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Everything posted by newbi3

  1. Are you talking about Sony getting hacked? That doesn't change the course of linux at all. The only thing I could see is if Sonys infrastructure was Linux and there was an 0-day exploited that no one knew about, that will then get patched. Otherwise no change, or at least nothing significant
  2. You should release it in the Pineapple bar as a command line infusion
  3. Try going to an older version of the firmware, sounds like your pineapple may have a hardware defect
  4. does iwconfig show the radio? if so do an ifconfig wlan1 up
  5. http://www.testout.com/ Thats what I used for my A+, Net+, Linux+, Sec+, and Sec Pro Rob Tracey is a wizard.
  6. They also used to use AWS for the wifi pineapple infrastructure
  7. The reason why stuff is breaking is because whoever created this example put <head> tags in the HTML which should not be in there.. Replace your small tile code with this: <script type="text/javascript"> function refreshSmall();{ refreshSmallTile(ExampleInfusion); notify('You used the Refresh button!'); } </script> <?php exec("pgrep dnsspoof", $dnsspoofrunning); if(empty($dnsspoofrunning)) { echo "DNSSpoof is not Running."; } else { echo('DNSSpoof is Running'); } ?> <a href="#" onClick="refreshSmall();">[Refresh]</a> That should work just fine. Also for API documentation: http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/index.php/Webinterface_API
  8. The reason for not giving you the option to turn off the open access point is because it is needed for karma to still work. If its gone then karma will not work
  9. Hey guys SMSer is being removed from the pineapple bar upon request by me since I haven't been managing it and I don't have the time right now to update it for the new firmware. However SMSer will be back in 2015 and its going to be completely redone and it will work with every perfectly. Once I get a little less busy I'll be making an announcement with what you guys can expect to see in the next version of SMSer. It will be pretty crazy stuff!
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong (I dont have a pineapple infront of me right now) but you can disable the open access point from the network infusion by clicking the check mark that says "disable". Also why would you want to choose WEP or WPA? The purpose of having the WPA2 encrypted network is so that your pineapple doesn't get owned, why would you want that less secure? If for whatever reason you do want it less secure its only like 2 lines you have to change in /etc/config/wireless and then type the "wifi" command and you're done
  11. For future reference: https://wifipineapple.com/?flashing
  12. Well nothing is ever bricked permanetaly but it would be a huge pain in the ass to get it back up and running if you messed something up and I'd say it wouldnt be worth it, so yes possibly. And Yes to your second question as well (as far as i know)
  13. There is a guide somewhere on the wiki for flashing OpenWRT onto the MK5. You have to cross compile the firmware yourself and it's not just a straightforward thing and you could brick your pineapple.
  14. You should see version 2.4 available: https://wifipineapple.com/?infusions
  15. Yes I am aware of this, I did not have a chance to fix it before the firmware came out because of work (or as Sebkinne said being "lazy"). I'll get it fixed this week :) Version 2.4 has been submitted and is awaiting approval :) Version 2.4 has been released. Please update :D
  16. Before people start posting, version 2.4 which will be compatible with the latest firmware is in development and will be released very soon. Sorry for the late release, I am a busy dude :p
  17. If developers are using the provided pineapple API then this is not an issue at all http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/index.php/Webinterface_API A lot of the infusions in the Pineapple Bar were created way back in the days of the MK IV days (before firmware version 3.0) and all of the developers then got a preview version of the 3.0 firmware and we were tasked with migrating our infusions over to it. This was when the first version of the Pineapple API was introduced and didn't have a large amount of functionality so every infusion had to have lots of code to do the same tasks (like drawing tabs). After that the MK V was introduced and not all of the infusions worked as they were so they had to be migrated over to the MK V. The infusions in a lot of cases were never re-written to take advantage of new API functions so if you look at the code for some of them you see a lot of old code.
  18. DId you try turning it off and on again? Did you try using a different device? Did you re-flash it?
  19. Its faster to google it than wait for a response but here is the wifite github https://github.com/derv82/wifite
  20. Where did you put your image in the filesystem? Also did you remove where it sets the background color to black?
  21. Simple, you just need to edit the nginx config file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf http://lukasz.cepowski.com/devlog/50,simple-cdn-with-nginx-that-allows-cors
  22. Im not sure why you are having the issue, have you tried using my vanilla code? The advantage of AJAX is that you can send the data to the server without having to have the user go to the page in the browser. This allows you to create a more dynamic portal that has things happen after a user has entered their information As far as the header goes, that does make sense I didn't read it And your last problem isn't an issue with Evil Portal its NoDogSplash I know why it happens but I can't really explain it that well. If you want to avoid this from happening just spoof everything with DNS spoof to and it will work fine
  23. just type "mysqld" without staying start and see what happens. Why mysql though? sqlite is more suited for a device like the pineapple
  24. How long did you wait for a reply for? Also how do you know they were ignored or deleted?
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