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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. As has been said, if he doesn't want you to fix it there's little you can do. It'll eventually die, he'll buy a new one, repeat this situation, etc... I'd usually say he doesn't deserve help at all if he thinks like that, but that could be off the mark, he might just be worrying that you'll mess up a very expensive piece of equipment which is understandable when you really don't know how computers work. Another spam zombie perhaps, but maybe an opportunity to talk to him about the effects of malware and why he needs to get it sorted, even if it takes getting a 'pro' in to do it? ;)
  2. :roll: I really fear for peoples sanity sometimes.
  3. [insert witty poem or reason for locking] Locked.
  4. let's play "who can post their topic the most times"! locked, use the one in Questions.
  5. Heh, it's all good, nothing wrong with a rant. Apple may have used this, but just like everything I see in Apple/MS keynotes, it's not been 'invented' by them, it's been 'borrowed' usually.
  6. Just thought I'd mention since I've seen it twice thus far, adding 'ethical' before the word 'hacking' doesn't make it any more or less likely that anyone's going to reply with anything helpful or change whether it's gonna get you flame grilled...
  7. That's the problem I had using Firefox 2 before, though oddly enough the exact same version didn't have that problem on another install of Windows... so I'd guess it's a cookie problem.
  8. Yeah, they haven't released anything for months, it's officially dead. Good fun though, found it ages ago but only watched the episodes once, they don't have good replay value... Still, cool for something to watch. :)
  9. Big steaming pile of... ..no, wait, I like Macs :D Erm... "Mac Daddy", "Big Apple" or "Shane O Mac"... ok, disregard the last one ;)
  10. moonlit


    Woo, way to make a first post there...
  11. Sort of reminds me of an oversized iPhone, but with a lot more power... IIRC I've seen this kind of thing elsewhere, I think in a concept tablet PC or something... Pretty cool though, either way... would be nice to be able to actually play with it and see how it feels interacting with it.
  12. moonlit

    telnet stuff

    No. No you don't. I've seen you repeatedly ask questions here that you could so easily find the answers to on the very first page of a google search. If you actually bothered to look for yourself you wouldn't be on the wrong end of a flaming thread. We're happy to help each other, but when someone can't actually take 10 seconds to type in a query to a search engine and they refuse to do their own research repeatedly it tends to piss people off. If something *clearly* isn't available on Google or is a little difficult to find or understand, that's a great situation to ask here, or if opinions are required. For simple facts thoughGoogle and Wikipedia are the place to go. Oh, and quit insulting people, it makes you look even worse.
  13. Meh, I used to have this problem in IE6, I have it occasionally in Firefox 2 and I've had it in Opera if memory serves... Though, for a reason I never worked out, on my old WinXP install Firefox 2 would always fail to login to these forums (and only Hak5 forums, others were fine), tried everything, ended up switching to Opera.
  14. Bloody brilliant, that's a perfect example of why Top Gear kicks ass. Most entertaining show I've seen in a long time! Cheers for that VaKo. :)
  15. QFE I used to enjoy it here... Shame people can't actually use their brains any more.
  16. Yes, he hacked you. He hacked you bad. Every computer you've used since has been infected to the bollocks and the feds are about to come and find you. Oh, and spare me the BS sam1967.
  17. "zomg i dwnloded a viruz n my antiviruz wantz 2 de1337 it!!" ... y'think?
  18. You'd need software (or a simple script) on your machine, the MP3 player wouldn't need software on it or anything. The script you'd need would poll for new drives, when a USB drive (or a drive with a drive letter usually used for USB devices) is inserted, it would just copy everything off of the drive.
  19. If that's DOS as in: [version of DOS here] with a prompt that looks like: A:> then you burnt the CD wrong. If your burning app gives you the option to make the disc you're burning 'bootable', don't check it, just burn the iSO straight to the disc. DVDDecrypter does this without any fancy options and can even burn to DVDs if you run out of CDRs. However, if it's a prompt and it doesn't mention DOS, then it might be a Linux command prompt. I know jack about this, but Slax should walk you through the steps to get to a GUI, it's a nice Live CD, I use it quite a bit.
  20. Alright, we're done here, this isn't supposed to be an online patriotism war. Locked, Stocked and Barrelled.
  21. No he won't, he quit.
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