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Everything posted by bytedeez

  1. This classic kid can concur https://youtu.be/CMNry4PE93Y?t=7s
  2. After watching the last few episodes of Hak5 and seeing the interest in decentralized forms of communication and privacy. I wanted to share this little piece if brilliant software with the community called RetroShare. RetroShare is a Open Source cross-platform, Friend-2-Friend and secure decentralized communication platform. It lets you to securely chat, share photos, videos, and more with family and friends, using OpenPGP to authenticate peers and OpenSSL to encrypt all communication. more info can be found here: http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/ I first heard about the project a few months ago via a discussion on the PirateBox forums about adding it to the box. ​I have not had the opportunity to play around with it alot due to not knowing anyone else who uses it but it seems to pretty well rounded, user friendly and a decent UI. I am a huge fan of decentralization and have been every since i seen first hand the power of a decentralized network / communication has where after the internet and other forms of communication where shut down by the Eqyption government, the people of Egypt used 2 peices of software called Winlink and RMS Express combined with ham radios to send emails back and forth to one another to organized protest and other "events". This method of communication proved to be a value and hugely successful tool to aid in the over turn of what the people of Egypt considered a corrupt regime. I truly believe their should be 2 different forms of internet for the people to have access to. (Yes i know technically their is more than 2, just go along with it for now) 1 consisting of the internet we know, love and use today. Even with its flaws it still play huge role in the Economy, job creation, information sharing and so on. Point is it does and always will have its own place and role to play in today's world and the future. The 2nd is a decentralized internet which is open source, constructed by volunteers and basically ran by and for the people. This would take a huge effort and the cooperation from the masses to make it effective and bring it to life but it is possible. For those of you who are like me and are interested in more decentralizing projects here are a few of my favorites: - CJDNS / Project Meshnet https://projectmeshnet.org/ - ArkOS -decentralized, easy to use webserver on raspberry pi. https://arkos.io/ - Piratebox project if you don't know what that is already. http://www.piratebox.cc/ and http://forum.piratebox.cc/index.php - MaidSafe platform maidsafe.net And for all that is sacred feel free to share your own with me and others and don't forget to spread the word.
  3. Although cliche wife or husband jokes normally get a huge "booooooooooooo" out of me. That joke sir, was well executed and fitting for this community.
  4. Although the phisons are good micro controllers they can not match the speed of the ducky.
  5. I wouldn't call youtube free. Yes, you don't have to pay money, but they do charge you time through advertisements. When i was a kid, going through the mall, advertisers would pay you $2.00 to watch an advertisement.
  6. The issue i see is not that you asked a general question that google could have answered. The issue i see is that your not experienced enough to be asking that question and did no work into figuring that out before coming here. As far as unhackable, if you can build it, they can hack it but there is measures you can take to detour and stop noob to intermediate hackers. But to answer your question do these things first: Learn php, html and css , maybe even javascript couldn't hurt, then go buy you some servers, find a place to run them as its against most ISPs terms to host it from your home. Find a business class ISP to provide internet access to your server. Choose server software, learn that software and learn some networking. or you can find a pre-built solution that will fit your needs as Cooper said. You can also try out https://byethost.com/index.php/free-hosting If i'm not mistaken they have a forums software you can host for free.
  7. It would be extremely awesome to be able to have a payed webinar series either live sessions or pre-recorded, that we could sign up for. The Hak5 community stretches globe wide and i think i speak for us all when i say we want Pentesting with Hak5 to come to us!
  8. So just to be clear...you came here, found this one post, and made you a whole new account just to comment about rumbit....... Just so you know, we here, the Hak5 community, wear cleats 24/7, for 2 reasons. 1. we stomp on Afroturf, 2. you'll never catch us "slippin". That is all.
  9. There are a few cafes' and bars that have smart TVs that i normally just use my galaxy note 3 to control, however that is still very obvious. I would love to mess with a good friend of mine who owns one of these fine establishments.
  10. I'm sure its right there in front of our faces, pretty much poking us in the eye.
  11. These responses are great. You see i agree with what you all are saying. I believe that today the easiest way is good ole fashioned SE. Along with improper implementation based on either SSL/TSL protocol or human error. I personally think the guys at sensepost are on the right track to fully exploit the implementation. Now they are just at the tip of the iceberg but it is a start. I don't believe its going to be a single individual that does crack the encryption, the encryption is strong. I think for now its a waste of time and resources for people or organization of people to worry about. but the protocol that which its implemented now that something is say we'll see exploited within in the next few years.
  12. Although i believe there is some hype over new tech, but i think the usefulness of these aircrafts are still in the infant phase. I mean in the 1980s who would of thought that cell phone would be able to check digital letters, show you your favorite recipe, remind you of an appoint, allow you to not only take but also watch movies...you get the idea. I find the implementations of the tech interesting and look forward to finding the right spot for the tech. I currently live at the end of a long gated driveway and i am a very private person. I use my cx-20 to do random security checks of my property, including seeing who is wanting to visit me.
  13. They have the power to be useful for all kinds of things. With the correct tech inside them. Check out this video:
  14. of course, in theory. but let's talk practical implementations of doing so.
  15. I found this blog/article. Claiming that the new form of SSL encryption is uncrackable What do you guys think? https://blog.digicert.com/cost-crack-256-bit-ssl-encryption/ Personally my only response to this is "challenge accepted." But I must say from doing research it seems that the article is spot on.
  16. haha I did! In fact, i'm having a flashback of the event set to a 1980s montage!
  17. trust me, this something better done on a machine with more power anyway, you could possibly capture GSM packets with the pineapple if you wrote your own infusion / tool using a rtl-sdr but you would not be able to decrypt them using the pineapple. . Also it seems like it would be a waste of time, from my understanding GSM is outdated. Oh yeah lets not forget that its also ILLEGAL to decrypt GSM packets.
  18. After my drone was stuck in a tree for a few days, due to lack of depth perception while night flying, i started running through my different options of getting it out. First cutting the tree down or climbing it was out of the question and dangerous. Even with a latter and loaned tree stand. Next i tried getting a fishing line up to the branch due to the amount of surrounding trees, height, wind, lack of experience, and shady equipment, this method was out of the question as well. I then played the waiting game after checking the weather forecast which said that in my area it was going to be sunny with 13-15 mph winds for the next few days so i hoped that mother nature would blow it out. But this did not work either. I finally moved on to my next option and final idea one i like to deem as "The Robin Hood" method. I first called a few friends searching fir a bow and arrow or crossbow but turned up empty. So I then moved on to making my own bow. I did this by using a 5ft 3/4in PVC pipe that had a 1/2in CPVC coupling hammered in both ends for support. Next i used a old soldering iron with a burnt out tip (due to a lack of drill and other tools) to melt a hole through both sides on both ends of the pipe in order to secure my draw string to it. All i had for a draw string was some nylon rope from the dollar store, but it proved to work great. Finally i went to a few local shops searching for some arrows but since its not hunting season none carried them. So I then went and purchased a few 7/16 wooden dowel rods for $0.25 each from my local Walmart and then used layered duct tape to make my own fletching and then used more duct tape to secure it. For the point of the arrow i used some foam wrapped in a bit of electric tape and then attached the rest of my nylon rope down the full length of the arrow. If you do this yourself make sure to attach the rope down the full length of the arrow otherwise it will throw your arrow off in mid air by alot. Keep in mind used this technique the object is not to hit the quad but to get a rope to the limb its stuck on in order to shake the quad loss. The foam was added to the tip of the arrow just in case I did hit the quad. results of this diy drone retrieving system was very effective, It only took me 10-15 tries with no archery experience to hook the limb and shake the quad loss. The quad did suffer some damage which is to be expected after falling 100ft but it was repairable and is flying great now. The total cost of this build was under $5. EDIT: Also this build is completely open source. Feel free to mod it any which way you want!
  19. The key to breaking the HSTS cycle is to force the client device to delete all web cache and browsing history and maybe cookies. My brilliant idea is to construct a captive portal that works in 1 of 3 ways. 1. Once "login" is clicked it clears all the cache in the background before proceeding. 2. Checks to see if the cache is cleared and if its not instructs the user to clear cache before allowing access. 3. Gives a Security warning to user advising the user to clear all cache. I'm not a dev of any kind so not sure if ways 1 and 2 are possible with the current features of the pineapple. The 3rd is the easiest option but at the same time its a hit or miss.... and more times a miss because its an optional extra step the user will have to take and since its optional most will opt out.
  20. So the gest of what you guys are saying is. Once i learn how to code and get certified, use my knowledge and either start building applications but also join other projects and learn from he more experienced coders, Because not only will that expand my knowledge but it will also gain my experience myself. Which makes sense. I went and looked up software dev jobs in my area to see what requirements employers were looking for. Most of them wanted a ba/bs or MS degree in CS and experience or the equivalent in experience. What are some other techniques you guys use or see? I was thinking about once i get confident enough in my skills to seek employment, to add to my resume' that i will work the first 30-90 days for free. Has either one of you took this approach just to get your foot in the door?
  21. I use to have a facebook but i deleted it for "tin foil hat" reasons. lol!
  22. Thanks for the replies! The reason why I am asking is because I am currently taking training classes for c# certification using Microsoft Virtual Academy. Which I find to be very helpful, knowledgeable and challenging. For a matter of fact if it wasn't for previously learning some fundamental concepts of programming in Java from other sources I doubt I would understand it at all. The reason why I am doing this is to become certified languages including c# php, javascript and html5 in hopes of finding a better career where I can afford to get my degree. But I'm hoping I'mI'm not wasteing my time.
  23. Not only did we witness it, we was a part of it. Most popular viral trend of 2015 #CooperApproved!
  24. If you can't figure it out by the tittle exactly what i mean i'll explain it here. As online learning become more and more popular, i feel the need to ask this question. In the world of Software Engineering how important is a degree in CS or software development compared to becoming certified? Is a degree really necessary for employment? or having certifications in a few languages hold the same weight. I know the obvious choice is to have both a degree with certifications on top of that but what if someone had to choose between the 2? Any software devs have experience with this kind of example? Anyone an HR rep for a software company?
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