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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Ok, this doesn't seem to be getting much less hostile, locked.
  2. Famicoman: You know I'm gonna have to beat that now... ;)
  3. 1) Yes, you do need to be legit where services are involved, especially if they are likely to require payment. 2) Quit being so fucking offensive, that's the 2nd time you've done that in a couple of days, chill out or walk away.
  4. Format, reinstall, done.
  5. Dude that would be awesome if the kittens or clydesdales or whatever it is on Fridays would do like some remote correspondent type stuff /me would do that too if there were any events within easy travelling distance
  6. /me would've gladly helped given the chance but obviously wasn't there due to the fact it's a long way away... Nice teaser though. :)
  7. XP is based on the NT 9x doesn't have permissions does it? been so long since I use 9x Nah, he means he got sick of working in the Windows console, it's often mistaken as DOS because of the similarities... A lot of people might even refer to a Bash shell as DOS because it's a CLI just as DOS was and appears the same on screen (grey text/black background/no GUI).
  8. If you're travelling, take it as an opportunity to avoid tech. There's a whole damn world out there to explore, and staring at an LCD isn't gonna let you see it how it's supposed to be seen. At the most take a digital camera and plenty of memory for it, otherwise skip the tech. If I'd worried about computers and tech when I was in Canada I would've never seen what I saw the way I did. I even had the opportunity to use a couple of computers at one of the hotels, I didn't take it... I didn't need it. Real life, culture and nature far surpass anything technical in every way... higher resolution, vibrant colour and culture, real interaction with the world and the people on it... don't fuck up a chance to explore with plastic and silicon!
  9. AVKill was only meant to kill AVG, Avast (IIRC) and a couple other free AVs, it wasn't meant to kill Norton/Symantec/etc.
  10. Just FYI though, that's not DOS, it's the Windows Console. DOS is an OS, Windows NT based systems do not have DOS, though they can emulate it should it be required.
  11. I think he might wanna choose different mushrooms on his pizza next time...
  12. [OT]I gotta say I actually lol'd when I read Horza's sig: :D[/OT]
  13. Windows is not PPC compatible in any way, shape or form so running it or booting a Windows disc on a G3, G4 or G5 Mac is impossible. However, there are emulators out there like the old Virtual PC (ie: the one MS owns, but before they got it Connectix owned it). If the Microsoft versions don't work then you may or may not have more luck with the older Connectix versions. You might have some luck with this, but I don't know how well the virtual machines can interact with the external hardware on the iBook. Apparently it's not blazingly fast either, but it's better than nothing. Good luck. Edit: Noticed you said you've got 128MB in the iBook, I'm thinking that's a bit low... it's likely not gonna stop you running Virtual PC but it will very likely slow down the virtual machines a great deal, especially if you intend to boot XP in a VM. If you only need it for the one thing though it might still be worth a shot.
  14. still have a copy of that one? Nah, it was real simple though, really crap, really cheap, really nasty... college had the same resolutions across all their computers and the same version of Word on them all, we just screenshotted Word, put a text box over the bit where you'd normally type, then make the Print/Save/Open/etc buttons do Connect/Disconnect/etc... I think 1 version had the font dropdown as the IP/URL combobox and the font size as the port or something... it was really quite pathetic but it was enough to fool teachers at a glance.
  15. moonlit

    3D Modeling

    It's not 3D modelling, but it's easy to create 3D scenes in DAZ|Studio, it's quite a fun program to use, is free and is compatible with Poser and Bryce...
  16. I don't know about using notepad/wordpad to have IM conversations but at college we made a chat app that looked identical to MS Word, that's a good way to camoflage it...
  17. We used to have a Hamachi server, no-one used it.
  18. Well it is a waste of time, but it doesn't do any harm and if he learns a bit about hex editors and such in the process it's somewhat helpful. Indeed, that a positive side, but it would be a terrible idea to go through all this to release files to almost no-one, especially if you were a business and/or your end users know nothing about compression formats...
  19. This still seems like a waste of time, no-one wants another file extention, especially when it contains exactly the same file format as another extention...
  20. moonlit

    XP Error

    Looks like a Toshiba...
  21. Eating at a computer means less time with eye on the monitor and hands on the keyboard. If I'm not doing anything though, pretty much anything goes as a snack food... Pepperami (spiced salami snack stick) works well, or something I can chew on while I'm thinking (though only savoury stuff, please)... Drinks are usually something cold, carbonated/caffeinated/alcoholic (circle as appropriate).
  22. Anyway, isn't saying "finally, my site's cross-browser compatible" like saying "hah, I can tie my shoelaces!"? Surely it should work with all major browsers as much as possible before going public?
  23. If it's a static image you're shaking you could use Animation Shop to apply the 'shakycam' effect and export to an animated .gif, otherwise you'll have to randomly move the items in your scene left and up a random amount. This will give the effect of a shaky camera.
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