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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. You start by saying Darren will win, then end saying Wess will win...
  2. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,913.0.html
  3. nUbuntu is mentioned in the Hacking Ubuntu book. What h4x.
  4. There are a number of factors you're not taking into account, like time of day, number of spectators, UT99 map. So until they're decided, no one should bet. :P
  5. I personally prefer MysticBBS over Syncronet. Frank showed me MysticBBS and it is much nicer than Syncronet.
  6. Wess uses Sheet-Metal-Shield and Darren gives up straight away.
  7. http://reconnetworks.com/upload/owned.php That'll be $200 in pentesting fees.
  8. It's a social network... not very social if everything is private.
  9. This is why they call TomB god. http://www.chrysocome.net/dd
  10. They're not Nintendo DS's, but I don't know what they are.
  11. Try scripting with Microsoft's PowerShell.
  12. I setup a BBS around this time last year, however no one used it, because they have no purpose apart from nostalgia now.
  13. Favourite game: Wii Sports Favourite OS: AffinityOS Favourite console: Wii/DS/PSP Nationality: British Accent: English Sex: Male Age: 21 Race: White European Height: 6' something Status: Dead. Build: #1337 Favourite band: System of a Down Favourite book: Deception Point - Dan Brown Favourite author: Dan Brown Favourite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You Favourite director: TomB Favourite TV Show: Prison Break/Lost/Scrubs Favourite actor: TomB Favourite actress: Jessica Alba Favourite Pinup: Jessica Alba Favourite Comedian: Jimmy Carr Other hobbies: Being elite. Occupation: PHP Developer.
  14. Use VMware server, player, or workstation.
  15. What, no plug for your own OS? Why would I suggest a hobby OS?
  16. You all suck. Use a real operating system. http://www-03.ibm.com/servers/aix/
  17. The user apache is usually running as it usually www/nobody who don't have permission to run binaries. This is because letting apache run applications is a security risk.
  18. Then install AffinityOS on it. Then it will be the worlds most secure USB RAID 5 setup.
  19. I don't code things branded with Hak.5 logos. I fear my reputation could be hurt. Just look at the USB "script kiddy" programs.
  20. Got refunded on that VPS, and about to cancel this second VPS. Sysadmin = worst. job. ever.
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