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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. WTF? It's been able to use JPGs (and probably other formats) for nearly a decade...!
  2. Yeah, piracy aside if you don't wish to validate your copy of Windows, DirectX is available on many magazine cover discs and also WGA-free online as "directx [version] redist".
  3. Not too dumb, IIRC that's partly how the original XBOX got exploited, MS learnt their lesson, don't make it easy for people to use standard media for gamesaves. I *think* the problem was that gamesaves weren't signed like the rest of the system, they couldn't be, so the fact that an exploit save file could be loaded from a USB stick made it real easy to exploit a game to get it to run unsigned code. Now you can't use a USB stick to save games, that's one less way you could exploit it since PCs can't read XB360 memory cards.
  4. moonlit


    I almost deleted this as spam... :/
  5. 1) Actually use the space for your message to I dunno, maybe type a message? 2) Don't ask for applications on your first post, it looks like you'll hit and run.
  6. Get the ADSL router. Much, much, much, much easier. No screwing around, simple setup, it tells you how to do everything. Plus it'll work in Linux like you asked before.
  7. too bad it doesn't matter what you think... you need to do what your 'clients' want That is true but I still can have my opinion...just like I think everyone should use firefox. You're fired, you can't tell my typewriter monkeys they can't use Internet Explorer and RealPlayer, we've used them for years. You've got a week to clear our network of this crap and all the spyware it got and then you're out.
  8. Would you quit with the "zomg it wuz a gimmick and i need 2 crak shit"? This was a community project, 120GB is a lot of file, and that needs a lot of bandwidth. No-one was obliged to seed this at all, just be lucky there's people out there that do this. This project has been going a while now and people can't seed a 120GB for insanely long periods of time. You wanna help? Sure, I'm sure that'd be most welcome, but in the meantime, don't complain.
  9. I think the basic idea is to get your wifi signal to go as far as you can to try and achieve a goal of a certain distance.
  10. slimBX machines make great headless boxes too, slip in a network card, as VaKo said max out the RAM and you have a very quiet, cheap and very small machine to do as you will with.
  11. You owe me 1:46 of my life back. But yeah, that's entirely Garage Band.
  12. Oh, and don't put "plz hlp!!!!!" or similar in the thread title, it makes you look really sad.
  13. Seriously, if you're dev'ing a website you should know this. If you don't, it's time to learn.
  14. That wallpaper kicks big-time ass.
  15. moonlit

    IRC trouble

    It's apparently dead to the world. Freenode's up though. irc.freenode.net ##hak.5
  16. Looks very much like my Cable + Wireless dongle, it's probably the same thing if it's got a RALINK chipset... It can take an extention cord and may even come with one. If it didn't, a standard USB extention would be absolutely fine.
  17. Also avoid Bierre D'or in the UK (and I suppose France, since if's French)... I don't even credit it with the name beer.... Tesco (a UK supermarket chain) own-brand blue+white label Lager and Bitter with the same label... pondwater in a can, don't buy it, no matter how tempting 25p a can sounds!
  18. At a glance it seems that (according to the site) it's only for cellular modems (EDGE, EVDO, etc) but it might be possible to use it for other stuff. To be quite honest though, a simple $30 USB wifi dongle would work just as well, would be considerably cheaper and easier to set up.
  19. The way the original question is worded it sounds like Little_Mermaid wanted to create an adapter to plug a PCMCIA card in to a USB socket... This isn't going to happen. However, if the point was to ask if USB adapters perform worse than PCMCIA ones, I'd say you shouldn't notice a great deal of difference and USB wifi sticks work well enough fo the most part.
  20. Yeah, mine's biggest. Locked. See? ;)
  21. Dell's fine, people just like to choose a brand to hate on... Nothing wrong with a Dell laptop any more than any other brand. Most laptops are fine for pretty much everything these days, though most won't have the greatest gaming ability but otherwise it's down to what you prefer/what you're looking to use it for.
  22. That's what happens when an optical mouse makes the cursor twitch and spasm... sometimes it's tiny movements back and forth, sometimes it'll twitch half-way across the screen. It'll appear to have moved sometimes as if someone had intended it when really it's just a random twitch. Doesn't have to happen after someone's used the mouse either, it often happens when the mouse is idle or occasionally if the table, desk or work surface the mouse is on gets nudged even a tiny amount.
  23. Was it an optical mouse? Optical mice have a habit of making the cursor spasm a bit sometimes, that might've been it. Otherwise I can only imagine it was some form of RDP/VNC app.
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