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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. You're at school to learn, goddamn well do it. Locked.
  2. I see. That explains a lot, especially the other day on IRC. [me=moonlit]prepares a noose.[/me]
  3. 1. Don't cheat at games. 2. No warez. 3. Locked.
  4. Large version: http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2184/149103...2905c5103_b.jpg Wallpaper source: http://pancreation.deviantart.com/art/Chill-66502257 Windows Server 2008 RC0, Sidebar stolen from Beta 3.
  5. Most techies would only need 1 paperclip (for opening dead or misbehaving CD drives) and the duck tape... no need for the knife, any self respecting tech should be able to cut tape and strip wires with their teeth. Maybe keep the straw though, they often enjoy a glass of something cold for when the job's done.
  6. moonlit


    Use VLC. Oh, and... this is seriously your first post? I gotta get out more...
  7. That would be an interesting thing with the big frame, could be an interesting project and would look awesome. Expensive, but cool. I've thought about this a bunch of times, I've got a PII laptop that could use this treatment, but it has an integrated power brick... Still, if I do anything with it I'll post. :D Tried once before but I killed the laptop before getting anywhere... :(
  8. You didn't notice the component port, then?
  9. If the IP address begins with 169.x.x.x then it's probably a DHCP problem, also check your cables.
  10. ...or one of these: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?TabID=...49&doy=29m9
  11. ...or simply: http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?Module...ga&doy=29m9
  12. Moonlit are you familiar with the program DameWare, its a wonderful thing, especially in schools. On this occasion I do know how to do it, many ways to do it in fact. Still not going to tell anyone for these purposes though.
  13. *ahem* I'm worth a slightly underwhelming $3440 >_>
  14. You forgot a comma and a period, and writing "I am" instead of "I'm" is just an excessive waste of bytes. Congratulations sonny. As of right now, you're topping my shitlist! Not to mention that "there" should've been "their". ;)
  15. Come on people, this thread died no less than half a year ago... what was the point?
  16. Why "hack" any website? What has any of this got to do with "hacking" websites? I wouldn't call fucking with a website hacking anyway and while I'm not going to get in to the hacker/cracker debate, it's immature and pointless. Learn stuff, sure, but don't fuck with someone's site just for fun, and don't fuck with someone's network unless you have permission. Simple as.
  17. Every way if you want a 4MB file to transfer within a week...
  18. Several points here, I'll try to stay brief. 1) This community, despite its name and how people interpret it, is NOT about cracking networks, owning people, having a laugh by killing someone's machine or network or any other such irritating bollocks. 2) I appreciate (as I'm sure others here do) that some people just want a laugh. We all do, we just don't always share the same sense of humour. That said, I'm not going to explain to you how to kill the school network for 10 minutes or how to remotely control someone's computer whether I know how to or not, I'm not even going to give you a clue. Why? Because it's a waste of my time, it'll be a waste of your time, and it'll be a waste of time for the poor bastard who has to clear it up. If you wanna know how to do it, teach yourself. Even if you do piss 20 people off in the process, at least you learnt something, at least it wasn't just a practical joke. Just don't tell them we sent you. Another quick point here is what about the poor bastards trying to actually do some work? Network goes down, that might screw them badly, you don't know. Sure, there'll be half a dozen kids shouting for joy because their lesson's on hold or because they get out of class early, but that doesn't help anyone. 3) In response to the "just tell us once, then we'll stop asking" comment above, what would be the point in that? We refuse to tell you for many reasons, and most of those reasons would go right out the window if we just exploded in to a subforum full of instructions that told you everything from a to z about hacking the school, owning friends and annoying people. It's the principle. As I said above, doing most of the stuff people want to do is a waste of everyone's time, including your own. Do something productive instead. 4) If we tell you everything, even if we didn't have a problem with hacking school networks, you still wouldn't learn anything. If you use a little brain power... be careful, explore, see what makes the network... well, work... I'm not suggesting you do this without permission because as we've said a mind numbingly, breath-takingly large amount of times before, you can get punished badly for this, but at least if we didn't tell you how to do it you gained some experience in to the way networks (specifically that one) are configured. Hacking isn't about a quick way to own people, it's about experimentation, exploration, learning and experience. Sure, it might be hilarious to eject someone's CD tray 50 time per minute, it might be side-splittingly funny to send messages across the network, it might even make your piss yourself when everyone's network shares quit responding... but who did this help? If you want to learn to be a hacker, you have to learn an awful lot more, and I'd never give the name hacker to someone who just thinks it's cool to screw with people/networks for amusement or gain (though I'm not sure I have the right to call anyone a hacker). I'm trailing off here, but essentially what I'm saying is don't be a dick, and if you're going to be then at least make it worth someone's while to deal with it and its consequences. Learn where you can, stay out of trouble where you can't. Talk to people who know things, but don't expect all the answers. Use computers everywhere, but if they're not yours then treat them with care. Learn things yourself, if someone doesn't want to teach you then you may be doing something wrong... check your attitude... if you come across like some irritating 14 year old punk of a kid who seems to enjoy nothing more than ROFLing because his sysadmin has to spend the next 3 hours fixing the crap he did, we're not going to help you. Come across as someone who's intruiged, interested and wants to know how something works just for the record and not to exploit it and we might.
  19. Definitely, I wouldn't argue against that. Smoking ban doesn't bother me a huge amount, I can step outside for a cigarette while at a pub or whatever but I think there could've been some form of compromise... I agree with a ban wherever food is served though.
  20. Exactly my thoughts. I wouldn't tell a non-smoker to smoke, but I'd like the chance to be able to smoke myself if I'd like to, just as I like the choice I have to drink or consume caffeine. I say do what you like providing it doesn't kill or harm anyone else and I can only hope others would assume the same stance.
  21. [me=moonlit]snarls loudly, bares his teeth and rattles his straining chain almost to the point of snapping, sending him lunging at...[/me]
  22. I was about to ask the very same question... I also note that DLSS said that smoking has no decent effect and doesn't taste nice even though he hasn't tried it... I've smoked shisha before and it certainly can taste very nice indeed. Nicotine is a drug just like caffeine, ethanol or THC... all of these drugs have an effect that people must enjoy to some extent to use them enough to call themselves addicted (even if the addiction is only psychological). A drug by definition is something that alters the levels of certain chemicals (or adds them, in some cases) in the human body, and if we enjoy the experience we keep it on the "stuff to do at parties" list. If we don't, we call it a poison or just don't touch it again. The fact that any of these chemicals or combinations of chemicals can be harmful is a side effect due to the way they are made, what they're made from, how they're used or the effects they have on the body besides the desired effects. As side effects they are often accepted and tolerated as a downside to the consumption of them, but do not outweigh the positive effects (or positive as we perceive them). I quite agree with VaKo though, the evils of smoking and whatnot aside (and as a smoker) I think the bloke should quit to get treatment... it's a simple request, and in exchange for a repaired ankle I think I'd comply.
  23. There's two things to note here. the first is you used the word 'girls'. This suggests you don't mean all females in general. Women (ie: those of the female sex who are actually mature, physically, mentally, emotionally, all of the above), specifically interesting women, don't say things like that and are actually interested in things besides who Peter Andre is dating or which boy band just split up... Second thing is the thing you say they wouldn't care about. There's two issues here, one being that you mention school, and the second being you're trying to take the computers down for an hour. Ok, bearing in mind what I said earlier about women vs girls, the school thing doesn't even need explaining. The taking the computers down for an hour isn't the most mature thing to do anyway, even if the 'chicks' did care.
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