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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. i need more space for pr0n... thats y i stick with 72's not rapters and such have no need for high spin speeds, but more of a need for long lofe data storage.

    *note: my HDD's arnt actuly filled with pr0n, but thats y i have fast interent.

  2. to vako i bow.

    As for y use Windoze... i use windows coz it has spell check, somethik u may look into (jk) anyway im using windows becuase its for a friend as well as me (im fine to use a linux box, though he only has 1 and its windows), and its ment for ssh connections, ie from work / skool, to Shell, then to start, stop, add, and check on torrents.

  3. google has let me down T_T

    pretty much what im after is a windows based Command Line torrent program? as mentioned google has let me down, all i could fine is a linux version but sadly not a Windows based.

    Any help?

  4. y is it slow? ive been told its todo with file indexing and such, XP needs to close, and then re-start the file coping procedure every time u copy a new file.

    When there is a few u dont notice it but when there is alot, XP needs to make sure for each file that: the path exists, its writable, there isnt already another file with the same name, the path its coming from exists, the file is allowed to be copied (not so much in the order).

    Then when finished copying just that file, it checks to see: of the file is the copied, if its the same size, if its the same file (checks the first and last few lines of binary ive been told, but not sure on this), and then checks to see if all the file rights are the same.

    for a normal file this takes about .3 seconds, though when working with say 200 files, there u have already added 1minute to ur overall copy time.

    Were as if u used an archive, it would only use this process once, therefore speeding the proccess up a shit load.

  5. lol isnt it so simple? in RL virus can not travel through the air, therefore in teching a virus can also not travel through the air...

    its not there fault, they like Nintendo isnt it simple that these kinda thiughts are in there head? here like 30yo men playing games built for children.

    sorry for the Wii bashing im not completly being honest :P

  6. ok I still stand by my first post however if he does know everything about telnet as he claims then my suggestion was correct.

    hehe yea i know, thats y my original post b4 edit was:

    I understand everything about telnet


  7. A few more findings:

    4. Changing the device options in control panel from the default "Optimize for removal" to "Optimize for performance".

    in this case always use safty remove, otherwise corruption will occur.

    But yea this happens on all machiens, even with plan HDD's try copying 1000 files (ie counter-strike: Source) from one HDD to another, then zip it and move it back, theres about a 5min difference.

  8. he never said anything about a telnet server he said server on port 80 what would most likely be a web server...

    LOL WUT?

    Thread summary:

    1. n00b_nugget tell us that he's used the TELNET CLIENT to connect to a SERVER on port 80. He's getting some weird output.

    2. I tell him it's probably not a Telnet server that he's connecting to.

    3. Deveant elaborates, explains setting up a TELNET SERVER.

    4. You misunderstand Deveant and think he's talking about setting up a TELNET CLIENT.

    5. I correct you.

    6. You think I'm talking about the first post, when I'm actually talking about Deveants contribution.

    agreed, n00b_nugget mentioned that

    maybe I have to set up the Telnet server I am not sure

    therefore i say that if u want to connect telnet needs to be running on the server side, i thought it would be kinda plan that i was talking about a service not a client.

  9. I understand everything about telnet


    -edit- might as well make this post somethink.

    First if ur trying to connect to some one they need to have telnet running, MS XP by default doesnt, MS XP SP2, make it even harder for u to turn it on.

    To start Telnet on default port open up CMD and type:

    For XP < SP2

    net start telnet

    For XP SP2

    sc config tlntsvr start= auto
    net start telnet

    with this to connect to it all u need to do is in CMD type:

    telnet xx.xx.xx.xx

    you will then be prompt for user and pass.

    Also just a note if u want security use SSH not telnet.

  10. hmm sorry moonit but i cant fully agree, Dell's laptops in the past have been absolutly bad, but they have fixed them up a lot, though still there batteries die way to easly and the customer support = bad (for Aus) though the battiers can be replaced with no genuine which fixs all

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