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Everything posted by Snowy©

  1. Free labour? Besides it gives you more time to prepare security for the security loopholes in it (well time to find them atleast)
  2. Tis better to learn how something works/runs than just to run it... ah I shall be okay then Memories of taking things apart during childhood... funny I never had any bits left over when I put them back together though and I always wanted mementos too :( oh wait I did have some compact disc size platters from an IBM HD - they made a lovely wind chime :D
  3. Yeah first it was ascii 'Look at the D's on that one'
  4. Someone else said there company drills through them... come on lifes more fun with powertools :twisted: Edit Drills through the platters that is not the employees because well you'd need overalls for that one... veryyyyy messy
  5. Ooo yeah thanks for reminding me found the show 2 days ago watched them all and well it's great and it's great that you guys are all building a comunity around it. Just pardon the dumb noobs like me would ya? :D I just have to wait for season 2 and to win the lottery so I can donate tonnes of money to Hak.5 LMAO
  6. Why is it useless???? You could always robotise your hose and use it as the remote lol Or better still build it into your car... or is it just too old? - yay poor performance file server :)
  7. Oh sorry I had curry last night... my bad.....my bad :oops:
  8. Wouldn't it be nice if you could alter a packets destination after it goes through a certain router... in my dreams (well that's as far as my meager knowledge goes)
  9. thanks Cooper I spelt it wrong (I'll blame it on me being ill and all LOL) Seems like it died years ago http://www.cs.vu.nl/pub/amoeba/ And thanks stingwray for the info I'll have to try it if I ever get a decent sized network lol (aka the room to put one in) More info on: http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc....;group_id=46729 I think there all dead projects on there though :(
  10. I think I read somewhere that Ontrack could recover data from upto 7 formats ago... so make it 8 scrubs LOL mmm USB devices with direct IO access - I think that ws it
  11. Ignorance is bliss but after watching the show (hak.5) I think mine will spend more downtime now - I will never feel safe again! LMAO
  12. Is this a prime example of why American ISP's will soon be cashing 2 years worth of data on every one of their users? Just throwing out some ways the USA corp will justify it to the public
  13. For legalities sake we shall say the content on them is yours (ie. created by you) and you want now want to edit them. Well that deals with the legalities I know that it's atleast illegal to talk about ripping software in other ways in the USA... I think for mainstream they (the USA Corp) view it as you own the disc but you only rent the content on it - a lifetime rental but a rental non the less Or so I read somewhere which is why IPTV FTW :) guaranteed
  14. What ever happened to the ameba OS for distributed processing across a network?
  15. Not a clue what you're saying here... Oh I just meant isn't assembler used to write for most ARM processors... ah never mind sorry cannot think straight :oops:
  16. *cough* softmods *cough* - no seriously I have a cough/cold - in the summer! - LMAO Oh and you can add Bios code to the Assembler list and pritty much every device no OS exists for no? Edit Oh and the Xbox softwareis written in C me thinks
  17. All depends on the system they use to format/partition the hard drive and encription of the gamesaves. But atleast you have an easy connection to start with lol It's supposed to be built on linux anyway no? (Stated - I think - by Sony along with there vicarious remarks about supporting homebrew)
  18. Tesco used to sell Iqon machines and they were poo. Ever seen a modem that didn't work with SP2 on an XP machine shipping with it from build lol... but that was last year lol
  19. Snowy©


    I go Wiiiiiiii I go Wiiiiii Wiii in the presence of.... Sorry old 80's tune there :oops: Edit besides what is the point in 360 since they anounced Vista will be Live capable and there will be simultaneous PC/360 releases starting with Halo 3
  20. I think thats just for Mechanical failures... since it seems this is just a few clusters it's probably going to be magnitised discs... or I could be wrong but wouldn't a drive head screw up generally knock out a whole drive platter? Oh and the freezing thing is good for batteries :)
  21. I used to throw a mean ming vase The original Amiga version was fun... the DS version seems a little beta ish
  22. ardmods.com modare.org revmods.com modmachines.com bleedinfinger.com
  23. I'd like to say I should be in there but I cannot afford the health care coverage :cry:
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