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Everything posted by anyedie

  1. anyedie


    I dont know what G4 you have! I loved my G4TechTv back in the day. But now its just bad car dramas, x-play, CHEATERS! WHAT THE HELL! WHY IS CHEATERS ON G4! And a few other bad shows. (sometimes I do whach x-play, but the rest suck, that kinda sucks too)
  2. it is a little blue, but I still like it.
  3. anyedie


    Not sure if this is gonna help. bloodshed C++ complier?
  4. Flaimbait Sighted: Action? ... disengage. for questions like this your best idea would be to google for it and check out some reviews. maybe like cnet.com or something. ::Holds back... so much.::
  5. yes... its called a yeager bomb (i think thats spelled wrong.)
  6. anyedie


    There may be aLot of things wrong with this post, but I do agree that perfect/family keylogger is a nice tool, I used it like 6 years ago, lol.
  7. um..... Do I dare watch this stuff?
  8. I need to make some kewl stuff for my house. thankx for the link.
  9. mml, If you claim to be a 'geek' and dont like video games then wtf is wrong with you? Not drinking is ok, you may have your own reasons for that. And... I would guess that most.. well alot of people in this forum probably have girls. I have my own, for about 3 years now. Along with sparta, I think you should watch purepwnage, and try some video games... give it a try. you'll probably like it. :D p.s- Im also sure that alot of people in this forum do a good bit of excersise stuff. I BMX a little for example. pps- I lOVE water!
  10. Ah, why cant they leave well enough alone. And why oh why did that have to take the Wargames name, I liked that movie. :(
  11. Heyia, Ive gotten back into XBL lately also, my GamerTag is anyedie. I play a lot of halo2, tony hawk and im actually going to rent rainbow six: vegas this weekend.
  12. This is the kind of answer that I am really wanting to find more about. I acually did this and could not figure out very much, I found a data/file recovery thing and scanned my windows partition and it came up with a bunch of files like file001 through file999 and the best i could come up with was that once a file was deleted its given a name like that... Sparta, am I close to the right track? Do you know an online Ubuntu tutorial for this? thanks, -anyedie
  13. Okay so, my girlfriends dad went to move a bunch of pictures and files off of his main computer to a spare HD, so he cut and pasted them on the new HD. Well, something or other happend and they dident make it there and he rebooted, so basically there gone. The question is how would I help him recover his data? I know that there are windows software fixes for this but all I have found pretty much suck with only the demo. Ive googled my heart out and tried to figure it out on my computer using knoppix and a few other live CD's with no luck. Can anyone help me help him recover his data? I would love a linux way if possible. thanks!
  14. wow, Very nice job man. I love the irc live! Thankx!
  15. mml, thats crazy someone would write that. Maybe not sticky materal thought, don't want a bunch of noobs bruteforcing there teachers e-mails from there computers during class, getting caught and confirming the term 'hacker' as a bad thing again and again and again.
  16. anyedie

    Hak.5 Store?

    I love to spend $$ on rediclous hak.5 stuff. Hoodies, keychains, throwies, ect. Can't wait till ya get it up!
  17. I dont remember where, I think It was simple random googling, but when I did find it and watch my first ep. (# 7 I belive) I was hooked! I <3 Hak.5!
  18. mml, im a python noob also. But I have found a lot of good tuts on the net and am starting to get it pretty well, i can write a good bit. I cannot remember this series I found that helped me the most, but it was like 15 video tuts by the same guy. The official site has a LOT of info on it, besides that just google for python video tutorial and things like that.
  19. So, I waited in a line with few friends for about 10 hrs for a Wii strickly to eBay. I just took it out and played it for a while (only wii sports) and loved it. has this happend to anyone else? Does anyone who has played more than Wii sports think its worth keeping? I cannot decide! :cry:
  20. well, maybe you've spent to much time in your area... i get like that about most of my interst every once in a while. With technology there is soo much stuff out there that there is to know that no one can know it all. Maybe you should learn something new, most tech people have one thing in common, they like to learn. So Darren- you may be ubr pro a alot but a total nub at just as much, maybe all you need to do is find something new to learn and get into.
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