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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. 1: Karma should automatically join devices that have previously connected and remembered to unsecured networks to the pineapple. 2: I seem to recall a bug with an Android version not working with probes, however I also think that Darren tested this and his worked. 3:Karma's SSID is hidden and has no name, so to speak. If Karma association was succesful, you would see the pineapple as "Free Wifi" etc.. 4:Try creating a WiFi Profile on the phone, and make sure its auth is set to "Open", Then activate karma, cycle WiFi on the Android Device and it should connect. Hope that helps and welcome to the forums :)
  2. This is... true. I've seen it happen. Drop in #hak5 on and chill for a short while, and lulz will ensue.
  3. Customizer Script. This script allows you to completely edit your Web UI CSS for 3.0. Edit the main and the background colors, Link and text colors, allows you to round corners off of the Notification bar, aswell as round corners off of tiles, change border pixel sizes and border styles, aswell as change the color of the Entropy Bunny, With lots and lots of more features to come soon. When you enter numbers for border sizes, YOU HAVE TO APPEND PX TO THE INPUT!, ie : 3px, not just 3. A fix should be on the way very soon. Changelog : Code : Transformed : ;) Cheers, -Foxtrot
  4. Normally I am the one who maintains and adds my guides aswell as the awesome forum-goers guides, but anyone can edit the wiki ofcourse. If you choose to write a guide and publish it to the Wiki, please name it correctly and add it into the appropriate list in the Wikis main page Thanks!
  5. Why make things hard for yourself?
  6. Goodluck with that happening. You could I guess port Karma to it then edit the web UI to the new paths, but you are never getting the original pineapples firmware on it.
  7. Due to WEP Cracking being pointless these days, and full reaver automation being very troublesome to make work all the time, aswell as function correctly and well, I have decided to end development of Automator. As for the blackout idea, newbi3 now has a nice module for that. I would appreciate it if an admin would lock this thread, but not delete it for historical reasons. I do have a few more 'easier' ideas to achieve, and I have learnt alot about PHP and both Reaver and Aircrack-NG during the beta development of this module, and thanks to Sebkinne and computerchris for the help in the IRC especially. Cheers, -Foxtrot
  8. I have a link to a script I made in my sig, MDKarma. Basically uses one radio, in you case wlan0, and deauths then turns on karma, with support for whitelists :)
  9. The UART USB in the Hakshop uses the CP2102 fyi ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microshaft_Winblows_98
  10. hmm.. The fact you dont have a wan2 interface is strange... Have you tried a simple reflash?
  11. I never got an RF-Shield on mine anyway :(
  12. Thats impossible to ask, You probably fried the entire board, doing whatever you did. Maybe you serged it :(
  13. I doubt you will blew an IC, unless it was the atheros chip and you blew that by shorting the antenna. Otherwise you probably friend a cap or a resistor.
  14. Search the Forums.
  15. The Mobile Connect spam you see is just a setting that Seb and Darren left in after the 3.0.0 update. Its fine :)
  16. This is not a problem with the bar. Its Whistle Masters infusion, he has fixes on the way, you would know if you looked at the first page of the forum before posting.
  17. On my Huawei E353 I have to add a special option in the /etc/config/network under the wan2 interface : option nodriverloading '1' Try that:)
  18. Because Karma isnt just a hotspot, Its a special peice of software that says yes to every probe request.
  19. To put it simply, No. But depending on the amount of time your willing to use, what phone, what kernel and what architecture, along with how experienced you are with compiling and maybe code modification, you *might* be able to make Karma work. However, You can not put the firmware on a phone.
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