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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Shall I edit the wiki and shorten the article? So that there are only the necessary informations? edit: useless post, i edit it anyway but dont shorten it.
  2. Why not exchanging jabber ID's or email adresses? There are many unsecured/free wlan hotspots so there shouldn't be any problem. And Google Maps can provide a decent routing planner for free (except if you count user data which you give them)
  3. Do you plan to get FreeDOS to work on it? ;)
  4. Conclusion: Install a damn metal detector and do not turn webcams on.
  5. Certainly not. You just set the necessary skill level to own your machine higher. It still can be executed by social engineering andy by your own absence of mind. Then you have to differentiate between hacksaw and switchblade, while the hacksaw package is usually integrated in the latter. If you want to protect yourself from the emailing thumbdrive content program, you have to use: 1) non-windows operating system (scnr) 2) firewall (questionable) 3) antivirus software 4) brain 1.0 I personally favorise the first solution as it's the most secure one.
  6. Is there any difference between using thumbdrives or sd cards as a bootable medium?
  7. If you arrive at 10:05, get out on the street let's say at 10:30, what will you do for the next four/five hours?
  8. Interesting idea, I'll try to code (euphemism for scripting) something like that :)
  9. As you said, force mount is the only (for me known) solution to do this.
  10. The hostel seems okay for me. @tim.vangehugten: if you have questions, i'm a german native speaker.
  11. ... but then just to realize that an open wireless lan was used.
  12. "*.iso" "*.mdf" "pagefile.sys" "*.raw" "*.bin"
  13. A german tv show made screenshots of the event viewer in windows xp to show the amounts of incoming spam.
  14. Yes, it is possible to get the hash and crack it (f.e. rainbox tables), it just takes longer or is more power consuming. As far as I know, it's not possible to change the algorithm except NTLM/LM. But if you use a whole disk encryption software tool your pc is not vulnerable to live cds.
  15. I never owned one of these, and even never saw one of these except on websites -> Yes, I didn't have any clue :)
  16. 1. Screwing 2. Take off case 3. Take out drive 4. Insert drive ;)
  17. Or google for yahoo using the live search engine.
  18. crc32(skype)=a3c19fd2 convert string into numbers-only: a3c19fd2 -> 13319642 Divide the number with the product of 42 and 1337. 13319642/(1337*42)=237.198454 Take the "Number Of Joerg" and substract it. [if you don't even know that I found a number, take 214.198454] You'll get 23. Now I have logical proven that skype is behind all CARRIER LOST
  19. sounds like a bad graphic? Edit: Do you have a skype plugin? If yes, try to deactivate it.
  20. @SomeoneE1se: Sounds reasonable I came to the conclusion that I don't need a firewall but a monitoring tool which reports me logins/failed logins/etc (-> OSSEC)
  21. I've got a pc running debian which provides only ssh (-p 22). If I use iptables to block all incoming traffic not related to port 22, does that really make sense? I mean, there are no other services listening on a port.
  22. What's the normal use of that product? Or for what can it be used?
  23. I don't think that a limited account can stop services.
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