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Everything posted by anyedie

  1. aww i missed all of this! its already over!
  2. what is wrong with jap. tv? crazy stuff!
  3. kewl thread! well I have had a few, scorpius (when I was really into James Bond) then smurph, which i still use from a real life nick name, TisSmurphi3 is just expounded on smurph (who is it... Oh! tis smurphie)and finally anyedie its a really simple... code I guess I thought of it one day, it has to do with a standard keyboard, and if you look close enough you can figure out what anyedie means... I challenge someone to find out. Oh. PS- check the forums the next couple of days.. if you like cryptos I thought of a pretty neat one I'm going to post here as a challenge!
  4. um.... really not sure what else to say on this... ban mostakela?
  5. i use linksys... i use linksys. i would probably name one something like, kitty or fred.
  6. windows 95 and eariler plz! safety 1st! + the startup screen can is a .jpg! easyness!
  7. i believe that the above is a very good example of pwnage.
  8. Speaking as an American I would Much rather be called a Colonial!
  9. ive googled my heart out and cannot find a good opensource (free) burning program, not just music of course but ISO's, music, misc. data and cd's.
  10. lol, if you add + eating a (nacho) cheese burger thats what ive herd the sterotype is.
  11. wait, what are we supposta do? and kinda off topic (and probably not so much here), but why are americans so hated everywhere? maybe some of you brits can expain this. I seen more and more evidence of this lately and its been on my mind. and one more thing, what is the american sterotype?
  12. Yie! happy birthday! mine was the 13th, im 19!! ps. darren, lol, was that figure made up? *curious*
  13. LMAO hahahaha how many noob comments can be made in one thread, is there a limit?
  14. Same, I have not tried sony vegas yet, but of the ones i have tried i prefer the adobe's.
  15. out of all of those i would have to say that # your current avatar is the best one.
  16. First, you have to kill a man. When you've killed him, cut out his heart and take it to the darkest jungles of central Africa. There you must burn the heart and bury the ashes as a sacrifice to the gods of the dark continent. You must then wait 40 days and nights, then you may dig up the buried remains. If the gods have accepted your sacrifice there you'll find a copy of Flash 8 Professional where there was none before. its true, ive done it.
  17. i have no idea whats going on right now
  18. ive been looking for a road trip (maybe air-trip, depneds on price), so i will hopefully be going, but georgia to nevada is a long way. Ill look pretty noob, but the only way to overcome your noobism is to put yourself out there and learn... right?
  19. anyedie


    I just found oblivion: IV, has anyone else played this game? IT IS AMAZING! i cannot stop playing, i really think i have a problem.
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