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  1. What features are you trying to use? Always helps to post some more direct questions. It also helps other users answers questions if you post things like: FW version OS of connecting device Way the device is being powered etc, etc,etc
  2. Cap_Sig, at  your suggestion I built a Kali system but the terminology is somewhat confusing for me. I am trying to hack my password field but not sure what it would be called or which program to use. I hate being a dumb newbie


  3. Just depends on the module. Take a look here for status of modules on 2.6.x firmware: If the module is not working yet you can do a firmware recovery which takes you to version 2.4.2 and give that a try. Can also follow that with a manual upgrade to 2.5.4 as well. Hope this helps.
  4. Not sure about that particular device but not all devices will support it as described in the documentation linked in @Jtyle6 above post. May require the device to be rooted for successful use. Also you may try enabling USB debugging to see if that helps with the issue.
  5. If it has the RT3070 chipset it should work right out of the box. Have you tried connecting it?
  6. Haven't taken a look at it yet but Lowes Iris system has been discontinued and put open source. It's now called Arcus: https://github.com/arcus-smart-home This may be a good starting point as to understanding how some of these systems work.
  7. Both are possible. Depending on your router model it may cost you nothing. If it supports DD-WRT or OpenWRT firmware. If it does, both have the ability to act as a VPN server. I know OpenVPN setup on DD-WRT has decent documentation for setup but I'm sure other setups are as well. It is normally recommended to have a router with some decent hardware resources, just depends on what all you plan to do with the router. A dedicated raspberry pi for the task probably is an easier method depending on your skill level working with routers.
  8. Router running open firmware like DD-WRT is a good choice as well. Several guides available for setting up OpenVPN to do so.
  9. Looking for help on why the MAC of a Ad-Hoc interface changes every time at reboot. The setup is Raspberry Pi 3 using internal wifi with Kali Linux. ifconfig shows the permanent MAC but iwconfig with show the random MAC on the Ad-Hoc interface under "Cell" Macchanger appears to not be causing the issue as the interface is excluded from getting a auto random MAC at boot. Thanks for any help!
  10. As @Just_a_User said you will need a demodulator. I would recommend a different antenna as well depending on your intentions of use.
  11. To make sure I understand correctly, you are wanting to connect to a raspberry pi via a TCP stream from another system on the network to access the SDRs connected to the pi? If so you will need a compatible source block. I'm not real familiar with GNU Radio but there should be a few generic and supported devices as part of the software package.
  12. FCCID search is a great starting place. You could also "scan" the range you believe the remote to operate on. Sometimes with low cost SDR dongles they will be off frequency by a little. Just tune to the center of what you find the remote transmitting on.
  13. I would agree this is a good solution especially with the added redundancy. Have done similar in a system that monitored the level of a grain bin to turn an auger on/off for transfer of grain. No matter the switch type, I would use some sort of redundancy to prevent dry running of a pump,motor, etc. That is really cool! Nothing like a little electric in your fuel.
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