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    Adams, MN

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  1. It might be the screen inverter, not the backlight. I have people bring laptops in all the time saying the backlight went out, when actually it was the inverter.
  2. tonysathre

    cmd to exe

    You can use this to compile them into exe's: http://bat2exe.softalizer.com/
  3. Mines pretty simple: Local domain name: hackme.com Linksys WRT54GS router | | Win2k3 with Active Directory, DNS, Terminal Services, DHCP, Apache 2 with PHP and MySQL | / | /------2 Windows XP Pro laptops | / 8 port switch-----------------3 Windows XP Pro boxes | | | 1 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS box | Win2k3 with Active Directory,DNS,Terminal Services
  4. I was bored so I wrote this defrag script that will defrag all the volumes on your system. Enjoy! @echo off ::==defragger.bat set logfile=c:defrag.log set oldfiles=drives drives.log drives.txt new.txt newlist.txt final.txt for %%i in (%oldfiles%) do if exist %%i ( del /q /f %%i > nul ) if "%logfile%" == "" ( goto :no_log ) else ( goto :log ) :log echo Defragger started at %time% on %date% by %username% on workstation %computername% > "%logfile%" echo. >> "%logfile%" echo. >> "%logfile%" for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in ('reg query hklmsystemmounteddevices ^| findstr DosDevices') do ( echo %%i >> drives ) for /f "tokens=3 delims=" %%i in (drives) do ( echo %%i >> drives.txt ) for /f %%i in (drives.txt) do ( echo %%i: >> drives.log ) sort drives.log >> new.txt type new.txt | findstr "A" > nul if errorlevel 0 for /f "tokens=1 skip=1" %%i in (new.txt) do echo %%i >> newlist.txt for /f %%i in (newlist.txt) do fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%i | findstr "Fixed" >> final.txt for %%i in (drives drives.log drives.txt new.txt newlist.txt final.txt) do attrib +h %%i for /f %%i in (final.txt) do ( defrag -a %%i | findstr "should" > nul if errorlevel 0 title Defragging %%i && echo Defragging %%i && defrag %%i >> "%logfile%" echo. echo. echo Defrag on drive %%i completed at %time% ) echo Defragger completed at %time% >> "%logfile%" echo Defragger completed successfully del /q /f drives > nul del /q /f drives.txt > nul del /q /f drives.log > nul del /q /f new.txt > nul del /q /f newlist.txt > nul del /q /f final.txt > nul echo. echo Log file saved to %logfile% echo Would you like to view the log file now? [y/n] set /p choice=%1 if "%choice" == "y" notepad "%logfile%" if "%choice%" == "yes" notepad "%logfile%" pause goto :eof :no_log for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%i in ('reg query hklmsystemmounteddevices ^| findstr DosDevices') do ( echo %%i >> drives ) for /f "tokens=3 delims=" %%i in (drives) do ( echo %%i >> drives.txt ) for /f %%i in (drives.txt) do ( echo %%i: >> drives.log ) sort drives.log >> new.txt type new.txt | findstr "A" > nul if errorlevel 0 for /f "tokens=1 skip=1" %%i in (new.txt) do echo %%i >> newlist.txt for /f %%i in (newlist.txt) do fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%i | findstr "Fixed" >> final.txt for %%i in (drives drives.log drives.txt new.txt newlist.txt final.txt) do attrib +h %%i for /f %%i in (final.txt) do ( defrag -a %%i | findstr "should" > nul if errorlevel 0 title Defragging %%i && defrag -f %%i echo. echo. echo Defrag on drive %%i completed at %time% ) echo Defragger completed successfully del /q /f drives > nul del /q /f drives.txt > nul del /q /f drives.log > nul del /q /f new.txt > nul del /q /f newlist.txt > nul echo Press any key to close this window pause > nul goto :eof ::--------------[ EOF ]--------------::
  5. I was reading last months issue of CSO Magazine and noticed an article about how salting passwords can prevent rainbow table based password cracking. As I was reading the article it had websites that provide free rainbow tables and Hak.5 was listed as one of them! I was like, thats awesome that Hak.5 has made it into a corporate IT Security trade publication. To read the full article click here.
  6. Mozilla Firefox Macromedia Fireworks 8 WinRAR Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Macromedia Flash Pro 8 iTunes TightVNC Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06 LTS (not an app but an OS) Autodesk Maya 8 Apache2
  7. @ DarkSenay Me too. I've gotten cases of Hackstein and Haslinger for $6 before. Lol. One of my friends bought a pallet for 4 dollars a case!
  8. No, thats not where I seen it. I've never been on the Hak5 IRC channel before. I don't remember what site it was on, but it wasn't bash.
  9. My favorite beers: Busch lite Bud lite Natural Lite Keystone Lite Keystone Ice Busch Heavy Budweiser Natural Ice Milwaukees Special Reserve Ice (MSR) Milwaukees Special Reserve Light (MSR) Milwaukees Best Milwaukees Best Light Milwaukees Best Ice Jacob Hackstein Joseph Haslinger
  10. IRC is just multi-player notepad
  11. Tell her to treat her password like a toothbrush. Don't let anyone else use it, and get a new one every 6 months.
  12. Finally someone posts about this. It is annoying when I click a thread to read it because it sounds interesting, and the first 3 pages are all n00b bashing because someone asked a question that is obvious to someone else. Everyone needs to remember that they were once a n00b as well. No one is born 1337. In fact, I doubt there is anyone on this forum that can be considered 1337.
  13. Your admin must be pretty foolish if he lets students use the console.
  14. This is how to do it. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/n..._02april08.mspx
  15. I live on a farm in SE Minnesota.
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