)

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Wow it is funny to see how quickly this thread turned into a moral debate, and how involved some people got.

@Moonlit: I'm sure you've seen crashanddie make a needless confrontation, but surely you must agree that when people say things like "You're not being cool or clever by doing this" in such a patronizing manner, It really annoys you?

seriously though, school proxies are insanley triger happy.

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