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Posts posted by Deveant

  1. Sorry bout going of topic, but this part realy bothered me:

    I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine

    Doesnt he have all right to an opinion, and to voice that opinion? such as any one does?

    Dude this is the interweb its like its own country a country of freedom freedom to create, create crap, the freedom to flame, and flame crap.

    One day I will rule the interweb rule you all with and iron fist and I will do the flaming and destoy any one that would flame me.

    :shock: are u having a go at me? all i was doing was backing up metatron

  2. aye, but i was thinking on the line of, if i start a porn site, can i post every time i add a new model, to see if u guys apporve?


    just wanted to note, im not actualy against u posting ur links, im just tired, and a little high (V, Coffee, And weatbix)and cant use MSN here.

  3. hmm uber_tom, is there any point in learning HTML over XHTML these days? the difference really isnt that much, just one allows for a lot more customosability (not a word).

    And i just had a thought, because of your age, learning Flash ActionScript may be more fun, though sadly to do this u need a copy of Macromedia Flash (preferably 8).

    So i would have to say whats already been said about learning, Batch, Web Basics (XHTML, MYSQL, PHP), mabye even java (though for web it seems to be on the way out [kinda])


    Sorry bout going of topic, but this part realy bothered me:

    I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine

    Doesnt he have all right to an opinion, and to voice that opinion? such as any one does?

  4. those led don't generate that much heat do they?...and if you've gone to the trouble and expense to mod a case you should have something nice under the hood. things like water cooled with neon antifreeze. in clear tube with black lights in case.

    true though i use cathodes than LEDs, bigger light, more life, higher temps.

    and ive never seen a neon antifreeze *heads to google*.

  5. I was about to say the P180 but about everyone bet me to it :D .

    No I don't think gaming cases need windows.

    Maybe you could offer a custom computer service. Another way to do it is to give people a choice of cases they want their rig in. Personally I would go for the cheaper case (without windows and LEDs) and get better hardware.

    hmm true, if i could spend less then i defently would, but for most gamers, Airflow is important, for downloaders its even more. And when u spend money, they normaly give u a window, and with a window its pointless unless u can see into it, there LIGHTS!!! :P

    Which them creates more heat <_<

  6. And with training young grasshopper you too will soon be 1337 like me!

    =1 post count ;)

    1337? bah!, silly ninja.

    You're just mad because you know all you'll ever be is a trained noob and never uber pro like me! ;)

    +2 post count

    *sigh* tis true, tis true, it is in mans nature to bow down to Someone else.

  7. this has been brought up many of times, and quite simply its low on the Admins list of to-do's. They plan to look into it more once the forums have had a total make-over (i think they were talking about going to another system at one stage)

  8. Web authentication security against phishing, there used like certs (as in whats used for ssh) though can only come from one server, there used in a way so that if u goto a pharmed site, and try to sign in though u already have the locked cookie, it will stop u.

  9. That pink ranger is hawt.

    Which one; Kimberly or Kat?


    You wouldn't prefer Trini/Aisha?

    Rita Repul... never mind.

    umm moonlit, u scare me... u remember all of there names? for all different series?


    also i find neither Pink or yellow hot :S could just be the old skool'ness to the pic though. Oh the good ol'days when were overalls were fanshanable

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