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Everything posted by anyedie

  1. anyedie


    yesss!!!! Thermonuclear War FTW!
  2. anyedie


    ok, i did not think this needed a nother post but now i have a bigger problem and I hope someone here can help. for some reason my user in mandriva keeps spouting that the disk is full. My linux partition has 15 gigs left on it. But for some reason its saying that my user's disk space is only 100mb and root has the rest. There must be a way to allocate more space for users, but I sure cant find it!
  3. anyedie

    Video tutorials

    google 'Tkinter video tutoral' this one guy (acutally on the official python site) made a pretty great set (like 18) videos explaining Tkinter for Python. I its really well made. ps. i think the guys name he che if that helps the google
  4. anyedie


    I have been dule booting fedora core 5 and XP for over 6 months now and after doing TONS of research i decided to switch from fedora to mandriva. I installed it yesterday and began updating at school (3mbps...::salivates::) so now i got home and only have wifi, but heres the weird thing, my wifi connection in windows tends to be around 85%, but in mandriva i get about 4% connectivity! so wtf... i dont even think that it would have Anything to do with it. Does this make any sence to anyone else?
  5. at about da 10 or so, i downloaded a certain torrent. hum... it took a few to find the right thing for me... but it worked quite well. W G A /kill
  6. hak5 players... that might be to plain, but it works. legion is ok
  7. So one day a few years back my family bought a house on a lake, and got satellite tv for the house. It was the first time I had ever used satellite tv... while flipping through the channels I found this wonderful channel called TechTV. It was so wonderful I stayed up most of the weekend never fishing or swimming in the lake with the others, just watching this channel. It had some of the most entertaining, intresting, fun shows i had ever seen; it was like tech(discovery channel + history channel). It was perfect. so several years later, (about 6 months ago now) I move and am currently in a house with satellite... the first thing I did was look for the techTV channel, well its not even listed on directTV here, its like hidden now. I found out they changed the name to G4, but thought it still might be ok, I watched for several days and saw the same 5 shows over and over.. a couple were ok, but nothing like i remembered. I visited the website for G4 and found out that most of the good shows I liked were no longer being aired there.... i cried (on the inside). I say all of that to say that I pretty much HATE G4 now, they killed my hopes and dreams for TV. so Darren, Hak.5 community, I say I will help hak.5 beat G4 and then get hak5 to #1 then slowly get a sleu of other shows ahead of G4 until it falls to #whatnetwork? I SAY BLACKBALL G4, and make it known! i miss all the great content of techTV, screensavers, call for help, and so many more. If you agree with me make yourself known. btw: did you guys know that hak.5 is on wikipedia? i love wikipedia! Edit: W00T, We ARE currently beating G4 by 1 to 2 votes! Keep 'em comming!
  8. Noooo!!!!!!!! i wanted to Download the xgl cd also, i found out about it yesterday for linuxrelaity. But its been taken off-line!!! ::looks for torrnets::
  9. anyedie

    Lm hashes

    im dumb. 7 is perfect.
  10. Python works on everything!!!!
  11. not that it doest sound fun... but i wonder if you can do anything but force push people dead.
  12. i just try to ignore it all... out of sight out of mind. But I think our world is turning more and more into the V or Vendetta world, that was a pretty good movie, and when that happens i think ill move to a country that no one will ever bother... canada
  13. weird.... by a sting ray... im in shock.
  14. yea.... i have 2 wifi cards..... does that count?
  15. wow, its funny but sad that people spend that much time on this stuff.
  16. I've had a Dell for 3 years and haven't had any problems with it. I think Dell just needs to get a new battery vendor ASAP Second!
  17. ahhh! i felt special thats what i was gonna say... until i scrolled down!
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