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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. no, lithom, is a lot harder to get a memory than Ni, but it is still possible, also laptop battries (specialy from Acer, BenQ [acer again], Dell, and IBM'ish) are known for going out in about 3-4 yrs. It could just be that your battery has given up on u.

  2. amusment, its not about hey look i can post 1 lines on every single thread made, thats just idocy (not a word), but more about who participates in the community, and helps out others with there hacking, moding, and coding ideas, and needs.

  3. Will ony create more lag if your virtual memory far outways your physical ram. Keep them sort of close together in size (or at least on Windows, anyway).

    isnt it u should only go 40% higher for ur VMem than your Physical RAM?

  4. the hackers black book is rathe rout dated (the one i skimmed through anyway) most of it is, programing (such is hacking_).

    Is it any good? hmm yeah it wasnt bad to start with, but its designated for ppl who are general computer uses to step up in the world, and pretty much all the way through it, it repeats, "Learn Python, Learn Perl, Learn Java, Learn C".

  5. ive never replaced a PC :? though ive gone from a HP Pavillion P3 800, to a Core Duo 2.6, and there is no longer an original part in it, but ive never brought enough parts to make a complete rig out of, unless u count a new Mobo and CPU.

    also the reason i upgrade, is pretty much all of the above :P, either it cant handle what im doing, Somethink inside goes snap, then crunch, and every now and then coz im greedy (i dont need my Radeon X1900, nor my Core Duo, but hey ive got them ^_^)

  6. I don't suggest doing anything to a school network with anyone else in the room. or for that matter, at all.

    Hackling Lesson #1: Don't fowl in your own nest.

    strange, i thought it was "dont get high on your own supply"?

    anyway, i wanna be nice, the easiest way to stop the monitoring program, is to un-plug that little blue cable at the back end of ur PC (if its say yellow or red or green or pink ur screwed!!! turn of the PC and run out the door!!!)

  7. hmm if i remember right, its Icecast, shoutcast, and nsvtools, these will allow u to stream out to VLC, and Winamp easly though i did it about a year ago so might be outta date.

    As for FTP if ur asking which one? if ur using linix ive always likes Pure-FTP, with MySQL support enabled.

  8. hmm i run with:





    Ive been with 1and1, and layeredtech the longest and i hve to say im happy with them, through 3ix set up a lot quicker (like 3h's) and ive had no problem with them either. Servage we had the issue of them banning our account for host movies, they were all legal, all user submited webcam clips for a contest, but they saw the file type and banned us. took awhile to get it back up.

  9. Wait, what... the actual mouse, that sits on the desk, literally, physically moved? WTF...

    the phone has ESP.

    and i dont think the FBI would come and burn ur HDD, if there was somethink bad on there, isint it more likely they come and take every single device in your house that has a chip in it? then sell of all ur junk (ie. Toaster) but keep your PC's for evidance?

  10. I take it that means the awsner is advious, huh?

    no it doesnt mean the answer is advious (is that a word?) it means ur an absulot twat! how long have u been on the forums for? how many times have u seen SomeoneElse and Sparda flame, VaKo, and Moonlit warn people about post requests for warez? and illeagl actions?

    Copying Oringial CD's is illegal, even for Backup reason (in most countries), copying copies is worse.


  11. Okay so earlier i was browsing around the forums just reading nothink bad, then i saw on "Mr_Mischif" sig that stupid "We know were u live and the stupid IE browser ur using" sig, though normaly they have quotes...

    Anyway "Mr_Mischif"'s quote this time round was "Dont goto this link: tinyurl.com/pnr" so um i went to it... to say the least i shouldt have...

    So the question is, if told not to, does that just push u over the edge into doing somethink?

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