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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. its pretty much becuase of Child Porn well it wasw after a CP instan that it was banned.

    what the fuck were you trying to say...

    and why ban youtube because of child porn that makes no sence

    In Aus there was a lot of contriversy over YouTube, a few guys in NSW (new south whales - Aus State) raped a chick and posted it all over youtube, around 50 students were caught going to the link, and about 5ish teachers, the Aus Government then decided that they would ban the use of YouTube on all there premisis.

  2. lol my new place off attendance, uses websence... y does websence even bother to release this product? (tip: know the IP of ur host).

    though youtube is understandably blocked, in Aus it is mandatory to not allow users to goto it in all government building, such as skools, Youth centers, and libararies.

    its pretty much becuase of Child Porn well it wasw after a CP instan that it was banned.

  3. A lot of the stuff i tried didn't work on the British PSTN and I'm guessing the Australian stuff is probally similar to ours.

    aye my cisco telecomincations corse says for us its best to copy the British notes not the US.

  4. on the main page, the blue is just fir the boarder, if uve ever made a skin for phpbb its not really possible to have the boards like that, this is because they bleed into the main content section, and to be honest it would look shit.

  5. hmm tonight when i get home ill install VB6 and have a look, as for VBs im not so sure, it uses a set of API's and the conversion from JPG, PNG, GIF -> Bitmap is also a major issue.

    As for VB6, im rather sure i can doit, though i need to install it again, if ur still using it i suggest download a copy of VB.net express (free from MSDN)

  6. hmm ive got the code for this in C (my re-hashed version of anappadays google image changer) and i also belive that i have started the same project in VB6 but had issues with it (oh noes VB has failed me)


    oh wow, i just made it in VB.Net, pretty much the method used was to read the app root for all images, list them, as the timer hit 0 it would take the next item in the list and load it into an image contaner, then easly converted it into BMP with the lines:

    pic.Image.Save(imagePath, ImageFormat.Bmp)

    then used the API for System Parameters Info, to set the new wallpaper.

    SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, 0, imagePath, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE)

  7. We can't stop spam, but we can manage it and keep it at a reasonable level. Its gone within a few hours and every few weeks i delete a couple of hundred users. Its not a battle, its maintenance.

    And yes, we can bolt on a load of addons to the forums but I don't think its worth it. Better to move to a better forum software which isn't targeted so much.

    which better Forum suit stops spam outta the box though? IPB i had to mod, and VB is even worse, the same style of spam bots attack both.

  8. Windows Media Player

    What's that?

    it's a backdoor built into windows... like most microsoft products

    It comes with Media Player Classic (from source forge) which is a basic rip from windows media player 6 but with tons of addons and support for other formats, like quicktime. Its not a real "Windows" program from microsoft, just named media player after the original windows version.


    lol they saying that u said Windows Media Player, u kinda forgot the Classic at the endm huge difference in the qual of the program, classic actualy works.

  9. 1) find Ethernet cable

    2) cut Ethernet cable

    3) cancel your internet subscription (if applicable)

    4) Place toast into CD Drive and close

    5) Jam pen into floppy (if applicable)

    6) Remove CPU and replace with Diorto

  10. hmm im not totaly sure what ur after, but im thinking a work list, sadly im gonna have to link u toa search engine though since im not at home. i suggest searching for a Dictonary attack list, ive got a few links at home, but yea thats not here sorry. though the only problem would be, not all words are gonna be true english, and such.

    Just googled and found a nice(ish) site for word lists: http://www.word-list.com/ hope this helps

  11. lol im the first to post about using commerical AV's and Firewalls :S

    Firewall: Zone Alarm (normaly, not atm coz the compainie hasnt updated licence to 7)

    AntiVirus: Kaspersky

    Spyware: Ad-Aware

    also we run (for ther hell of it)

    Window Washer (cleans temp files, and stored passwords)

    Nod32 (if the machien is slower and Kaspersky is pushing it)

  12. For just basic programming I use Visual Basic. Its really easy to learn, and fast to use, but I wouldn't use it if your great at C, ASM (is it possible to be "great" as ASM?), or C++, as those languages are faster, and closer to the OS and System

    I always thought VB was very close to the OS and there in lies the problem.

    hehe this is true, but he does want a to prog for XP, therefore isnt VB a good idea?

  13. @Vako: lol

    Im using FC's 3 and 5, 3 coz its an old server and has never been reformated nor updated (file server for the win) and 5 coz 6 wasnt released at the time i donwloaded it :P

    but im more than happy with FC, defently over Ubuntu, though Ubuntu has more driver support, and is suposably more user friendly, i found when running a GUI server (<_< yeah i know... bad_) Fedora was more reliable and had a better up time.

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