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Everything posted by Joerg

  1. Can I post a link to a plain site?
  2. [advice]The best and securest way would be a reinstall.[/advice] Delete those files and/or the autostart links
  3. Joerg

    USB SprayCan

    Nope, but mediafire had a bad upload rate -> Bad download rate for me
  4. To copy media files, you need a huge and fast storage: - Your "victim" may have a huge pr0n collection - Your "victim" loves sharing music - Your "victim" does backups of his dvds on his harddisk
  5. Sorry, i'cant help you, as i said im still using thumbdrive 1.0 ;)
  6. Joerg

    USB SprayCan

    Come on :D The download took for me 23,1415 minutes, thats not nice ;) Or something better, encoding it in mp3/ogg, then decoding it back to wav
  7. I think U3 brings a proprietary encryption system with it, so you can create a "secure" partition protected by a password. And portable program, some programs are saving some data not on the thumbdrive.
  8. I don't have an U3 thumbdrive. 1) U3 works only with Windows, 2000 SP4, XP and Vista are supported 2) Yes, it has a standard usb jack 3) I don't think so, only if you have an encrypted partition with a portable program on it 4) I'm sorry, I don't know. 5) I think yes. For encryption, I recommend TrueCrypt.
  9. Joerg

    USB SprayCan

    You can reduce the filesize by 13MB by using only one soundfile. copy file1.wav C:Windowsmedia & copy file1.wav C:Windowsmedia
  10. And use at least WPA and not WEP
  11. Then you have a blank icon in the systray, more suspicious than an "invisible" icon (no icon).
  12. As far as i know, the files are there as long the administrator doesn't apply a particular policy, but normally they're there :)
  13. [me=Joerg]points at my post above[/me] The files are identical
  14. I tried ClamWin once and scanned all my "bad" files, no warning Oo
  15. You can also try Thunderbird(Portable) with Enigmail as plugin
  16. Take a look at "C:WINDOWSrepair" There you can find the non-locked files.
  17. Btw, Macromedia has been acquired by Adobe, Dec 3 2005
  18. Joerg

    Hak5 Utility

    I don't really know how it is handled, but my opinion is that only "good programs" should be connected with Hak.5. But can someone with higher experience/knowlegde/wisdom/ram say something about that topic?
  19. It's not really straightforward and only for lager networks (and slightly off topic), but if you can create an admin account (boot cd, floppy, whatever) on one random machine and extract the hashes and crack them, maybe the system administrator has used the same password for some other machines and then you can make a kind of chainreaction: One cracked machine causes another cracked machine. And by that, maybe you can gain a large pool of masterpasswords. I think the use of that pool is clear.
  20. i didn't tested it yet, but it looks good and i get the idea behind it. But is it possible to get admin rights while the machine is running?
  21. i use opera in connection with portabletor
  22. no problem :) I tried my "1337-get-admin-rights-prog" at several computers and i realized a problem: it doesn't work properly if there are more than one installed win nt system o the computer because my program checks out every drive by doing a "if exist" query, so the last drive is the used one. Does anyone know an automated workaround?
  23. Joerg

    Hak5 Utility

    a nice idea, i would recommend you to add the "net user add" code to give you unlimited access to the machine. but is it good to add the hak5 logo into the program?
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