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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Stop acting like you're the only kid with problems, the only kid being filled with pills, the only kid ever to get diagnosed with something which means almost no-one on the planet listens to. I couldn't give a shit whether you've got dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyspepsia, schizophrenia or megalomania, we're not going to help you and explaining to us how you got your bed sold, how you're being filled with pills every morning or how your teachers are trying to repress you (man, down with authority!!!!!!!) isn't going to change that. It's not. Get over it. In fact, I'm not sure why I haven't done this before, but... locked. (Hands up who saw that one coming?)
  2. That's what AVKill did but I no longer distribute AVKill in binary or source form and will not resume doing so. It was only useful against a certain number of antivirus products and I never intended it to be any more than a proof of concept (though many came before mine, I just wanted to see if I could do it).
  3. Close enough. I've not used Ubuntu Server but I'd like to note for all the "servers don't have GUI" crowd that Windows Server 2008 comes in many versions, one of which is Server Core, which means you don't get Explorer or any of that other fun desktop stuff installed, just a Command Prompt (which admittedly it a Command Prompt in a GUI environment rather than just a plain ol' CLI). Still, less stuff running, less exploitable stuff running, less resource-using stuff running.
  4. EOF. Corsa, if you'd like to keep your account here I'd change your attitude. You're not going to get help in vandalising a network and you're certainly not going win any friends by being a fucking asshole to those residing in a country you seem to dislike. So to sum up, get your act straight or get fucking gone, got it? Locked.
  5. By this point I couldn't care if you're the king of England (and I'm pretty sure you're not), you're fast wearing down my patience. I can tolerate bad spelling, especially if there's a legitimate reason for it, but what you're asking for would get a scalding from me regardless of any deficiency you may or may not have. So let me put this as simply as I can: we're not going to help you with this shit, and you really need to turn on spell check. I don't care about your shitty school life, I don't care that your parents apparently stealing your bed (and you're sounding less credible by the word at this point, and if it happened to be true then my bitching at you is the least of your worries) and I don't care that you think you have a legitimate reason for fucking over your teacher(s). You're done here, if I see one more post from you requesting help to fuck over anybody, whether that be your parents, yous ex-schoomates, your teachers, whatever, I'm going to be forced to ban you. You make your choice.
  6. Not gonna happen, at least as far as I'm aware. Windows 7 (the successor to Vista) is based well and truly upon Vista.
  7. No problem. Problem. We're done.
  8. Sure, I'll accept that Sidebar is a pig. You mean like 98 was to 95, and 95 was to 3.1, and 3.1 was to 2.x/1.x and MSDOS? Kinda like how MacOS X is to MacOS 9, and how MacOS 9 was to MacOS 8, and MacOS 8 was to System 7. It's how it works, computer hardware get more powerful and OSs get heavier and slower.
  9. Very perceptive of you. Oh, it is possible that he's not running Vista as there have been attempts at allowing sidebar to run on XP. I trust you had no intention of mocking Vista users with this comment?
  10. No chance, I'm sticking with Windows. I use Vista and I still use XP on my eee and both suit me just fine.
  11. Upgrade your encryption to WPA. It's not foolproof by any means, but it's at least a bit more difficult to crack than WEP. Also keep an eye on how many machines are connected, perhaps watch your DHCP leases and scan for machine using something like nmap.
  12. That was fucking awesome. It takes a lot to make me love a movie that much, but while it starts slow it's definitely worth the wait. 10/10 stars, unquestionably the best "hacker" movie ever.
  13. I'm pretty sure that a PCI modem (or I suspect ISA or AMR modems if you have the appropriate slots) will do just the same thing, providing it has the mic/phone jacks you mention. The problem will be the actual physical connection though, you might need to hack off the end of the handset cable and replace it with 3.5mm mono audio plugs. Probably the wrong way to go about the task in hand though, why would you want to hook up a handset to a PC? Seems a little impractical when you could use desk mics or headsets.
  14. Since no-one else is answering, I guess I will. It won't mean much coming from me, but I can assure you that there is no malicious code in that app. I only have my position as moderator to offer as assurance that I'm not a malware writer and even that doesn't say a lot. I understand your concern though, I would be just as suspicious of random downloads (though, this is the USB Hacks section, random poisoned downloads is pretty much the reason this subforum exists...) The source is available in the appropriate thread, I think I put it in the Applications and Coding subforum. I had a little trouble uploading the ejector tool source though, so you'll have to take my word on that part. Anyway, I suggest if you hang out in places like this that you make good use of emulators and virtualisers, or if you have them, spare machines with disposable OS installations on them. That way you don't have to worry about malicious software because if something shows up then you just zap the OS and you're back to normal. As for the app, just make sure you read the readme and all will be well.
  15. I'm with digip on this one, the point wasn't to be able to play music but to learn how to create sounds in C++. Mission accomplished methinks. :)
  16. Until recently I was running Windows XP MCE 2005. I needed to reinstall and image the drive for easy recovery and reinstallation so I went with XP Pro (with SP3, non-sliptreamed). Both run absolutely perfectly on the eee and ~1/2 the 4GB SSD remains free. I tried Ubuntu 8.04, it was alright, it worked, but I always found Linux to be quite redundant so I went back to my usual choice - Windows. The supplied Xandros-based distro didn't last long for me, it failed to connect to my wifi out of the box so it got the chop near immediately (despite claims that I'd give it a chance before mercilessly erasing it). My Windows installations are standard and non-nLite'd.
  17. Side note: The functionality you mention is generally provided by free tools that just happen to be included in the Linux distribution and are not part of Linux itself. Microsoft could just as easily do the same but they'd be accused of taking advantage of their monopoly position... because everyone else (that is, the everyone else who's now bundling anything and everything with their software) complained.
  18. Fair tactic, but what about when $foobar gets hit with malware? It's going to happen at some point, however unlikely it is, and frankly I think if someone has trouble finding their way around a Windows machine I think they'd have just as much trouble finding their way around a $foobar machine, because it's likely that $foobar isn't suitable for a desktop and isn't user friendly when it comes to de-crapifying machines (with one or two exceptions).
  19. ImgBurn for burning. Small, light, quick, does it all with no fuss and works on Vista too.
  20. I'm done explaining my standpoint on this issue, I've done so all over this forum and I'm not going to again. If you'd like to know why I appear somewhat hostile to posters in topics like this one, feel free to look for the posts in which I've explained.
  21. For USB stuff see the USB Hacks subforum. As far as the wiki is concerned, well, yeah, it's pretty much dead atm.
  22. Yeah, seriously, 2 years old?
  23. Nope, an SD card is basically a USB stick without a USB plug on it.
  24. That's just misinformation. I'm really fucking bored of everyone complaining that Windows is insecure. Use a little common sense and you won't be the guy getting 6 million popups a minute, trojans out the wazzoo and an unbootable hosed system. Windows is perfectly fine.
  25. No, see, you're missing the point. It's not that Windows is insecure*, it's the fact that nothing is 100% secure and never will be. flavours of BSD, flavours of DOS, Windows, OSX, one of the zillion Linux distros, whatever, they're all ownable given the right circumstances. *Ok, so Windows isn't perfect, but despite 20-30 years of advertising, computers are not, never were, and never will be easy to use. We can pretend they are and we can teach users the basics, just enough to get along, but they'll never really know how to use a computer. People don't know security, and you need to know security to have any chance of not getting your machine compromised. In security, I include social engineering attacks, I include watching where your software comes from, I include downloading random shit from P2P networks and blindly running it and I also include knowing when something's up with your machine(s) or network(s). Does Joe Shmoe know that? No, no he doesn't, so regardless of the operating system, he stands almost zero chance of surviving online. To conclude, if you're not ignorant then there's absolutely no problem with running Windows, it's easy to avoid getting owned most of the time by staying aware of what your system's doing.
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