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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. hmm to the techs out there that want an easy way of blocking this, troll through the source of some of the major scripts, there is a cgi page that the most common ones, the ones found on google "myspace proxie" for like the fist 10 pages, that if blocked, will lower the bypassing by about 60%, ok thats enough white hat for this post ^_^

  2. ive had this problem with one of the PC's in one of my labs. i thought it might have been to do with the wiring of the power button and reset.

    This is also what friends and such told me as well, though in my case, windows when rebooted would come up with please select a boot option (which it seems to do in ur case as well).

    I worked this problem to be with windows actualy crashing when shutting down, once it crashes, it restarts, and show that windows ended ubruptly with the boot options.

    To fix, i reloaded my OS. though a simple repair of XP should do the job.

    Edit: check ur power and reset cables first b4 re-formating :P

  3. hmm ur all firefox users? i know there has been problems with Phpbb and firefox's chaching, (kinda strange for two open source products) but to fix it, you have to lower security settings ( :twisted: sadly).

    Or this problem can occur with Anti-Virus / Firewalls, most commely with ZA. again cookies, again fixed with security lowering :x

  4. yup pretty much, .MSI is just an installer built sepcialy for windows, pretty much the equvilant to an RMP so to speak.

    Most MSI's are used to install framework for windows, such as the perl, and python ones, other windows pretty much uses MSI for all there files.

  5. hmm i dont understand at all :? so ur drive is dead coz it cant load? but u can load it and change ur password?... if u doing what i think u are, u have pluged in another HDD, and set it up to load? if so, is this drive still in when u boot to CD?

    edit: scrap that u got ur post in a few seconds b4 me.

    goto start > run > "msconfig"

    check under the startup tab.

    if its there ticked, then untick it. (this edits the reg and is a lot safer)

  6. just checked my ticket system, and here is the infomation my company has compiled. for the stock Geforce 6200, glitches were:

    duel display not always starting, such as turning on the PC and only 1 display was on, this was fixed by updating drivers.

    When playing games, when DirectX kicks in, one display (found to be the secondary) switches on and off, whilst the other display starts the game. again fixed with driver updates.

    though for OC'ed cards:

    Duel display loses all settings, after PC crashes, or reset button is pressed. (not fixed, only occurs on OC'ed models)

    Display settings randomly changing, such as instead of stand alone displays, secondary was cloning Primary, found to be caused by the same issue as the Lose of settings, its to do with settings getting corrupted due to OC'ing.

    Mass amounts of artifacts on secondary, caused purly by OC'ing

    thats what weve got, though i havnt done any work in fixing the OC'ed models. quite simply cos my warrenties dont cover them, we look into them but not test.

  7. first an .exe is a compilation (word?) of code, this code can be C, Cpp, VB, and alot of other languages, making an .exe is as simple as just yelling t ur PC to do things.

    From what i can tell, u want to use the U3 software to auto run an payload, so im thinking that ur payload is kept in a .bat formation? if so use ur U3, and a U3 non-u3 application Adder, and just make ur U3 auto run the batch file.

    Otherwise, learn C, and Cpp.

  8. yup it sure can run duel, though i have heard from a few ppl saying that there are some issues and minor glitchs, running it on the Geforce 6200.

    Though the simplest way is (if u dont mind using Analog connections) simply to utalise both DVI, and Analog connection, use the latest drivers and CP for nVidia drivers.

  9. hmm for gaming programing, most ppl now suggest start with action script (AS), ive done a little of it (not focusing on gaming at all though) and i must say its rather easy to work with, and if u were wanting to make an FPS, it would take to long to be able to create in AS and using Flash for the GFX.

    Also for flash there are quite a few tutorials on how to make ur own FPS, i suggest dont just copy and use these scripts untill u are actualy able to break them down and understand them.

    Also being only of 15, you may find the advanced maths used in minor physics engiens a little frustrating at first, though studing the scripts, and knowing the basics will help u overcome this.

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