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Everything posted by armadaender

  1. Agreed. My mother once tried to take away my comp when I was about 15 or so. I held her car keys hostage until she gave my mouse and keyboard back. Oh, and welcome back Duelus. :D Normally we'd be hesitant to say that but your form of n00b nonsense is a lot better than that of the wave of obnoxious n00bs we've had flooding the gates. I'm of course kidding, welcome back. :P
  2. Yes but what is it's model? And by "hammer" he meant that you should take your router and physically hit it against another router to "crack" it. Get it? Play on words? Anyone? Mom?
  3. I second that w00t with another w00t.
  4. Holy cow, I don't remember ever posting that. Creepy.
  5. I wouldn't mind a hidden passage way from a closet to say, my study/library. Those paintings with the removable eyes are a must too, gotta screw with people who come over.
  6. After a read one of my previous posts from last may without knowing, I was a bit scared. That was one helluva bump.
  7. I would be considered a geek but my flatmate continues to call me a nerd. It's ok though, he can bearly pass his classes and looks to me for help with homework. If it wern't for me, he wouldn't be passing. In all honestly, I take pride in being a geek/nerd. The interestingly part is the fact that no one would ever guess that of me. If you met me in person, you'd assume I'm some normal, popular kid. I wear the 'cool' clothes and party every once in a while with friends. But everyone who's met me for the first time is practically shocked when they noticed the nerd/geekish parts of me. Particulary when they walk into my room and notice the three computers, 2 lcds, network switch, ethernet cables running everywhere, etc. Girls are always quite suprised.
  8. Agreed, we need to add that to our forums at least for now. I'm sure Darren could create his own crazy, 50's-ish vid sooner or later once he gets some sleep! Go to bed!
  9. That's what I'm worried about. I've been addicted (and I mean truly addicted) to video games before... Damn you Final Fantasy 7...almost failed 6th grade because of you.... and who knows what will happen here.
  10. Done. Here's the 1280x800 in black: http://static.flickr.com/71/264688950_34f93d1d9f_o.jpg And the 1024x768 in black: http://static.flickr.com/102/264688951_bb25c8d64f_o.jpg I don't have a 1024x768 res monitor here so I'm not sure how well it will look. If it's aweful (as in the logo being way off place or under the start bar) let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix it.
  11. I've never played WoW before in my life. But after watching that episode three or so times in a row because I thought it was so funny, I bought WoW off newegg and it should be here on wednesday. It made me want to play WoW... Am I pathetic?
  12. That's the problem, I can't get the logo to invert properly and keep the five red. Maybe is VaKo could do it but other than that all I can do is give you is one with a white-background.
  13. Now that's just creepy. *Holy shit, I just posted my 1001th post without even noticing that I went over 1000! W00t!
  14. I made it in about a minute using photoshop. I took the normal logo, copied it onto a white canvas (1280x800 - my laptop res) and moved the logo into the bottom-right corner. If you want another res just pm me and I'll send a link your way asap. If someone wants to throw that in the wiki go right ahead. I'd do it myself but in all honesty, I'm scared of editing wikis, few bad experiences. (ie I messed a few up so I just don't touch them anymore).
  15. Mine: http://static.flickr.com/84/263409762_02303d184c_o.jpg It's basic but I really like it. Clean, refreshing, hak.5 leetness. Nothing more, nothing less. PS - I tried this earlier in Photoshop but I couldn't get it to work right. I was trying to invert the colors so the while would be black, black lettering to white but leave the red 5 and dot the same.
  16. Why do you want to inactivate the antivirus? Simply put: Just kill it under the task manager. I.E.: Hit ctrl-alt-del, select the tab "Processes", find the process that's symantic, right click and select "end process".
  17. Plays just abotu everything: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
  18. Rush and Savage are the most fanatical, inane and imprudent individuals who should not have their own shows for the sake of the US, nay the world. Both have their heads jammed so far up their asses that neither of them could tell you what's really going on anywhere in the world because the Bush administration hasn't told them yet. All they do is play stupid when questioned by democrates and throw holy water at them yelling "blasphemy!, repent!", thank the lord for quote: "Level-headed republicans", and kiss Bush's ass. My father sometimes listens to Savage on the radio at work, and it makes me want to hit him.
  19. American jurisdiction at it's finest. They'll spend hundreds of court hours to lock-up a person charged with pot possession and intent to sell when he only have a few ounces on him but they'll do nothing when young kids are being sexually abused by ceos and senators. Better yet, they''ll do nothing when a ceo, representative or senator does anything illegal. I'm still suprised the Enron execs got time in prison.
  20. Appearantly the man was sexually abused as a child but that does not give him the right to speak to a young, male page in such a way (or anyone aside from his wife for that matter). The man shouldn't been able to resign but instead fired, and then sent to trial for sexual misconduct and harrasment. Found quilty and sent to prision for a year where his new "friends" will make a toy out of his ass (child sexoffenders are at the bottom of prison food-chains). Then forced to spend the next five years in rehab, all the while doing community service. Lastly, add his name to the nation sex offender registry. And that's all before the kids family decideds to sue him in civil court for a few cold million.
  21. I've seen every damn episode of south park and I must say, this one was defiantly top 3.
  22. Now I havn't watched the ep yet (will do once home from work) but can the target files to be copied and sent back be changed? I.E. targeting only files in "My Documents" or specifically certain log files for programs?
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