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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. hmm to be honest ive never really had a security issue with Windows, ive had the times were it crashs alot but that was on older systems, so i supos wndows outta the box may be bad, but thats kinda y i have Kaspersky and other fun applications to protect me from the skiddies.

  2. well since its sitting beside u, then u have fill access to it, i suggest googling the kernal, and find some exploits for it, though if its not next to then ur gonna have some troubles getting infomation.

  3. ...snip

    Also I was wondering many people I know use the classic theme on windows xp. Why?

    its coz its old skool... naa i use it to speed up my older systems, ive found that with PC's running say a PIII 800mhz, the gfx alone of xp will cause a constant 5-15% CPU usage strain on the Core, but removing the styles, and lowering the refresh rate, this is fixed.

  4. lol, what u want to use is VLC (Video Lan Client), it is multiplat form, and has a huge emphices on netowrk streaming, though sadly im at work, and cant get ahold of any of my links :S though i hope ive put u on the right path.

    opps lol i read all of ur post, this time hehe, though u need VLC@!

  5. ive heard of using a Mobile as a modem but never any one setting it up as a dongel, though there still may be a high chance u can, also just a side note, google tunrs up nothink ^_^

    Though as the others have pretty much suggested is a bluetooth dongel outta the question? here in Aus we can pick them up for about $10, so thats about $5US and like $1.25UK :S (go our ecconomy!!)

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